Corman Question Answered For President

Corman Question Answered For President— Yesterday, June 14, President Trump released this on his Telegram channel:

Why is State Senator Jake Corman of Pennsylvania fighting so hard that there not be a Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam? Corman is fighting as though he were a Radical Left Democrat, saying that a Forensic Audit of Pennsylvania not take place. Why is Senator David Argall playing the same game? Are they stupid, corrupt, or naive? What is going on? Other State Senators want this Forensic Audit to take place—immediately. I feel certain that if Corman continues along this path of resistance, with its lack of transparency, he will be primaried and lose by big numbers. What went on in Philadelphia and other areas of the State must be properly and legally exposed. If it is not, just like with open Borders, we won’t have a Country anymore!

Corman Question Answered For President
Sen Jake Corman Q answered

Mr. President, you can find your answer to your question concerning Sen. Corman here.

And here.

And here.

And here.

And probably elsewhere as well.

Republican is not synonymous with good.

Corman Question Answered For President

Drunkards know no danger William Lawrence Sr Cyrptowit 6-15-21

Drunkards know no danger William Lawrence Sr Cyrptowit 6-15-21


Mx mw xli qevo sj er ihygexih qmrh xs fi efpi xs irxivxemr e xlsyklx amxlsyx eggitxmrk mx.

Drunkards know no danger William Lawrence Sr Cyrptowit 6-15-21Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Drunkards know no danger.
Ukrainian Folk Saying 

Drunkards know no danger William Lawrence Sr Cyrptowit 6-15-21