Smart Set Trump Predictions Through The Months

Smart Set Trump Predictions Through The Months — For your continued entertainment here is a video of the best clips by the self-proclaimed “I’m smart” set in all their smug glory which, since Tuesday, has become exponentially more sufferable.


Smart Set Trump Predictions Through The Months

Monumental Thanksgiving Fete

Monumental Thanksgiving Fete — The Delaware County Patriots will be having a Thanksgiving social, 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 14 at the Marple Library, 2599 Sproul Road, Broomall, Pa. 19008.

Monumental Thanksgiving Fete
Preparing for a happy, thankful event.

We suspect it will be a happy one.

Dinner is pot luck and attendees are asked to contribute. It will be followed by a screening of the movie “Monumental”.

Door fee is $5 to cover the cost of the room.

Please RSVP at

Monumental Thanksgiving Fete

Tom Wolf Backed Racist York Dem

Tom Wolf Backed Racist York Dem — The Washington Post is continuing its politics of hate and division againstĀ  President-elect Donald Trump despite owner Jeff Bezos’ desperate offer of the peace pipe.

Yesterday, Nov. 11, the rag carried a story about and ran on its website a video of a teenager shouting “white power” in York, Pa. The kid was in proximity to a Trump sign.

Tom Wolf Backed Racist York Dem
Charlie Robertson’s campaign manager

The story mentioned the 1969 York Race Riot and brought up how York Mayor Charles “Charlie” H. Robertson was charged in 2001, while in office, with the murder of a black women due to actions he committed as a young police officer during the riot. Robertson was acquitted albeit there didn’t seem to be a defense that he was a noble defender of law and justice for all, and in fact, admitted to shouting a racial slur.

Which gets us back to the WaPo propaganda piece. The Post doesn’t mention Robertson’s party which is Democrat. Far more damning, the Post failed to note that his campaign manager and political supporter was Gov. Tom Wolf.

It is not the Trump people who back racists. Wolf, if you don’t know, is a very “progressive” Democrat.

Hat tip Ted Meehan

Tom Wolf Backed Racist York Dem