Christmas is the spirit of giving William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-25-22

Christmas is the spirit of giving William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-25-22

Iru xqwr xv d Fklog lv eruq,
Xqwr xv d Vrq lv jlyhq;
Dqg wkh jryhuqphqw zloo eh xsrq Klv vkrxoghu.
Dqg Klv qdph zloo eh fdoohg
Zrqghuixo, Frxqvhoru, Pljkwb Jrg,
Hyhuodvwlqj Idwkhu, Sulqfh ri Shdfh.
7 Ri wkh lqfuhdvh ri Klv jryhuqphqw dqg shdfh
Wkhuh zloo eh qr hqg,

Christmas is the spirit of giving William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-25-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Christmas is the spirit of giving, without a thought of getting.
Thomas Monson

Christmas is the spirit of giving William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-25-22