Seasonal Lag William Lawrence Sr Omnibit

The first day of summer is the longest day of the year but it is rarely the hottest due to seasonal lag. The extra daylight is heating the atmosphere but is also being absorbed by the earth and water. It won’t be for another month or so when the earth and water reach equilibrium with the atmosphere and start releasing back the heat they had been storing.

And that is why July and August have the reputation for being the hot months rather than June.

Seasonal Lag William Lawrence Sr Omnibit
Seasonal Lag William Lawrence Sr Omnibit

Summer is a promissory note William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-21-22

Summer is a promissory note William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-21-22

Ofobiyxo drsxuc yp mrkxqsxq dro gybvn, led xy yxo drsxuc yp mrkxqsxq rswcovp.
Voy Dyvcdyi

Summer is a promissory note William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-21-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Summer is a promissory note signed in June, its long days spent and gone before you know it, and due to be repaid next January.
Hal Borland

Summer is a promissory note William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-21-22

Summer 2022 Starts Now

Summer 2022 Starts Now — Summer 2021 starts 5:14 a.m. EDT , June 21, which is right now if our internet service provider’s clock is accurate.

This means that tilt of Earth’s semi-axis is most inclined to the sun in the Northern Hemisphere which is a solstice.

The axis will in a few moments slowly start reversing itself until it is the Southern Hemisphere that is most inclined to the sun.

This would be the start of our winter (and Argentina’s summer).

Today is the longest day of the year.

Summer 2022 Starts Now
Summer 2022 Starts Now