Root tea William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 11-18-18

There is a reason that root beer is called root beer. Charles Elmer Hires was the first to successful market a commercial brand. He debuted the drink at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876. He was a teetotaler and wanted to call it root tea. He figured, however, that Pennsylvania coal miners would more likely buy the product if he called it root beer

And that is why it’s called root beer.

Root tea William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 11-18-18

Root tea William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 11-18-18

Paul Peters Ultra Marathons For Giving Tuesday

Paul Peters Ultra Marathons For Giving Tuesday — Giving Tuesday is a global day of philanthropy that falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (Nov. 27).

Manor College will mark the occasion by having attorney and ultra-marathoner Paul S. Peters run for 12 straight hours on treadmills.

“I decided to offer to help Manor College on Giving Tuesday due to my different connections to Manor, and love for Manor’s mission, values, and overall impact on students and Montgomery County,” says Peters. “I have the honor of serving Manor’s Board of Trustees on the Advancement Committee, which has allowed me to clearly learn the mission and values of Manor.  Manor also afforded me my first opportunity to teach, for which I am forever grateful.”

Peters will start at 7 a.m. He anticipates that he will run about at least two marathons over the course of the 12 hours, switching back and forth between two treadmills. Students, alumni, faculty, staff, and community members will also participate.

“Through this somewhat quirky effort, we are going to have a fun time bringing together our entire campus community—students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends—to celebrate what makes Manor College a great place to be while supporting one another and bringing awareness to the need for student scholarship,” notes Director of Advancement, Kimberly Hamm.

Manor College, 700 Fox Chase Road, Jenkintown, has seen amazing evolution in the last three years. Despite declining trends in higher education, Manor has posted enrollment increase, financial stability, and greater philanthropic support.

Paul Peters Ultra Marathons For Giving Tuesday

Paul Peters Ultra Marathons For Giving Tuesday



20 years being educated William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-16-18

20 years being educated William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-16-18

N btzqi wfymjw gj jcutxji yt ymj nshtsajsnjshjx fyyjsinsl ytt rzhm qngjwyd ymfs ymtxj fyyjsinsl ytt xrfqq f ijlwjj tk ny.
Ymtrfx Ojkkjwxts

20 years being educated William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-16-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: It really bugs me that someone will tell me, after I spent 20 years being educated, how I’m supposed to think.
Clarence Thomas


Visit for discussion on philosophy and science.

Veggies in the microwave William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 11-15-18

Blanch your veggies in the microwave. The vitamins leach out three to four times less than they do in boiling water.

Veggies in the microwave William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 11-15-18

Veggies in the microwave William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 11-15-18

Val Facing Insurgency In Chesco?

Val Facing Insurgency?
He couldn’t even make the trains run on time.

Val Facing Insurgency In Chesco? — Our article  on Election Night pinned the blame on Pennsylvania’s poor showing squarely on the tail of state GOP Chairman Val DiGiorgio.

We also blamed DiGiorgio for singlehandedly destroying the once-powerful Chester County Republican Party, which he still insists on chairing.

DiGiorgio is a partner with Stradley Ronon, a Philadelphia-based firm whose purpose  is to influence politics for its clients who pay high fees.

This was known before he became state GOP chairman. We certainly warned about it. 

There were just enough Republican State committeepeople, however,  who live in the land of unicorns to back him.  He beat the respected and honorable Lawrence Tabas to win state chairman by two votes in 2017.

Yes, there really was a majority of Republican Party animals who though Val was not going to put the interests of Stradley Ronon ahead of theirs much less that of the average citizen.

Regarding his county post, we suggested on Nov. 12 that Donna Ellingsen, who chairs Area 19 and has been the subject of DiGiorgio’s wrath for the last three years due to principle opposition to his party-poisonous policies, replace him. The suggestion seems to be taking root considering some of our feedback. Donna’s not the only one being bandied as a replacement. John Emmons, who chairs Area 28, has been suggested and there are others.

May the replacement come quickly for the sake of the Chesco Republicans.

Hopefully, some are pushing him to step down from his state job as well.

Val Facing Insurgency?




Slavic Christmas Lunch 2018

Slavic Christmas Lunch 2018 — This year’s Holy Myrrh-Bearers Slavic Christmas dinner is Dec. 2. It starts noon immediately following the 11 a.m. liturgy. On the menu are stuffed cabbage, pierogies, halushki, kielbasi and sauerkraut, ham, homemade desserts and beverages.

There will be a theme basket raffle and a visit from Saint Nick.

Tickets, which must be brought in advance, are $15 for adults; and $8 for children 8-12. Children under 8 eat free.

To order call 610-544-1215 or email

Repeat, no tickets will be sold at the door. There will be no take out.

The Eastern-Rite Catholic Church is at 900 Fairview Road
Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081.

The church is in complete communion with Rome and those belonging to Latin Rite churches may fully participate in the liturgy.

Slavic Christmas Lunch 2018

Slavic Christmas Lunch 2018


Idleness William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-15-18

Idleness William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-15-18

Mx vieppc fykw qi xlex wsqisri ampp xipp qi, ejxiv M wtirx 20 cievw fimrk ihygexih, lsa M’q wyttswih xs xlmro.
Gpevirgi Xlsqew

Idleness William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-15-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Idleness is the heaviest of all oppressions.
Victor Hugo


Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Redder Red, Bluer Blue In Pennsylvania

Redder Red, Bluer Blue In Pennsylvania

By Lowman S. Henry

On the surface it would appear the power dynamic in Pennsylvania state government changed little as a result of last week’s General Election. Governor Tom Wolf was re-elected and Republicans retained solid control of both the state House and the state Senate.

Back from where we started?

Not quite. The 2018 election cycle saw the continuation of two trends: the drift of Democrats into the arms of the socialist Left, and a Republican power shift from the Philadelphia suburbs to the more conservative central and western parts of the state.

Governor Tom Wolf has often (and for good reason) been labeled the most liberal governor in America. To the degree that lieutenant governors matter, the state’s new second banana will push him even further in that direction. Lt. Governor-elect John Fetterman is a Bernie Sanders-style socialist. He replaces the hapless Mike Stack, a Philadelphia pol more interested in the power dynamics of politics than ideology.

Wolf tilted to the far Left to win his first primary four years ago and clearly felt at home. He went on to propose tax hikes that exceeded those offered by governors in all 49 other states combined and has remained a staunch advocate for Left-wing policies ever since. Fetterman, and the avowed socialists who upended traditional Democrats in the primary to claim seats in the General Assembly, are certain to fortify his position.

As liberal policies made the city more and more unlivable Philadelphia Democrats fled to the suburbs. There they have continued voting into office candidates who espouse the very same policies that destroyed the city. As a result, the four counties surrounding Philadelphia which had for decades been the epicenter of Republican power in the state have trended Democrat.

If there was a “blue wave” this election year it crashed ashore in those counties. The numbers could change a bit as the official count progresses, but Republicans lost 13 state House seats and four state Senate seats in that region. It is rare for more than three or four incumbents to lose statewide in a given election cycle, so the GOP wipeout in southeastern Pennsylvania can rightly be described as a blue tidal wave.

Continuing the westward shift of the statewide GOP, Republicans partially offset their losses in the southeast by flipping three Democrat seats, one in Bucks County and two elsewhere in the state. Republicans held historically high majorities in both state legislative chambers. Thus the losses left them in solid control, but with margins closer to the historical average.

What the election did do was to shift the ideological center of both the House and Senate Republican caucuses away from southeastern liberalism into the mainstream conservatism that is popular in the balance of the state.

While legislative Democrats voted in lockstep with their leadership, Republican legislative leaders had the more difficult task of moving conservative policies advocated by their caucus majority, while trying to appease their southeastern members. The goal was to hold onto those southeastern seats; it didn’t work.

The end result is absent the need to protect its members from suburban Philadelphia because “well, they are no longer there” legislative Republicans are now free to stand firmly against the socialist policies Governor Tom Wolf and Democrats are sure to pursue.

This means Pennsylvania’s divided state government has become even more divided. The first battle will come in a matter of weeks when Governor Tom Wolf proposes his next state budget. It is sure to be chock full of tax hikes and new spending. Republicans effectively blocked the more radical elements of his agenda during the governor’s first term. A more conservative majority should be able to do so in the years ahead.

Thus have voters across Penn’s Woods put into effect all the elements needed for epic policy and budget battles which are likely to end in gridlock. Given the fact that most legislation that actually passes expands the dependency state at the expense of taxpayers, gridlock may be the best outcome.

Lowman S. Henry is chairman and CEO of the Lincoln Institute and host of the weekly Lincoln Radio Journal.

Redder Red, Bluer Blue In Pennsylvania

Redder Red, Bluer Blue In Pennsylvania

First deserve it, then desire it William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-14-18

First deserve it, then desire it William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-14-18

Lgohqhvv lv wkh khdylhvw ri doo rssuhvvlrqv.
Ylfwru Kxjr 

First deserve it, then desire it William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 11-14-18 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: First deserve it, then desire it.
John Quigg


Check out Kim Kennedy’s It’s A New Day on WFYL 1180 AM