William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 12-30-16

Oil spread on water can stop small waves. Benjamin Franklin knew this. His walking stick had a special compartment in which he would keep cooking oil. He would wave it over ponds in Philadelphia, calm the waters and mess with people’s heads.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 12-30-16

Pennsylvania Gas Tax Hike Kicks In Jan. 1

Pennsylvania Gas Tax Hike Kicks In Jan. 1 — Pennsylvania’s gasoline tax rises 8 cents, Jan. 1. It’s  a consequence of the the 2013 bill that doomed Gov. Corbett because the state legislature couldn’t find money via increased efficiencies to fund infrastructure improvements — a feat easily accomplished by even a blind squirrel assuming the squirrel had a spine.

So Pennsylvanians, fill up today or tomorrow to save some dollars and don’t be surprised if you find yourself scheduling more shopping trips to sales-tax free Delaware for replenishing the tank. Pennsylvania Gas Tax Hike Kicks In Jan. 1

Pennsylvania Gas Tax Hike Kicks In Jan. 1 so fill up now