New York Times Reporters New Blondes

New York Times Reporters New Blondes — Due to the tendency The New York Times has developed in making extraordinarily boneheaded mistakes its reporting, author Andrew Klavan has suggested replacing demeaning blonde jokes with enlightening New York Times reporter jokes:

Here are our contributions:

A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and stops to entertain at a
bar in a small town. He’s going through his usual run of silly New York
Times reporter jokes when a big woman in the fourth row stands on her
chair and says,

“OK jerk, I’ve heard just about enough of your
denigrating New York Times reporter jokes. What makes you think you can
stereotype New York Times reporters that way? What does a person’s job
description have to do with their worth as a human being? It’s guys like
you who keep New York Times reporters like me from being respected at
work and in my community, of reaching my full potential as a person…
because you and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against
not only New York Times reporters but all reporters at large… all in
the name of humor.”

Flustered, the ventriloquist begins to
apologize, when the New York Times reporter pipes up, “You stay out of
this mister, I’m talking to that little f%@#*er on your knee!


A New York Times reporter enters a bar and is soon joined by another.
They each order a beer clink the mugs and shout SIX FREAKING WEEKS!

third soon arrives. More beer is ordered. The toast is repeated: SIX
FREAKING WEEKS!! Finally a fourth and fifth arrive they get a table. The
order pitchers. They toast continually shouting SIX FREAKING WEEKS!!

Finally the bartender comes over and says “You people seem to be celebrating something. Do you mind if I ask what it is?”

lead New York Times reporter says “Not at all buddy. You know how
people are always saying that New York Times reporters are dumb as
bricks? Well, me and my friends got one of those jigsaw puzzles that
said four to six years and we finished it in SIX FREAKING WEEKS!!!”

New York Times Reporters New Blondes

Thank You, Daily Times

Thank you to Phil Heron and The Delaware County Daily Times for running my Road from Serfdom column, actually an improved version, from a few days ago.

It can be found at:

The version that appeared in print:

Feudal serfs gave the fruits of their labor and all of their freedom to a small group who lived very well.

Some want 21st Century America to be like that.

Tax money is providing public employees multi-million tax-funded salaries. Really. Former UConn coach Jim Calhoun was making $5 million before retired and information on the web shows at least three unnamed others int that state making at least $3 million on the backs of its  citizens as of 2010.  In Pennsylvania, there were about 5,000 state workers making six-figure salaries in 2011 according the Pottstown Mercury. Note, that does not include benefits and that would not include employees of school districts such as principals and administrators and the administrator’s various assistants.

In feudalism, the serfs were told they got protection for their contributions to the lifestyles of the then rich and famous. Similar promises are  being made today.

Give up your guns and we will keep you safe, the new feudalists claim. Sure, as  in Mexico where a gun battle on Sunday in Reynosa just across the border from McAllen, Texas reportedly left dozens of gangsters — a few innocent bystanders — dead. Mexico has very strict gun control, of course.

Give up your doctor and we will keep you healthy, they claim. Just as in Great Britain where that nation’s press has been reporting that its National Health Service is responsible for 40,000 preventable deaths a year.

Expect to be soon told that you can trust the doctor that you are assigned because there is no such thing as a bad doctor. It’s what they’ve been telling us about teachers after all to keep us from worrying our little heads about crazy ideas like school choice and cyber-charter schools.

We have to stop listening to these people.

We don’t need those who travel in luxury SUVs, and chartered jets, as Leonardo DiCaprio did to catch different New Year’s Day fireworks shows in Australia and Los Angeles, and live in 20-room mansions with $30,000 utility bills  as per Al Gore to “protect” us from global warming.

We don’t need defenders of quotas and affirmative action to defend us from racism. Government is the cause of racism. It’s a way of dividing and conquering. Rosa Parks was not protesting the policy of a private bus company but a city law.  Out of one side of its mouth, feudalists tells some they need them to give them things to rectify “injustice” while out of the other it tells some they need it to build more prisons and put more people in them so they can keep their streets safe.

Feudalists want those who would otherwise be united against them at each others’ throats.

So what is the road away from serfdom?

— Start with demanding massive cuts in legislative salaries. Why should the chairman of Pennsylvania’s House Appropriations Committee make $90,000 not including benefits? In fact, let’s max all governmental compensation packages — including those at state universities — to $99,000. Yes, that would include benefits.

Replace most pensions with 401K type plans and for those where pensions make sense, such as police, limit them to the starting salary of the job description. Why should the taxpayer be on the hook for a pension that is two or three times that of Social Security? It should be noted that the starting salary for just about all state job descriptions is significantly higher than what those on Social Security get, and it is kind of nice to able to retire at 45.

If an institution wants to pay its people more than $99,000 — that’s you Penn State — don’t give them any tax subsidy.

— Fight all gun control aimed at sane people who are not actively under a criminal sentence.

— Recognize that the power to choose (and fire) one’s health care provider is paramount in health care and fight to end Obamacare.

—  Recognize that the power to choose (and fire) one’s child’s teacher is paramount in education. Demand that the money that now goes to public schools be given directly to parents in the form of vouchers.

— End  automatic payroll deductions for union dues for all workers, government and private. Give the power of the purse to the union rank and file to reign in the lifestyles of labor leaders.

— Let employers hire who they want to hire. So what if some are sexist/racist/homophobic. Most aren’t. It will soon be evident to those now unaware that it is bad business to reject people for stupid, arbitrary reasons. It will also become evident that being a “protected category” was not beneficial for getting a job or being promoted as those now “protected” start finding themselves with better prospects. Ask this: why would anybody want to hire someone who they have to jump through hoops to get rid of?

And remember these are just starting points.


Thank You, Daily Times

Obama Cavalry Attacking Woodward

Obama Cavalry Attacking Woodward — Bob Woodward, whose liberal bona fides are such that Hollywood once cast Robert Redford as him, has written a series of articles pointing out that the sequester deal causing so much angst among the government is my god crowd was:

1. Actually President Obama’s idea

2. Never called for tax increases

3. And President Obama is the one who gets to choose what to cut such law enforcement, border security, defense etc.

Now Woodward has revealed that an Obama staffer has called him regarding the stories screaming and making Nixonian threats.

Well, we can’t have Woodward off the reservation now can we? Obama has called out his cavalry i.e. the D.C. media establishment to round him up and bring him back in. is keeping a running account of the effort.

Obama Cavalry Attacking Woodward

Obama Cavalry Attacking Woodward

Less Newspaper Advertising Say Marketing Pros

Less Newspaper Advertising Say Marketing Pros — A third of marketing professionals except to focus even more away from newspapers reports

The information comes from a poll by Inavero for the staffing firm Aquent and the American Marketing Association.

Meanwhile, over 70 percent of them expect to increase their focus on mobile media, social media, marketing automation and social networking sites.

Oh, and 63 percent expect to look harder at blogs.

The tree-killers, however, can still expect to count on $70 million in subsidies from the State of Pennsylvania, which to some degree accounts for their willingness to be big government lapdogs.


Less Newspaper Advertising Say Marketing Pros

Less Newspaper Advertising Say Marketing Pros

AP Uses False Headline Regarding Sen. Paul

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) appeared on Fox News Sunday, yesterday, Feb. 17, and said I think people want a little different phase on immigration frankly. They don’t want  somebody who wants to round people up, put them in camps and send them back to Mexico. AP Uses False Headline Regarding Sen. Paul

Associated Press transcribes interviews from newsmakers on the Sunday shows. Concerning Paul’s interview they left out the word “don’t” from his quote and sent it out with a headline “Sen. Paul: Voters Want To Round Up Immigrants”.

Sorta changes the meaning — and impression — don’t it. It appears AP’s reporters don’t listen to the actual words when they have a stereotype in mind.  More damningly, the editors who write headlines don’t bother to consider the ease at which mistakes can be made in transcribing when the opportunity presents itself to further such stereotypes.

AP did send out a correction to its credit.

AP Uses False Headline Regarding Sen. Paul

Hat tip

Al Jazeera Hired Palin Said WaPo LOL

The Washington Post was once the most respected newspaper in the world. It’s ombudsman, Patrick Pexton, just apologized for a story it ran claiming that Sarah Palin was hired by Al Jazeera America.

Reporter Suzi Parker read the claim on the satirical website “The Daily Current” without realizing it was a joke. It went past her editor Melinda Henneberger as well.

Pexton will be leaving the paper March 1 and there are no indications that he will be replaced. Miss Parker and Miss Henneberger, however, appear to be remaining.

Hat tip

BTW, the Post, which is a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, hence a voice of the “little guy”, “working man” etc. has just laid off several dozen people on the business end. What hypocritical greed. Why couldn’t its filthy rich Democrat owners take a cut in pay to save these jobs, hmmm?

In other news, the Post is looking to sell its iconic downtown office building.

Why not just close the whole thing? When it reports as fact things that were written to be unbelievable, and laughable, fiction, then there is not much point to its existence as a reliable conveyor of information.

Al Jazeera Hired Palin Said WaPo LOL

Al Jazeera Hired Palin Said WaPo LOL


Newspaper Guild Buyout Package

Philadelphia Inquirer gossip columnist Dan Gross resigned, Jan. 16, as head of the Newspaper Guild of Greater Philadelphia to take a  buyout package.

“My decision was not based on fear but on opportunity,” he said.

Perhaps he has gotten an offer to captain an Italian cruise ship.

Interstate General Media L.L.C., the parent company of the Inky, Daily News and,  has told the 550 members of the Guild. whose rank and file includes newsroom and advertising employees. that it wants to cut $8 million in wages and benefits from their contract which expires in October.

Those greedy capitalistic war pigs. Look for the union label! Strike brothers!

And welcome to Obamaworld where your pay is less and your costs are more.


Newspaper Guild Buyout Package

Consequences For Breaking Promises

Myron S points out that immediately after our congressmen and senators took an oath this year to support and defend the Constitution many of them sought to undermine it by infringing on the people’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

He wonders why that shouldn’t be enough to immediately disqualify them from office.

It’s certainly worth wondering about.

Meanwhile, New York Times columnist Louis Micahael Seidman wrote an article titled “Let’s Give Up On The Constitution.”

Our obsession with the Constitution has saddled us with a dysfunctional political system, kept us from debating the merits of divisive issues and inflamed our public discourse. Instead of arguing about what is to be done, we argue about what James Madison might have wanted done 225 years ago. he said.

What an offensive and horrible thing to write. Seidman should be arrested for  that. He should be subjected to summary justice and hanged from a tree for  that.

Golly gee, what could ever protect him from such a fate?

Thoughtless and stupid people have taken over the major old media outlets. The bright side is that those outlets will soon be dead — and all without having to violate the Constitution.

Journalist Criticizes Journalist

In November, child actor Angus Jones—one of the stars of the hit sitcom Two and a Half men—publicly criticized the show that has made him a multi-millionaire. In effect, he condemned the vulgar tone of the program.

Anyone who has seen this program knows that the kid is only confirming what they already have seen and heard themselves. The plots are about sex, the characters are sex-driven, and the dialogue is not so much sexual innuendo as it is crude and openly sexual remarks that one could hear in any junior high school yard. Yes, 13-year-olds laugh like hell at this stuff.

But the success of this long-running sitcom is testament to the depths to which our culture now stoops when looking for 22 minutes-worth of mindless entertainment. I confess that I watched this program the first two years of its existence, but soon grew tired of the ever-increasing focus on the bedroom and the bathroom—the two rooms about which Two and a Half Men seems to be concerned.

In a December 1, 2012 column in the Philadelphia Inquirer, their television columnist found fault with Angus Jones, saying that he sabotaged his career by this “bizarre” rambling of his. Of course the columnist also noted that the 19-year old is “newly evangelized.”

Well, well…I think we’re finally getting to the meat of the criticism. How critical would the television critic have been if Jones say, spoke out against the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to bear arms, or passed negative judgment on the pro-life movement, or defended atheism as sober way of life? Personally, I think Jones would have been painted as a hero for speaking his young mind.

But the moment you announce that Christianity is the impetus behind your stand, you’ve committed one of the news media’s seven deadly sins: Thou shalt not try to profess your belief in God—at least not if you make your living in the entertainment industry. Morals be damned.

The columnist even went so far as to say that if the young actor was truly appalled at the bawdy nature of the show, shouldn’t he give away his hefty salary to the more needy, since this would be the truly Christian thing to do?

Just as the columnist gives his salary to the needy, I suppose.

(Read more at Good Writers Block)

Journalist Criticizes Journalist

 Journalist Criticizes Journalist

Duranty Winners Announced

Congratulations to Joan Juliet Buck who along with editor Anna Wintour are the winners of this year’s Duranty Prize.

The piece that garnered the prize was the March 2011 cover story in Vogue magazine “Asma al-Assad: A Rose In The Desert” which made chic synonymous with the totalitarian hell of Bashar al-Assad’s Syria.
The prize is named for Walter Duranty who  served as The New York Times Moscow Bureau Chief from 1922 to 1936 and wrote glowing paeans to Joseph Stalin all the while covering up mass murder. His diligent work would garner him in 1932 the coveted Pulitzer Prize, something about which the The Gray Lady was still boasting last time we checked, despite Duranty’s work as having long been definitively exposed as purposeful lies.
Duranty, by the way, was not a communist but a sex and drugs Satanist.
First runner up went to Bob Simon of CBS for his report “Christians of the Holy Land” which aired on 60 Minutes in April and which white-washed acts of persecution by Muslims in the region.
Second runner up went to Andrew Sullivan of Newsweek and the Daily Beast for a variety of stories including some that sought to prove Sarah Palin was not the mother of Trig Palin.
Congrats to all.
Duranty Winners Announced
Duranty Winners Announced