Lowe’s, Happy Shopping Experience

We had a nice experience at the Havertown (Pa) Lowe’s, Saturday, which resulted in the replacement of the section of soffit beneath our eaves as per the photo. Betcha can’t even tell which section was replaced.

The wood on the bit of the nearly 90-year-old house was found rotted and we went to the store with a particular repair plan in mind, which in hindsight would have been a very bad one.

The fellow we ended up talking to deduced exactly what the problem was and knew exactly how to fix it. He gave us the right materials and perfect instructions, and the result was a project about which we are quite pleased. Frankly, we didn’t even know what a soffit was.

So thank you, Lowe’s guy.

Lowe’s, Happy Shopping Experience

Philadelphia Inquirer Dirty Linen Exposed

Philadelphia Inquirer Dirty Linen Exposed
Once upon a time half the residents of the Philadelphia area read the Sunday Inquirer albeit today once suspects that half may not even know the publication exists.

For those that remember its relevance,  former Inky reporter Ralph Cipriano is doing yeoman’s work at BigTrail.net covering the saga among the battling Democrats who own the publication regarding the firing of editor Bill Marimow.

It’s fascinating writing and shows that straight reporting can be far more interesting than the entertainment garbage that now passes for news in the dying dinosaurs. Cipriano makes the implicit case that the dinosaur may not be dying — at least as certainly — if they actually did its job rather than be a mere mouthpiece for the union-backed establishment that runs — and corrupts — the City of Philadelphia, and by extension the state.

Did you know that the Carpenters’ Union dumped $45 million of its pension fund into the Inky when it was sold  to a group led by Brian Tierney in 2006? You wouldn’t if you depended on the Inquirer for news. It lost most of it. On the other hand, it kept a crusade from being launched to reform things at the city’s miserable failure of a convention center.

“They don’t hand out prizes for
pissing people off,” Cipriano notes. “And that’s what the job of journalism often is. To
create a newsroom that Ed Rendell wouldn’t feel comfortable in.

For a scorecard as to who is on what side in the Marimow fight — owners Lewis Katz and H.F. Lenfest want to keep him and owner New Jersey Democrat boss George Norcross with Publisher Bob Hall want him gone — visit here. Tidbits include that the rage aimed at Marimow is based on a claim that he leaked a plan to cut the paper’s editorial pages by 50 percent and the paper has lost 24 percent of our readers in the last year. Free clue, maybe normalizing homosexuality is not as popular as you guys seem to think it is.

Hat tip Bob Guzzardi

 Philadelphia Inquirer Dirty Linen Exposed

BAM Bookstore Discovery

Went to the Springfield Mall, today, for the first time in ages and found a bookstore. BAM or Books-A-Million can be found near the Macy’s end.

I meet Kerri (I think) and a lady whose name I won’t even try to guess at. Both were nice and helpful. They said they had been in the mall for about a year, albeit they never had a grand opening. They said they are doing well.

I found some neat books and will be returning.

For the Legend of Abd-el-Kader and a recipe for baba ghanoush, which goes great with Cryptowit Quote Puzzles, visit here.


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BAM Bookstore Discovery


Ex-ACORN Director Is County Council Candidate

The Delaware County (Pa.) Democrats have picked Chester City’s former director of ACORN  as one of its candidates for County Council, and the GOP is shouting it loud and proud, albeit the woman in question not necessarily so. Ex-ACORN Director Is County Council Candidate

It was most recently noted at tonight’s, Sept. 18, meeting of the Springfield Republicans by party Chairman Mike Puppio

Patricia Worrell has not been referring to that bit of her life in either her campaign literature or public statements. She has also not been boasting about her job with Action United, which succeeded ACORN after it was implicated in shameless vote fraud.

Chester, it should be noted, was one of the places where ACORN was caught tilting the scales.

Ms. Worrell is running — here’s  a bit of irony — with Bill Clinton, albeit this one is an Upper Providence Councilman and has never been accused of raping anyone in an Arkansas hotel, albeit he has been a strong supporter of tax hikes in his township, according to Puppio.

Their opponents are incumbents Mario Civera Jr. and David J. White, who are basing their campaign on their record of saving the Delaware River refineries and keeping the county pension plan solvent which is actually a pretty significant achievement considering what has been going on in the rest of the state.

Puppio noted tonight that apart from the natural gas counties, Delco has the best employment record in the state.

Ex-ACORN Director Is County Council Candidate

Fresh Grocer To Become Shop Rite

The Fresh Grocer in the Drexeline Shopping Center, Drexel Hill, Pa. is going to become a Shop Rite, if you haven’t heard.

The good news is that Shop Rite is great. The bad news is that you could sure save a lot of money on those Fresh Grocer coupons mailed to card holders.

Fresh Grocer To Become Shop Rite

Corporate Tax Rate And What They Really Pay

Corporate Tax Rate And What They Really Pay — The corporate income tax rate is 35 percent in the United States and is considered the highest in the world. The Government Accountability Office, however, has found that U.S. corporations with at least $10 million in assets paid an average effective federal tax rate of just 12.6 percent.

Who’d thunk it?

The reason of course is the loopholes and gimmicks that can be found by those able to afford high-powered accounts and lawyers.

Did you know that the most hip, liberal, “progressive”, “do no evil”
Democrat Party-supporting firms are among the worst offenders?

I’da thunk that.

Now some will point out that only people pay taxes not corporations, and that is basically true. Still, those businesses that  try to do the right thing and wish to follow the law should not be at a disadvantage to those that don’t.

Hat tip PJmedia.com


Corporate Tax Rate And What They Really Pay

NSA Revelations Boost DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo, a search engine competing with Google and Bing that was all but unknown two weeks ago, is getting a big boost from the revelations that the Obama administration has been in cahoots with those corporate one-percenters at Google/Microsoft/Facebook etc. to learn the web histories of just about everybody in America.

DDG boasts that it keeps no records of personal information of those making searches hence  authorities have nothing to find in the event they should be subpoenaed. It says its revenue is from those paying for keywords in searches.

CEO Gabriel Weinberg explains it here.

The engine can be found  here.  It’s easy to make it the default with Firefox. One suspects, though, not so much with Chrome or Safari.

NSA Revelations Boost DuckDuckGo

NSA Revelations Boost DuckDuckGo

Contractors And Philadelphia Permits

Contractors And Philadelphia Permits — Just had an interesting conversation with a contractor that segued from the fatal June 5 demolition gone bad in Philadelphia to his recent experience in trying to get a permit in the city.

He noted that he waited hours in line to be told the work had to be approved by the planning commission first despite the planning commission telling him otherwise. He went back to his clients who told them they never bothered with permits when doing improvements.

He said “expeditors” in the city get paid up to $25,000 to make speed up the process when necessary.

So those feeling some hate towards the developer might be wise to direct at least a little in the direction of the inherent corruption of the city’s government.

We will note that the city did not force Richard Basciano, known one-time as the “porn king of Times Square” to hire a stoner with a long rap sheet to run the backhoe.

Contractors And Philadelphia Permits

Contractors And Philadelphia Permits

E For Exporter

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) has announced that Gary Carver, CEO of Carver International, Inc., has received a 2013 President’s “E” Award which recognizes companies for making a “significant contribution to increasing American exports.”

Carver International, an international freight forwarder based in Erie, is one of 57 U.S. companies being honored this year.

Gary Carver E For Exporter