Former Phillie Gets Jail For Tax Violation

Former Phillie Jerry Koosman didn’t pay income taxes in 2002, 2003 and 2004 and, despite paying restitution, will serve a six-month jail sentence.

Timothy Geithner failed to pay self-employment taxes in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004, and was named Secretary of the Treasury by Barack Obama.

Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY15) — among other things – failed to report $75,000 on income from a rental property he owns in the Dominican Republic and gets to chair the House Ways and Means Committee.

When one votes for a Democrat, one is a sheep voting for a wolf.

Former Phillie Gets Jail For Tax Violation


Rodney King To Fight Ex-Cop In Delaware County, Pa.

Rodney King whose rough-handling during arrest was captured on videotape leading to a trial of the officers, their initial acquittal and the L.A. Riot of 1991 will be boxing a yet-to-be identified ex-policemen, Sept. 12, at Celebrity Boxing Federation event at the Maple Zone Sports & Fitness Center in Bethel Township, Pa., in Suburban Philadelphia.

King, 43, who boxed as a youth, has been training in San Bernadino, Ca.

He may be best known for his plea “Can we all get along?” made at the height of the riots.


Rodney King To Fight Ex-Cop In Delaware County, Pa.