GOP Loses By Ignoring Activists

GOP Loses By Ignoring Activists

By Susan Jane Goldner

Annie Wu Henry who ultimately won it for Fetterman last month was recently written up in the New York Times and praised by the Biden Administration.  She is a 26-year-old social media guru from York, Pa., who was given free rein to operate effectively for Fetterman campaign via social media, networking, strategizing and covering events, and communications.

I met Annie in October at a MontCo rally while doing recon for Dr. Oz.  None of Oz’ paid staffers were there.  She reminded me of myself –except for being on the other side — nine years ago when I passionately joined the Montgomery County fake Republican Committee which is now squashed and useless thanks to authoritarian non-leadership, lack of conservatives, and failure by design.  

Instead of allowing me to do what I do best: networking, strategizing, effectively covering events, outreach and messaging, which I have done for over a decade now for all the right causes, the backstabbing local GOPe –Liz H. and her cronies — silenced me by removal, disparagement, slander and intimidation bc they hold the “power”.

What power?  Where does the power come from*?  Where has it gotten them?  They’ve allowed for Pennsylvania to turn completely blue and have no real victories to show for their pitiful self-serving selves, especially here in the Southeast.  While Annie and the radical democrat socialists are laughing all the way to the WH.

*Answer: the Elite whereas Annie’s messaging largely on social media outlets was successful in a non-threatening way to Bring Power Back to the People.

Ms. Goldner was removed in 2018 from her post as Lower Gwynedd committeewoman — an elected, unpaid, position — after expressing views on Facebook about which party leaders disapproved.

GOP Loses By Ignoring Activists
GOP Loses By Ignoring Activists

Send out your bread William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-19-22

Send out your bread William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-19-22

It f qnyyqj bjqq fsi dtz it rzhm.
Otms Vznll

Send out your bread William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-19-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Send out your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will get it back.
Ecclesiastes 11:1

Send out your bread William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-19-22