Philly Vid Goes Viral On Twitter

Philly Vid Goes Viral On Twitter — There is a video going around the globe with 6.5 million Twitter views and comments from several languages and alphabets.

It depicts a filthy street filled with wretched, filthy people in various degrees of obliviousness.

“It reminds me of zombie movies and thrillers,” says Jesse012215

“A woman holding a syringe like holding a cigarette and laughing,” says @hidetakke

“It’s strange because the clothes and shoes are too beautiful,” says @kartstanbrody1

Where is this strange and horrid place they wonder.

They guess Russia. They guess Tokyo.

But no, it’s not those places. It’s Kensington Avenue just down the road in Philly.

Congratulations Jim Kenney and Larry Krasner and Pennsylvania Democrats. Your accomplishments are known world wide.

Philly Vid Goes Viral On Twitter

Philly Vid Goes Viral On Twitter

Courts Being Turned Into Tools Of Oppression

Courts Being Turned Into Tools Of Oppression — Lawyers are being strong-armed to drop clients unapproved by the establishment notes attorney Alan M. Dershowitz in Gatestone Institute.

These include President Donald Trump.

The threats include job loss, career derailment and disbarment.

Dershowitz says the the 65 Project leads this assault on justice.

“I wrote an op-ed offering to defend pro bono any lawyers that The 65 Project goes after. So The 65 Project immediately went after me . . .,” Dershowitz says.

He says a prosecutor in Trump’s criminalized record-keeping dispute reportedly implied to Stanley Woodard, the the highly regarded attorney for co-defendant Waltine Nauta, that Woodard’s application for judgeship may be negatively affected if he persists in defending Nauta and could not get Nauta to turn on Trump.

An evil time is a time for courage. This means it’s a time for journalists and lawyers and teachers and business-owners to risk their careers. It means it’s a time for the people to speak up and be angry.

One cannot countenance a nation that embraces arbitrary justice or child mutilation or forever war.

One cannot accept a land where the truth is call lies and vice versa.

Yeah, it’s a time to be angry.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon
For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who
That it’s namin’.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’.

There are more people standing up than one might realize if all one watches is the mouthpiece news.

Some lawyers who are taking risk in standing up the the establishment include Tom Carroll, Andy Teitelman, Carmela Ciliberti and Deborah Silver.

Hat tip ZeroHedge

Courts Being Turned Into Tools Of Oppression

Courts Being Turned Into Tools Of Oppression

Ugly Question In Trump Arrest Leads To Ugly Answer

Ugly Question In Trump Arrest Leads To Ugly Answer — Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, was arrested, yesterday, June 13, because he allegedly took classified documents from his presidency and wouldn’t give them back.

You can read the indictment here.

The arrest was made as a story was breaking that the 46th President was taking millions in bribes from the Ukraine.

You know, that nation where the Biden Administration is sending billions for a war it strangely seems to want.

Leave aside that convenient coincidence and let’s consider other obvious but ugly questions the Wormtongue media that pretends to be watchdogs are avoiding.

Why did Trump have the documents? Ego? Sloppiness? Those answers have been implied but if true why the arrest? Why not just take the documents and forget things? Obviously, the arrest is not what people who seek national unity would do as Trump is extremely popular with tens of millions.

Or is it that The Donald is a villain straight from a comic book seeking to use this information to destroy America? Can’t buy that as America was stronger and a whole lot more respected before his replacements took over.

A far more logical answer is that what Trump had contains evidence of massive corruption — like taking bribes from foreign governments — and DC is panicking.

We suspect the corruption extends far beyond the White House.

Tucker Carlson agrees with us.

Check out his twittercast below from yesterday. Note that as of 11:46 a.m., it has 55 million views. Fox News, by the way, has been knocked from its number one cable slot by MSNBC. One wonders if it even matters as Carlson got 50 million more eyeballs than the two of them combined.

Ugly Question In Trump Arrest Leads To Ugly Answer

Ugly Question In Trump Arrest Leads To Ugly Answer

Bidens Got Millions From Ukrainian Kleptocrat Says Feds

Bidens Got Millions From Ukrainian Kleptocrat Says Feds — Chuck Grassley, a long-time mainstream Republican senator from Iowa, said yesterday, June 12, that the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Joe Biden and Hunter Biden kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them as an “insurance policy.”

He cited as his source the FBI FD-1023 form that the FBI briefed congressional lawmakers.

The indictment of President Donald Trump has nothing to do with law, justice or national security.

This is a quiet war between those who want to turn the United States into a feudal dictatorship as represented by Biden albeit not necessarily led by him, and those who want to stop them as represented by Donald Trump.

Biden’s treachery has humiliated America before the world, demoralized and sickened its citizens, and started a war that has led to the deaths of more than 100,000 Ukrainians and Russians.

Bidens Got Millions From Ukrainian Kleptocrat Says Feds

Bidens Got Millions From Ukrainian Kleptocrat Says Feds

Plandemic 3 Is Must Watching

Plandemic 3 Is Must Watching — Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening is available free on Twitter and embedded below.

It was directed by Mikki Willis who in 2016 was a big-time Bernie Sanders backer.

Many excerpts are shown from the spookily prophetic 1969 film The Capitalist Conspiracy by G. Edward Griffin and it features a circa 2022 interview with the filmmaker.

It exposes Klaus Schwab, the Great Reset, and a host of other forces seeking to rule by totalitarianism.

How many were aware that Schwab was born in Nazi German to Swiss parents happily employed by Adolph Hitler? This is the guy that is basically leading the West.

Get active in your communities, love and embrace freedom and be strong enough to say no.

Hat tip Katie.

Plandemic 3 Is Must Watching -- Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening is available free on Twitter and embedded below.

Plandemic 3 Is Must Watching

Biden Added To Famous Saying List

Biden Added To Famous Saying List — Joe Biden was asked by a reporter, yesterday, June 8, about his involvement in an international bribery scandal being investigated by the House Oversight Committee.

“Where’s the money?” he answered.

We will add that to our list of famous sayings by Democrat presidents.

The scandal concerns — at the least — Biden accepting a $5 million bribe from a foreign nation to change a decision.

The FBI is telling Congress that it is afraid to let their source go public as he will be killed.

By whom, exactly? Biden is the guy with motive and means.

And why aren’t we trying to negotiate an end to Ukraine’s war with Russia?

Below is our list. Note that all the quotes are sourced.

Biden Added To Famous Saying List

Biden Added To Famous Saying List

FBI Says Biden Whistleblower Life Is Endangered

FBI Says Biden Whistleblower Life Is Endangered — Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL13) tweeted that the FBI has an informant who claims that Joe Biden received $5 million from a foreign national while vice president, and the informant would be killed if unmasked.

Has our government become so corrupt that our law enforcers have to put people in witness protection from the President?

Or maybe the Feds are just desperately stonewalling a congressional investigation.

Or both.

Contempt of congress charges are looming against Director Christopher Wray.

Here’s the report from Maria Bartiromo:

Congress is also being told by a military “wink-wink” whistleblower that the feds have recovered multiple craft of “non-human” origin.

“These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed,” David Grusch said. 

And this includes their drivers.

“Well, naturally, when you recover something that’s either landed or crashed, sometimes you encounter dead pilots and, believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it’s true.” 

Grusch is described as a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office and was the reconnaissance office’s representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2022.

If a US intel guy says aliens are real does this prove they are? Or does it prove they are not?

Wonder if Grush fears for his life by going public with this shocked revelation.

Yeah, you can say LOL.

FBI Says Biden Whistleblower Life Is Endangered

Quiet Boycott For Pride Month?

Quiet Boycott For Pride Month? — With the Bud Light and Target boycotts in the limelight, we are hearing from many that they are purposely avoiding stores in June that feature rainbows and other glamorizations of homosexuality in their marketing.

They aren’t making noise about it, they are just doing it.

Sort of like what Nike advocates.

How widespread? Guess the suits in accounting will know by month’s end.

Quiet Boycott For Pride Month?
Remember, the promise was no flood. Nothing about famine, plague, war and death.

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google. Really

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google — SpongeBob SquarePants, the iconic cartoon character, lives at 124 Conch St., Bikini Bottom according to his driver’s license.

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google. Really

Now type that address into Google Maps.

This is what we got about 15 minutes ago:

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google. Really

Little Saint James in the U.S. Virgin Islands, better known as Epstein Island, is where the late and unlamented sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein held many parties for the rich and powerful.

Epstein bought the island in 1998. SpongeBob started in 1999. Sorry if we ruined anyone’s happy childhood memories.

Here’s a zoomed in image take at 2:17 p.m., June 1. The search only seems to work on the mobile app.

SpongeBob Lives On Epstein Island Says Google. Really

Hat tip Vox Popoli.

Big Pharma Has Corrupted Universities, Journals

Big Pharma Has Corrupted Universities, Journals — John Abramson, who was a family physician for 22 years before joining the faculty at the Harvard Medical School, righteously ripped America’s health care system in the February edition of Imprimis.

Abramson says that in 1980 our health care was on par with the rest of the West but began losing ground so that by 2019 there were 500,000 Americans dying each year in excess of the death rates of the citizens of the other technically advance nations.

He said it was not just with regard to our poor.

“To exclude poverty as a factor in these numbers, a study looked at the health of privileged Americans—specifically, white citizens living in counties that are in the top one percent and the top five percent in terms of income,” he said. “This high-income population had better health outcomes than other U.S. citizens, but it still had worse outcomes than average citizens of the other developed countries in such areas as infant and maternal mortality, colon cancer, childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia, and acute myocardial infarction.”

He said this is despite Americans paying on average $12,914 per person per year on health care, whereas those in comparable countries pay $6,125. 

He said this translate to an excess $2.3 trillion compared to those nations.

What caused the decline?

In 1980, the Bayh-Dole Act was passed allowing universities and nonprofit research institutions to commercialize discoveries made by their scientists while conducting federally-funded research. This included keeping profits from patents on pharmaceuticals. 

Before the Act, the overwhelming majority of pharmaceutical research was happening in universities without a profit motive. By 2005, almost three quarters of it was being done by under the auspices of mega corporations.

He said medical journals do not require  require that the drug companies submit their extensive internal clinical study and basically print what they are told to print else their funding would be cut.

He further noted that America is = spending 96 percent of our biomedical research money on medical drugs and devices, and only 4 percent on how to make the population healthier and how to deliver health care more efficiently and effectively.

“Why? he says. “Because the drug companies’ job is to maximize the money they return to their investors, and the highest return on research investment is not going to be from studying and promoting healthy diets and lifestyles. The money is in selling drugs and devices. This leads to a tremendous epidemiological imbalance in the information coming down to doctors.”

The entire article can be read here:

Big Pharma Has Corrupted Universities, Journals

Big Pharma Has Corrupted Universities, Journals