Happy Earth Day Sheeple

Happy Earth Day sheeple. Happy Earth Day all pleasant puppets of corporate marketing and manipulation. Madison Avenue was heavily involved in creating Earth Day. Famed adman Julian Koenig named it. That April 22 was his birthday is something we’ll just chalk up to coincidence.

Koenig also gave us the Timex tagline “It takes a licking and keeps on ticking” and the “Think Small” Volkswagen ad campaign.

We put Earth Day, started in 1970, right up there with Kwanzaa, started in 1966, as attempts by super-rich international establishment types to minimize the influence of Christianity and conscience in influencing social mores and matters of government. Christianity, after all, is an annoying roadblock to the future they envision in which they will rule us as kings and queens.

Think that’s paranoid? Compare how super-rich international establishment minion Google gave Easter, yesterday, no recognition while going full out for today’s celebration of collective control.

Happy Earth Day Sheeple
Google intro page for Easter 2019, April 21.
Happy Earth Day Sheeple
Google intro page for Earth Day 2109, April 22.

Here’s how to get Google out of your life.

And in keeping with our own Earth Day tradition, we’d like to give a shout-out to Philly’s own Ira Einhorn, who likes to take credit for starting the day. He emceed the first celebration after all.

Happy Earth Day Sheeple

Goolag Archipelago For Patrick Moore

Goolag Archipelago For Patrick Moore — Patrick Moore’s environmentalist creds are beyond dispute.

Moore, a Canadian with a Ph.d in forestry, was with Greenpeace at the start. He was president of Greenpeace Foundation in the late 1970s and largely responsible for reorganizing it as Greenpeace International during a time of controversy, crisis and debt.

He is considered one of the founders of the group.

Or had been anyway.

On March 2, Moore blistered “The New Green Deal” plan broached by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the feckless and extremely stupid new congresswoman from New York’s 14th District, calling her a “pompous little twit” and pointing out her bizarre fantasy would bring about “mass death”.

He doubled down a week or so later on Fox & Friends adding that “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”

This quote was tweeted by President Trump on March 12.

Anyway, Moore noticed on March 16 that his photo which had long appeared in Google searches for”Who are the founders of Greenpeace” had been removed.

It had been there two days earlier.

Google’s action was something Moore had expected as he had saved screenshots, which are included below.

Moore did not seem particularly upset with the loss of credit but was alarmed at the implications of “Tech Tyranny.”

As all who love freedom should be.

The wannabe kings and queens of Silicon Valley and Wall Street have no problem disappearing someone who is an impediment to their vision of a harshly regulated progressive paradise.

We suspect they’d have no problem forcing them from their job, stealing their home and even stealing their life if they should feel they could get away with it.

Google is a treasonous enemy. It should be broken up — at the least — as Standard Oil was in 1911. There is no reason for the largest search engine, the largest internet video service (YouTube),the largest mobile operating system (Android) and the most used browser (Chrome) to be under the same roof.

If you don’t feel like waiting for the law, here are some steps you can take yourself.

For Millennials who might miss the allusion in the headline it is to The Gulag Archipelago by  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn that describes the horrors that existed in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Note the word “socialist”.

Yes children, “the power of the collective through community” means slavery and misery for you and those you care about.

Goolag Archipelago For Patrick Moore
Greenpeace founders in Google search before Trump Tweet
Goolag Archipelago For Patrick Moore
Greenpeace founders in Google search after Trump Tweet
Goolag Archipelago For Patrick Moore

MAGA Mole AOC Blasted By Environmentalist

MAGA Mole AOC Blasted By Environmentalist— Patrick Moore, the noted environmentalist who is a former president and one of the early leaders of Greenpeace, has blasted the wonderful Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for her “Green New Deal”.

MAGA Mole AOC Blasted By Enviromentalist-
She’s our girl. She how she’s treating her minion to an over-priced hamburger?

“Pompous little twit,” he called the New York congresswoman.

You’re going to kill 8 billion people, he implied.

“Her kind bring ruination if allowed to be ‘in charge'”, he said.

Ahhh Patrick. Please leave our beautiful MAGA mole alone. She is single-handedly destroying the Democrat Party. Mata Hari is green with envy at her success.

MAGA Mole AOC Blasted By Environmentalist

Environmentalism Causes Wildfires

Environmentalism Causes Wildfires — President Trump in August proposed harvesting dead trees from California’s forest. It was a win-win to thinking people. There would be less wood to burn in uncontrolled blazes and more wood to be used for construction and consumer products.

Unthinking — or maybe cynically thinking — people objected of course. Unthinking people have long been objecting.

With the continuing disaster in the Golden State — at least 70 dead and 1,000 missing as of today (Nov. 17) — because of the wildfires, hopefully there will be less unthinking people.

We don’t have to stop with lumber, by the way. The dried grass and brush is fuel. Why not use it for power. Europe does. Guess if environmentalism becomes your religion you lose the ability to think outside the box.

It seems, though, that controlled burning in filtered plants is going to cause a lot less greenhouse gas than what is going on now.

Environmentalism Causes Wildfires

Environmentalism Causes Wildfires

Fluoride Drops IQ Says NIEHS Journal

Fluoride Drops IQ Says NIEHS Journal
Mandrake! I told you so!

Fluoride Drops IQ Says NIEHS Journal — You should fear for your precious bodily fluids, according to a study published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

The study, which appears in the September 2017 edition of the NIHS journal Environmental Health Perspectives, found that higher levels of fluoride in pregnant women resulted in children who scored significantly lower in IQ tests.

“. . .our findings, combined with evidence from existing animal and human studies, reinforce the need for additional research on potential adverse effects of fluoride, particularly in pregnant women and children, and to ensure that the benefits of population-level fluoride supplementation outweigh any potential risks,” the study concluded.

You were right Jack D. Ripper.

Hat tip ZeroHedge.com.

Fluoride Drops IQ Says NIEHS Journal


USA Greenest Nation Or In Top 6 Anyway

USA Greenest Nation Or In Top 6 Anyway — The USA is not quite the greenest nation on Earth. It’s 12th according to the World Health Organization. Of course, if one takes out South Pacific island paradises like Vanatu, Fiji, Micronesia and the Solomons, and one discounts non-industrial places like Brunei and Liberia, then we are a solid sixth behind New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Finland and Canada.

We are ahead of the international common scolds that are France and Germany.

Don’t even ask about India, China and Russia.

Point that out the next time a CNN watcher whines about us leaving the Paris Climate Scam.

Or you see Pat Meehan.

Hat tip Thomas Williams.

USA Greenest Nation

USA Greenest Nation Or In Top 6 Anyway


Charlton Explains Why Church Should Donate Land

Charlton Explains Why Church Should Donate Land
Alex Charlton and family

Charlton Explains Why Church Should Donate Land — Alex Charlton, of Springfield, who is the Republican candidate in the race to replace Bill Adolph in the 165th District of the Pennsylvania House, had an excellent column in the July 18 Delaware County Daily Times explaining and defending his request for the Philadelphia Archdiocese to donate the 213-acre Don Guanella tract in Marple Township as open space rather than sell it for development.

It can be found here and is worth reading.

We will take issue with Charlton, however, regarding his claim that   taxpayers have long borne the hidden cost of Don Guanella property by virtue of its tax-exempt status and suggest he stop making it.

Don Guanella Village — like Catholic schools — provided a desperately need social service that would otherwise be borne by the state at far, far higher cost to taxpayers if it hadn’t existed.

And it wasn’t as though taxpayers hadn’t been using the church property for nature hikes, jogging and such which is the status that Charlton and other opponents of development are fighting to keep.

So stop saying that Alex.

We’d further note that the Village proper is already developed and there would no objection if the Archdiocese were to separate that for sale.

We’d also note that it wouldn’t hurt for the county were to sweeten the deal, say, by agreeing to develop and maintain some athletic fields at Reed and Sproul roads giving Cardinal O’Hara first free use of them during weekdays during the school year. Or by building an access drive from Reed Road to O’Hara paralleling Sproul. Or both.

Charlton Explains Why Church Should Donate Land



Charlton Open Space Suggestion Brilliant

Charlton Open Space Suggestion Brilliant — Alex Charlton is asking the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to donate the  Don Guanella property in Marple Township as public open space.

Charlton Open Space Suggestion Brilliant
Alex Charlton, thinking outside the box for the families of Delaware County — including his own.

It is about time someone brought this up and the Archdiocese should act on his suggestion.

Charlton, of Springfield, is the Republican candidate in the race to replace Bill Adolph in the 165th District of the Pennsylvania House. Adolph, who has held the seat since 1988, is not seeking re-election.

A plan to develop the 213-acre tract bordered by Route 320, Reed Road and the Blue Route into “Cardinal Crossing”  fell through. Cardinal Crossing would have been packed with homes and shopping centers. It would have ruined the quality of life for thousands of people in Marple and Springfield townships which make up the bulk of the 165th district. It would have snarled traffic and extended commute times for people in two counties.

Charlton, in his open letter to Archbishop Charles Chaput, notes that Pope Francis has baldly declared that we have an essential duty to protect the environment and that “it is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience.”

He didn’t note, although he could have, Francis’ condemnations of greed and corrupt corporate culture. Development that objectively makes life worse rather than better would certainly fall under these rubrics.

By the way, greed applies to corrupt public culture too. There are those who want to raise taxes to buy open space without considering how the existing tax burden is already crushing the poor and needy. It is the already rich with more than enough income to dispose who are suggesting this, naturally.

If the Archdiocese donates the land it would a remarkable Christian witness, a profound act of faith and, if honestly sacrificial, would significantly help its reputation.

Kudos to Charlton for thinking outside the box and making the suggestion.

Here is his letter:

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput Archdiocese of Philadelphia 222 North 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

Dear Archbishop Chaput,

An Open Letter to Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

July 2, 2016

I write with concern for the future of the Archdiocese’s Don Guanella property, located along Route 320 in Marple Township, Delaware County. The Archdiocese recently terminated an agreement for sale of the property to a commercial developer. Its future, and its impact on the quality of life of the residents of our area, now rests entirely in your hands.

The Marple Township Planning Board and its commissioners were right to deny the Cardinal Crossing plans. The Archdiocese should have been paying attention.

This property is among the last large, open areas of natural beauty in eastern Delaware County. It’s imperative to preserve the land for future generations and prevent the environmental damage and massive traffic delays that would result from large­scale commercial development. I am calling on the Archdiocese to donate this entire parcel of property to the Natural Lands Trust so that it can be preserved permanently.

Taxpayers have long borne the hidden cost of the Don Guanella property by virtue of its tax­exempt status. The tax exemption has cost millions of dollars in lost revenue for the township and the county. Already­overburdened taxpayers should not have to take on more debt to obtain and preserve property they’ve been subsidizing for years

As you know, the protection and preservation of our natural world is a tenant of our faith. Our Holy Father Pope Francis, in his recent environmental encyclical “Laudato Si”, speaks of the duty to protect our environment. His writings indicate the Church has a duty to conserve the natural beauty of the land it owns. Pope Francis writes:

“…the ecological crisis is also a summons to profound interior conversion. It must be said that some committed and prayerful Christians, with the excuse of realism and pragmatism, tend to ridicule expressions of concern for the environment. Others are passive; they choose not to change their habits and thus become inconsistent. So what they all need is an ‘ecological conversion’, whereby the effects of their encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in their relationship with the world around them. Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience. ”

I respectfully request that as the leader of the Philadelphia Archdiocese that you consider the words of our Holy Father and be a protector of God’s handiwork by donating this land for preservation in perpetuity.


Paid for by Friends of Alex Charlton

I am well aware your obligation to be a good financial steward of the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese has indicated that this property needed to be sold in order to assist parishes because of the financial crisis that has arisen from the sex abuse scandal. A recent victory in the State Legislature will save the Archdiocese tens of millions of dollars in compensation to victims. The need to generate additional revenue by the sale of this property in contravention of Pope Francis’ teachings is offset by these savings.

I close with the following prayer from Pope Francis in “A Christian Prayer in Union with Creation”: “Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sun of indifference, that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live. The poor and the earth are crying out.”

CC: Delaware County Parishes
Governor Tom Wolf
Senator Robert Casey
Senator Pat Toomey
Congressman Patrick Meehan Pennsylvania Senator Tom McGarrigle Representative Bill Adolph

Delaware County Council
Marple Township Board of Commissioners Radnor Township Board of Commissioners Springfield Township Board of Commissioners Save Marple Greenspace

Charlton Open Space Suggestion Brilliant







Trump Recycling Speech Exposes Progressive Hypocrisy

Trump Recycling Speech Exposes Progressive Hypocrisy

By Joseph B Dychala

One of the most seemingly mundane, yet simultaneously fascinating experiences of my academic career involved recycling aluminum cans in a General Chemistry class I took at Delaware County Community College. My family has always been “green”, even before it was fashionable. Turn off the spigot while brushing your teeth, compost table scraps, grow backyard vegetables, use only what you need, waste not want not – all valuable lessons taught to me by my parents and their siblings, the Greatest Generation. Perhaps this stems from their strong Faith as we are all us called to be good stewards of our resources, quite possibly because they lived through the Depression and truly knew what it was to want.

Trump Recycling Speech Exposes Progressive Hypocrisy
Progressive hipsters thought saving jobs and recycling waste was something to laugh at.

This week Donald Trump gave a speech at a recycling plant in Pennsylvania and that region of the Internet known as Twitter couldn’t contain itself. Garbage speech in front of garbage pile stated one user, countless Oscar the Grouch references, cheap shots at the folks running the campaign, at Trump himself, the list goes on.

Those bales of crushed cans represented many things to me: jobs at factories producing the nations beverages; the countless hours of enjoyment at picnics, parties, gatherings at pubs and Legion halls, quick refreshment on street corners and in office building alike and of course the refuse collectors who gather this material from our curbs and the men and women who work in these recycling plants to make the most of our natural resources. Those cans also represented human ingenuity, the will to produce something convenient and affordable, something many of us take for granted today yet didn’t exist at the country’s founding.

To read the negative comments from Twitter users was bothersome. I have to wonder how many of these people are the ones that don’t want the jobs supposedly Americans don’t want to do, to justify unfettered immigration and open borders. Are these the hypocrites that drone on and on about saving the planet yet don’t bother to throw their own trash in a receptacle let alone separate material for recycling while demanding more intrusive regulations from the EPA. Are we as a people so out of touch that we forget convenience comes with a price.

To read these comments stating this material was “garbage” and not useful material destined for re-purposing reinforces the sad notion we live in a throwaway society. Here were images of an business, providing a service not only for consumers but quite possibly to the health of the planet and a sizable number of comments were so crass the only garbage I witnessed were the comments of a spoiled bunch of elitist brats from their safe spaces.

The phrase one man’s trash is another man’s treasure comes to mind…

Trump Recycling Speech Exposes Progressive Hypocrisy