Tony Taylor Telstar Hero R.I.P.

Tony Taylor Telstar Hero R.I.P. — Beloved Philadelphia Phillies icon Tony Taylor died, July 16, at age 84. While there have been articles recording his athletic achievements we missed the one noting what will put him in the history books centuries hence, namely being the first athlete to appear in a transatlantic satellite broadcast. It happened on July 23, 1962 when part of a Chicago Cubs-Phillies game was broadcast as filler before remarks by President Kennedy to inaugurate Telstar. It showed Tony flying out to right field.

Here it is. Tony’s appearance is at 19:38.

Tony, this is for you:

Tony Taylor Telstar Hero R.I.P.

Cherish our friends William Lawrence Cryptowit 7-18-20

Cherish our friends William Lawrence Cryptowit 7-18-20

Te td l rcple nzydzwletzy qzc xp ez cpxpxmpc esle esp Wzco, ez hszx T slo oclhy yplc ty sfxmwp lyo nstwo-wtvp qltes, sld dfqqpcpo lyo otpo qzc xp, lyo esle Sp htww wzzv zy xp ty wzgp lyo nzxalddtzy.
Hzwqrlyr Lxlopfd Xzklce

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Cryptowit puzzle: We cherish our friends not for their ability to amuse us, but for ours to amuse them.
Evelyn Waugh

cherish our friends

Cherish our friends William Lawrence Cryptowit 7-18-20