Delco Higher Tax Burden Than Philly

Delco Higher Tax Burden Than Philly — Delaware County residents have a higher tax burden than those living in Philadelphia according to a study by Pew Charitable Trust.

Pew says that a middle class Delco resident paid 14 percent of his or her income — $8,557 on average — in sales, property and income taxes in 2015.

And that’s assuming one did not work in the city. For commuters, the bite was 19 percent or 11,661.

The 2015 tax burden for middle class Philly residents was 12 percent or an average of $7,704.

This is a huge change from Y2K, when the cost for a middle class Delco non-commuter was about 12 percent of income which averaged about $1,184 less than a Philadelphian. Delco Higher Tax Burden Than Philly

We suspect the main reason for the change is increasing educational expenses in the burbs.

Springfield does not need a $130 million new high school.

Hat tip Dom Giordano.

Delco Higher Tax Burden Than Philly