Syrian Christians Excluded As Refugees

Syrian Christians Excluded As Refugees — Hillary Clinton wants a 500 percent increase in refugees from war-torn Syria, while dismissing claims that the existing vetting process needs to be stringently strengthened.

Syrian Christians Excluded As Refugees
Wholly owned by the Arabs.

This column by Syrian-American Tony George — who is very sensitive to the plight of those suffering in that war-torn land — crushes her claims while pointing out those pushing hardest for more Syrians to come here are the Saudis either as fifth columnists or to avoid having to take them.

And who is the candidate that is wholly owned by that oppressive land? Wiklileaks — and other sources — have revealed that Mrs. Clinton has received between $10 million and $25 million Saudi contributions and millions more from other Arabian states such as Kuwait and Oman.

Wikileaks further reveals that while the Arabians were giving money to the Clintons they were funding ISIS.

If you care about safety and security it is a no-brainer to vote against this woman.

By the way, very few of the refugees from Syria are Christian despite being the most endangered segment of that population. That’s another thing that should make anyone not brain-dead go hmmmm.

Syrian Christians Excluded As Refugees