A bronze plaque in Rockport, Me., marks the birthplace of the famous sea captain Hanson Gregory. He became famous after inventing the doughnut hole in 1847.
News, Entertainment, Enlightenment
A bronze plaque in Rockport, Me., marks the birthplace of the famous sea captain Hanson Gregory. He became famous after inventing the doughnut hole in 1847.
Shut Up Stupid Conspiracy Theorist
Two most powerful warriors William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-3-22
Fbzrgvzrf artngvir arjf qbrf pbzr bhg, ohg vg vf bsgra rknttrengrq naq znavchyngrq gb fcernq fpnaqny. Wbheanyvfgf fbzrgvzrf evfx orpbzvat vyy sebz pbcebcuvyvn naq guhf sbzragvat pbcebcuntvn: juvpu vf n fva gung gnvagf nyy zra naq jbzra, gung vf, gur graqrapl gb sbphf ba gur artngvir engure guna gur cbfvgvir nfcrpgf.
Cbcr Senapvf
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.
Leo Tolstoy