Courts Being Turned Into Tools Of Oppression — Lawyers are being strong-armed to drop clients unapproved by the establishment notes attorney Alan M. Dershowitz in Gatestone Institute.
These include President Donald Trump.
The threats include job loss, career derailment and disbarment.
Dershowitz says the the 65 Project leads this assault on justice.
“I wrote an op-ed offering to defend pro bono any lawyers that The 65 Project goes after. So The 65 Project immediately went after me . . .,” Dershowitz says.
He says a prosecutor in Trump’s criminalized record-keeping dispute reportedly implied to Stanley Woodard, the the highly regarded attorney for co-defendant Waltine Nauta, that Woodard’s application for judgeship may be negatively affected if he persists in defending Nauta and could not get Nauta to turn on Trump.
An evil time is a time for courage. This means it’s a time for journalists and lawyers and teachers and business-owners to risk their careers. It means it’s a time for the people to speak up and be angry.
One cannot countenance a nation that embraces arbitrary justice or child mutilation or forever war.
One cannot accept a land where the truth is call lies and vice versa.
Yeah, it’s a time to be angry.
Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon
For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who
That it’s namin’.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’.
There are more people standing up than one might realize if all one watches is the mouthpiece news.
Some lawyers who are taking risk in standing up the the establishment include Tom Carroll, Andy Teitelman, Carmela Ciliberti and Deborah Silver.

Courts Being Turned Into Tools Of Oppression
Thank you for the shout out Bill. Everything you wrote is frighteningly true, but not standing up at a time like this only empowers our oppressors and, if they win, we lose everything anyway even if it’s a little further down the road. The outcome will be the same, only difference being whether you can look yourself in the mirror on the other side. I am particularly taken by the sacrifices made by Tom Carroll who is under assault for just trying to do his best for his client, Fulton County. We need to pray for Tom and Stefanie Lambert, because their fate in t his fight is all of our fates.
“We must hang together or surely we will hang separately.”
Benjamin Franklin
Ahhh, so nice to hear from Ben Franklin in these days when we are inundated by Judases and Benedict Arnolds (also Tom Arnold).