William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-3-16

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-3-16 First City to hit one millionThe first city to have to reached 100,000 population is thought to have been Ur in present day Iraq in 2100 B.C. The first city to hit one million  is Alexandria, Egypt in 100 B.C. albeit there are those who claim it was Rome 100 years later.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 10-3-16 First City to hit one million

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-30-16

Most people -- about 70 percent -- survive a cobra bite. The flip side is that 30 percent don't.Most people — about 70 percent — survive a cobra bite. The flip side is that 30 percent don’t.

Think of it like a bowl of Skittles were three out of every 10 would kill you.

Cobra bite William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-30-16

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-29-16

It was not until 681 A.D. when the Damnatio ad bestias — the practice of sentencing prisoners to be eaten alive by animals in an arena — was banned in Rome.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-29-16 Damnatio ad bestias

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-28-16

The oldest music scores still able to be understood by modern scholars are that of Kassiani, a Byazntine abbess who is considered a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church and who lived between 810 and 865 A.D. HThe oldest music scores still able to be understood by modern scholars are that of Kassiani, a Byazntine abbess who is considered a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church and who lived between 810 and 865 A.D. er Hymn of Kassiani is still song every Holy Wednesday in that tradition.


William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-28-16 oldest music scores


William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-24-16

The great scout Kit Carson married a Cheyenne woman named Making Out Road. The marriage was turbulent and ended when Making Out Road threw Kit’s belongings out her tepee in the traditional fashion of Cheyenne divorce.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-24-16 Making Out Road

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-23-16

Mao Anying was Chairman Mao Tse Tsung's oldest sonMao Anying was Chairman Mao Tse Tsung’s oldest son. He was assigned to a headquarters unit during the Korean War far from the battlefield. While cooking some egg-fried rice, however, a South African aircraft crew saw the smoke. Hence ended a possible Mao dynasty for China.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 9-23-16 Mao Anying