Halubtsi, Halushki At Holy Myrrh-Bearers

The Slavic delights of halubtsi and halushki are featured in a special sale at Holy Myrrh-Bearers  Eastern Catholic Church in Ridley, along with a Ukrainian platter.

The halubtsi or stuffed cabbage is three for $10. The halushki, which is sautéed cabbage, onions and noodles is $4 a pint and $8 a quart.

The Ukrainian platter consists of stuffed cabbage, three pierogies, halushki, kielbasi, coffee and cake and is $8.

Orders must be made by Nov. 6. Pick up for the halubtsi and halushki is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Nov. 11. Pick up for the platter is 9 a.m. to noon, Sunday, Nov. 12.

To place one call 610-544-1215 for email at HMBChurch@verizon.net.

The church is at 900 Fairview Road, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081


Halushki At Holy Myrrh-Bearers

Halubtsi, Halushki At Holy Myrrh-Bearers