Sanctuary Claims Continue Despite Delco Denial

Sanctuary Claims Continue Despite Delco Denial — Executive Director Barbara O’Malley told County Council, last night, Oct. 16, that allegations that Delaware County, Pa. was a sanctuary for illegals were objectively false.

The allegations stem from at least 2016 and are based on claims that the county declined detainers for illegals sought by ICE.

Mrs. O’Malley said a thorough investigation was made with Delco’s George W. Hill Prison and with ICE . The county was in perfect compliance with ICE, she said.

The public forum, however, brought forth persuasive rebuttals.

Marple residents Charlie Alexander and Gary Ryder said that mattresses suspected to be used by illegals are most definitely on the floors of the former Don Guanella building at the county’s Delco Woods park. Ryder said Marple Police specifically told him they are ordered to stand down and free the suspects when they discover the lawbreakers are illegals.

And Sharon Devaney of Ardmore again pointed out the 2017 accident that left her crippled and nearly killed her daughter. No charges were filed against the driver of the striking car — despite her breaking several laws — solely because she was an illegal.

Sharon also said that since she has begun speaking out at council meetings, her bank account has been hacked and looted; her car payments have been tampered; and she received a notice from a debt service that she had died.

Defending Council were two women, one of whom said that illegals couldn’t be staying in the Don Guanella buildings because they would be reported if they were.

We suspect she was missing certain implications in the discussion.

More stories from last night are coming, including a public statement about voting machines by congressional candidate Alfe Goodwin.

Sanctuary Claims Continue Despite Delco Denial

Sanctuary Claims Continue Despite Delco Denial

Delco Hires Extremist Democrat To Run PR

Delco Hires Extremist Democrat To Run PR — Adrienne Marofsky’s resignation as Delaware County’s (Pa.) public relations director was announced at last night’s, Sept. 18, council meeting along with the hiring of her replacement, Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy of Philadelphia.

Ms. Marofsky had held the post since 2018 and had a a reputation of fairness and non-partisan service.

Larry Ceisler, who heads the company, is a prominent partisan operative and noted activist for the extremist Democrat agenda.

Ms. Marofsky will head communicatins at Delaware County’s Intermediate Unit.

Taxpayers will give Ceisler’s company $10,000 per month for six months to spin things for Delco.

Delco Hires Extremist Democrat To Run PR

Delco Hires Extremist Democrat To Run PR

Alfe Goodwin Townhall Highlights Pennsylvania Educational Crisis

Alfe Goodwin Townhall Highlights Pennsylvania Educational Crisis — Alfe Goodwin, the sane, working class candidate, for Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District has a Town Hall, 6 p.m., Sept. 23 at the Media VFW, 11 Hilltop Road, Media, Pa. 19063.

Speakers are Sharon Devaney, a mom and children’s book author, who will describe her personal experiences with public schools in Delaware County; NeDerah Griffin, a former Philadelphia Public School Educator and mental health specialist; and Joy Schwartz, a retired public school teacher in Delaware County.

Alfe is the candidate who is a veteran and retired Philadelphia cop. She’s the one who is not married to the guy who heads one of the most powerful law firms in the country and makes unsanitary hoagies during political pandering.

You can find out more about her at or on Instagram and Facebook @alfegoodwin.

Ruth Moton and Tiffany Vann from Del Vann Inspired Media will broadcast the event live.

Ms. Devaney spoke at the Sept. 4 Delaware County Council meeting and gave a passionate and timely warning about the dangers of unassimilated immigrants, illegal or otherwise, and the tragic suffering she experienced at their hands.

See the video below.

The misery being inflicted on America is entirely the fault of the globalist — like Alfe’s opponent — who are now running things.

Alfe Goodwin Townhall Highlights Pennsylvania Educational Crisis

Alfe Goodwin Townhall Highlights Pennsylvania Educational Crisis

Delco Legal Spending Out of Control

Delco Legal Spending Out of Control — Delaware County (Pa.) Council, last night, Sept. 4, was taken to task for profligerate spending in matters legal.

Cynthia Sabatoni (phonetic) of Upper Providence said spending on outside legal fees grew from $402,000 in 2019 to $4.5 million this year. Further she noted that the solictior’s budget of $3.9 million is more than twice what it was in 2020.

“The county is enhancing the hiring of lawyers in the region,” she said.

Prison Issues

Kimberly Brown of Colwyn took issue with praise Council bestowed on Laura Williams, who is warden of the county’s George HIll Prison. Ms. Brown, a caseworker at the facility, says it was undeserved.

She later took issue with how the prison’s non-security staff doesn’t get the same holidays as other employees. Ms. Brown says the policy makes little sense because case managers can only work when courts are in session and courts are closed on those holidays.

She ripped Councilman Kevin M. Madden, who is council’s liaison to the prison.

“Madden you praise the prison; praise and praise but you don’t do nothing,” she said.

She said the prison is hemmoraging workers.

Facebook Censoring

Kathy from Haverford said County Council is putting misinformation on its Facebook page and preventing citizens from correcting it.

She noted that the ERIC voter registration system, used by Delco, fails at keeping the rolls clean, and the county fights public record requests.

She, too, ripped Madden regarding prison issues, which in her case were a plethora of lawsuits.

Kathy also wished wished to know how much Madden’s firm has invested in the Bluecrest sorters used in Delco’s elections.

Oaths And Sheriffs

Carris Kocher of Glen Mills said that the only oath taken by election workers is to do what the Board of Elections tells them and not uphold the Constitution.

The wording must be returned to how it onece was, she says.

She also says Delco is using the radical Partners for Justice orgnization as part of its public defenders program, and that county sheriffs have lost their ability to make arrests.

Councilman Richard R. Womack questioned her regarding the claim and said he would look into it.

Bruce of Glen Mills, part of a contingent of Quakers in attendance, praised Council for how they handle elections and said his religion doesn’t use oaths but affirmations.

He said the public should refrain from abusive comments.

Election Machine Ransomware

Barb Lewis of Radnor noted that the FBI had issued a warning about ransomware attacks on election machines and that other agencies noted malicious code cold be installed on the machines.

She called for a return to handcounting and paper ballots.

Parking Lot

Michael Straw of Media said the new county parking lot on Orange Street is unused after work hours. He noted that it would provide an excellent revenue sharing opportunity with Media Borough.

Councilwoman Elaine Paul Schaefer expressed agreement.

Delco Legal Spending Out of Control

Citizens Find ‘Unlocatable’ Man In Eminent Domain Matter

Citizens Find ‘Unlocatable’ Man In Eminent Domain Matter — Delaware County (Pa.) Council, last night, Sept. 4, unaimously passed the second reading of an ordinance expressing the intent to take via eminent domain a 200-square-foot parcel of land in Aston Township for the extension of the Chester Creek Trail.

The Council said the owner was unlocatable.

During public comment, Charlie Alexander of Marple said the owner was Robert Sutherland, 86, and that he found him on Facebook.

A woman said taxes are up-to-date and she couldn’t understand why Council couldn’t find him. She said the Aston Commissioners have been in contact with him.

Council responded by saying the ordinance was just part of the process and asked the citizens for the contact information.

It seems the process is predicated on laziness.

Citizens Find 'Unlocatable' Man In Eminent Domain Matter

Citizens Find ‘Unlocatable’ Man In Eminent Domain Matter

Predicted Threat Of Illegals Coming True

Predicted Threat Of Illegals Coming True — Sharon Devaney of Ardmore, last night, Sept. 4, passionately told Delaware County (Pa.) Council that the concerns regrding illegals she has been expressing are coming true.

“I warned everyone this would happen 10 years ago,” she said.

She noted that despite council’s frequent denials, Delco is a sancutary county.

She described what happened to her apartment complex in Havertown as unassimilated immigrants moved in. It went from clean and pristine to dirty and scary, she said. Filth piled up and trash filled nearby Darby Creek. Children were left unattended and in danger.

Two male immigrants warned her to wear a hijab out of respect, and implied she should get rid of her dog as they don’t like animals.

Ms. Devaney was seriously injured in an accident in 2017 on Lawrence Road in Haverford Township. No charges were ever brought againt the illegal driving the strking car and she remains in the county today.

Concerns about illegals were raised by others.

Charlie Alexander of Marple read from the Declaration of Independence and said the county’s future and security are in jeopardy. He said drifters are breaking into and living in the former Don Guanella buildings on the county’s Delco Woods property.

Gary Ryder of Marple mentioned the armed Venezuelan illegals who took over an apartment complex in Aurora, Co. He demanded that the county begin complying with ICE and hence stop being a sanctuary.

Chris McGuckin (phonetic) a contractor from Newtown Square said that even the immigrants with whom he works want to know what is happening.

“I don’t want to worry about Venezuelan gangs in Delaware County,” he said.

Mia de John (phonetic) of Springfield said the county and media — namely The Philadelphia Inquirer — are blantantly gaslighting the public.

Council initially accused those expressing concerns as being conspiraccy theorists but are now calling them racists, she said.

She cited Councilman Kevin M. Madden and Councilwoman Christine A. Reuther as being especially guilty of the smearing.

Ms. de John also ridiculed the claims that illegals won’t vote in the November election.

“Why should we assume they can’t vote illegally if they are here illegally?” she said.

Tevin Dix of Drexel Hill noted the aggressiveness of the Venezulean gangs also citing how they instigated violence in Chicago.

“God forbid they come here and start hurting people,” he said.

Dix also rejected the council’s claims that Delco’s elections are secure.

“Our elections are not safe,” he said. “This is not conspiracy theory. This is truth.”

He demanded that county director of elections Jim Allen be arrested.

Councilwoman Elaine Paul Schaefer defended the “immigrant communty” when time came for her remarks. She ignored shouts from the crowd to include “legal” in the immigrants she was choosing to defend.

Maybe Elaine thinks she would look good in a hijab.

Predicted Threat Of Illegals Coming True
Delco Councilwoman Elaine Schaefer if she doesn’t find the courage to defend the values she claims to have.

Predicted Threat Of Illegals Coming True

Delco Has 12k Ineligible Voters

Delco Has 12k Ineligible Voters— Delaware County (Pa) Councilwoman Christine Reuther issued a challenge at the Aug. 7 meeting to show that county’s voting rolls were dirty.

John Proctor Child created a 300-page report showing that there are 12,000 ineligible voters on Delco’s rolls and Leah Hoopes posted the cover letter to the county, yesterday, on X.

Here it is:

Delco Has 12k Ineligible Voters On Rolls

In other news, Roger Alejandro Piñate Martinez, 49, a Venezuelan citizen and resident of Boca Raton, Fla., is among those charged with bribery and money laundering concerning elections in the Philippines.

Martinez and his co-conspirators funneled around $1 million in bribes to Juan Andres Donato Bautista, 60, the former Chairman of the Filipino Commission of Elections.

Martinez is a co-founder and executive of Smartmatic, which makes voting machines including the ones used to elect Hugo Chavez and Joe Biden.

Delco Has 12k Ineligible Voters

Tevin Calls Out Christine On ‘Misinformation’ Claims

Tevin Calls Out Christine On ‘Misinformation’ Claims — We missed last night’s (July 17) meeting of Delaware County (Pa) Council, but Tevin Dix tells us he called out Councilwoman Christine A. Reuther concerning an email conversation he had with her.

Christine told Tevin that Charlie Alexander and Leah Hoopes had “no facts” regarding their concerns, respectively, about the county facilitating illegal immigration and rigging elections.

Charlie has posted his share of videos regarding suspicious behavior concerning foreigners who appear to be in violation of immigration laws.

And why did Springfield call a special meeting in June to pass an ordinance bathing in parks?

Hey Christine, have you looked at the scars on Sharon Devaney’s knees yet?

Leah, of course, recently won a court case concerning voting irregularities in Delco.

And why did District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer publicly claim that he dismissed a criminal complaint by Leah, Greg Stenstrom and Ruth Moton because the evidence they presented was three doctored internet videos, when the truth was it was 37 raw videos from a whistleblower?

The reason for the suspicion is entirely your fault, Christine.

Tevin Calls Out Christine On 'Misinformation' Claims

Delco Fire Training Project Tabled

Delco Fire Training Project Tabled — County GOP Finance Director Dave Galluch of Newtown defended a proposed interior fire training building before Delaware County (Pa) Council, July 3.

The structure at the training center 1600 Calcon Hook Road in Sharon Hill was expected to be passed as a consent item but removed after objections from Councilwoman Christine A. Reuther.

The 23-acre site is owned by the county but leased to the Delaware County Board of Fire and Life Safety.

The building would cost $5.5 million with $2.05 million coming from the state and the rest evenly divided between the county and the tenant.

It was a rare instance of Ms. Reuther objecting to spending. Was the project too macho?

Christine Reuther And Speech

Ms. Reuther made herself a target of citizens ire when she objected to Charles Alexander of Marple facing the audience during the first round of public comments.

“Can I raise a point of order, just about public comment” she said. “. . . Is public comment really meant to be comment to council . . . or is it sort of, you know, open mic night at our local bar?”

John DeMassy (phonetic) of Drexel Hill spanked her a few speakers later when he pointed out that Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Law obligates Council to allow speakers to comment to Council and/or the people, and face whatever why the speaker wishes.

Michael Straw of Media also ripped Ms. Reuther. He defended the First Amendment and blasted her for objecting to speech. He also noted that Council has blocked comments on its Facebook page ostensibly to stop “misinformation.”

The only antidote for lies is truth. “Misinformation” doesn’t disappear because it isn’t posted on a particular forum. It just hides in the woodwork like termite causing destruction in secret. When the “misinformation” is seen, though, perhaps on an official site, it can be countered and defeated.

Wonder why Council doesn’t get that.

Of course calling truth “misinformation” is worst kind of misinformation. Maybe that’s what they fear.

Ms. Reuther was later taken to task by a Springfield woman for being “smug”. She also bizarrely said illegals bathing in Darby Creek were not a county concern but a local matter. We could almost swear she was laughing when she this.

Other Matters

Kimberly Brown of Colwyn demanded an audit of George W. Hill Correctional Facility where she works. She said pay discrepancies are demoralizing the staff. Competency and effort are not rewarded, she said.

Executive Director Barbara O’Malley said bridge work on New Road in Aston and Manchester Road in Middletown will be completed by year’s end.

Delco Council Slammed For Fiscal Irresponsibility

Delco Council Slammed For Fiscal Irresponsibility — Delaware County (Pa) Council, July 3, again faced accusations of fiscal irresponsibility.

Moody’s has lowered the county’s bond rating due to its deficit spending and property owners can expect a tax hike of between 19 and 30 percent next year.

Charles Alexander of Marple brought up the numerous — and unnecessary — lawsuits in which the county has found itself and accused them of allowing this situation just to throw funnel money to Ballard Spahr.

Ballard Spahr is the Philadelphia law firm chaired by Mark Stewart who is the husband of Delco’s congresswoman, Mary Gay Scanlon (D-5).

Alexander said the suits are sapping the county dry.

Michael Straw of Media asked why Council is approving a $79,100 contract with Bonnie Hartley of InSync Services for leadership training when those tapped for it should have already had the skills when hired. He also wanted to know why the county is paying for yoga classes for its Health Department, which, by the way, has a $19 million budget and didn’t exist five years ago.

Kathy from Haverford said the county sheriff never shows up for work. She wanted to know why his salary is almost six-figures.

John DeMassy (phonetic) of Drexel Hill gave a bleak assessment of Council’s competence in money management.

“The more you pile on debt, the worse it’s going to get,” he said. “Raising taxes isnt’ going to fix the credit rating.”

The only solution is to control spending, he said.

Delco Council Slammed For Fiscal Irresponsibility

Delco Council Slammed For Fiscal Irresponsibility