H8er Hillary Spreads Division

H8er Hillary Spreads Division — Hillary Clinton, yesterday, Sept. 9, told a crowd of rich crony capitalists and assorted other 1-percenters that half of Donald Trump’s supporters were “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic.”

H8er Hillary Spreads Division
H8er Hillary Spreads Division

She called them a “basket of deplorables”.

The fundraiser was held at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. Tickets ranged from $1,000 to $250,000.

Trump’s supporters are those who have been long out of work. They are those who have seen their incomes dropĀ  and health cost rise.

They are those who have lost their doctor despite being promised otherwise.

Trump’s supporters are those who fear we are slouching towards Venezuela.

Trump’s supporters are those who have seen the world become a much more dangerous place due to, at best, an incompetent foreign policy which can be laid at Mrs. Clinton’s feet.

They are not racists, sexists and homophobes.

The racist, sexist, homophobes are backing Mrs. Clinton.

H8er Hillary Spreads Division

Lushsux Hillary Mural Fixed

Lushsux Hillary Mural Fixed — Melbourne, Australia has apparently a loose policy on “edgy” street art so nobody complained when street artist Lushsux painted a naked mural of Donald Trump on a wall.

Nor did anyone complain when he painted a naked mural of his wife, Melania. The “I’m with her” tag on it was a nice touch, for what it’s worth.

Anyway, he painted a mural of Hillary in a skimpy swimsuit with dollar bills stuffed in it.

And we learned that Melbourne has a limit to its acceptance of “edginess”.

The city leaders deemed the mural contravened its gender equity policy and threatened action unless it was removed.

It appears the lesson, though, is don’t mess with Lushsux. His response was beautiful. See below and note the tag.

Lushsux Hillary Mural Fixed

Lushsux Hillary Mural Fixed

State Department Air Conditioning Destroying World

State Department Air Conditioning Destroying World — Secretary of State John Kerry has declared air conditioners to be a threat as great as ISIS.

State Department Air Conditioning Destroying WorldCaring people are circulating a petition calling for the removal of air conditioners from State Department property.

One can sign it here.

Think of the children.

State Department Air Conditioning Destroying World

Wagner Two-Faced On Anti-Business Law

Wagner Two-Faced On Anti-Business Law — Sen. Scott Wagner, who says in the below article, that he is “extremely concerned with how Federal and State Regulations are choking businesses” and “Barack Obama’s anti-business agenda” is pushing legislation to make life harder for small business by addingĀ  “sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression” to the list of “protected classes“.Ā  Nobody likes bullies but what Wagner and Sen. Pat Browne (R-16) are ignoring with the laws they are pushing is that bullies exist in government too and especially in the Pennsylvania Human Relations CommissionĀ  which would be tasked with enforcing this garbage.

There are employers and supervisors who take pleasure in humiliating employees and prospective employees. Nobody likes them. They are not an iota as dangerous, however, as the government officials with that character trait.

Like those in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.

The anti-business bill Wagner is pushing, SB 1307, is advancing and was re-referred to the Rules and Executive Nominations Committee on June 27.

A bill, SB 1316, sponsored by Sen. Browne which would forbid discrimination against men claiming to be women regarding housing such as college dorms moved to the State Government committee June 21.

SB 1306, also sponsored by Browne, which would grant even broader privileges to men claiming to be women, remains stuck in Labor and Industry.

All these bills expand control by unaccountable bureaucrats over our lives and should die quiet deaths.

Wagner, a Republican, represents the 28th District in York County.


By Sen. Scott Wagner

Wagner Two-Faced On Anti-Business Law
How is giving more power to the PHRC helping business?

The Pennsylvania state budget for 2016-17 was finalized July 13. I will be reporting in depth the details in an email next week.

This email is focused on the Presidential election.

I will be traveling to Cleveland next week to attend the Republican National Convention.

It appears that the Presidential race is down to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

I expect that Donald Trump will be nominated as the Republican candidate for the General Election in November.

I would like to share my thoughts and opinion.

As a private sector business owner I am extremely concerned with how Federal and State Regulations are choking businesses.

Case in point ā€“ Barack Obamaā€™s war on coal has just about vaporized the coal industry in the US and especially Western Pennsylvania.

Businesses employ people and create jobs ā€“ they always have, and always will.

I am very concerned about the thought of Hillary Clinton stepping foot into the White House and doubling-down on Barack Obama’s anti-business agenda.

Americans have witnessed firsthand the last three weeks of events ā€“ first when Bill Clinton just by chance happened to be on the same tarmac, at an airport on an airplane, at the same time that the United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch was at the same airport, the same tarmac and on an airplane, and they just happened to meet.

The press reported that Bill Clinton and Ms. Lynch discussed golf, the weather, their children and grandchildren ā€“ ironically several days after this chance meeting the FBI announced that they are not going to pursue action against Hillary Clinton over her emails.

Cut me a break ā€“ The press, Bill Clinton and Hillary must think that Americans are clueless and stupid ā€“ the meeting was preset and a deal was definitely done on an airplane.

I have been watching Donald Trump very closely ā€“ I watch what he says and what he does.

Looking back to 2013 when I announced that I was going to run for the Pennsylvania 28th State Senate seat I called a donor in the York community ā€“ he told me that he was going to sit on the sidelines with my race ā€“ he had concerns that my style wouldnā€™t work in Harrisburg.

I have worked hard on my style ā€“ but at the end of the day ā€“ my style is asking questions and continuing to ask questions until I fully understand the issue ā€“ demanding accountability ā€“ I am pushing the envelope on change and breaking the status-quo mold.

Please allow me to point out ā€“ I did not have a lifelong plan to run for a seat in the Pennsylvania State Senate ā€“ I was fed up, and when our Senator resigned I decided to roll up my shirt sleeves and get involved to make a difference.

I think Donald Trump is similar in many ways to me ā€“ he doesnā€™t need the job as President and he doesnā€™t need the money ā€“ the guy is seventy years old ā€“ I am sure he would be much more happy continuing to operate his businesses ā€“ it appears that his children are highly active in the businesses and are smart and intelligent ā€“ Donald Trump could spend the rest of his life working with his children and watch them become great business people.

I think that Donald Trump, in his own large ego way, said one day, “I have had enough of America being pounded and run down by career politicians and the crony system.”

I stayed on the sidelines up until a few weeks ago ā€“ I made a decision to let the Republican candidates work through the process ā€“ at the end of the day I respect each and every Republican candidate who stepped into the ring with their own ideas of how to get America back on track.

Now that Donald Trump is most likely going to be the Republican Candidate I am going to do everything I can to help him get elected.

I put a lot of effort into Mitt Romneyā€™s campaign in 2012 ā€“ his campaign was not run well in Pennsylvania, and as a result he lost.

This past weekend I reached out to someone in the Pennsylvania State Republican Party to arrange a meeting with the top person or people who are running Donald Trumpā€™s campaign.

I received a call this past Monday afternoon that a meeting had been set up with Trumpā€™s campaign people for that evening.

I traveled to Cleveland and had a forty-five minute private meeting with Paul Manafort, the National Campaign Manager for the Trump campaign and five other high level campaign people.

The conversation was direct and to the point ā€“ I expressed that many people in Pennsylvania want to be part of this critical race.

I requested 20,000 yard signs so that any person who wants a “Trump for President” sign for their yard can get one in South Central PA.

I also asked what may be a strange question – Does Mr. Trump have a best friend? ā€“ A best friend who can be off stage at an event that Mr. Trump is speaking at, and if he says something stupid that this friend can yell at Mr. Trump for the stupid comment or comments he made.

I am lucky ā€“ I have several friends who yell at me if I say something stupid ā€“ I am getting better and so will Mr. Trump.

I left the meeting on Monday night with Paul Manafort with an increased level of confidence that Donald Trump has hired Mr. Manafort and a very strong team is being assembled to win the General Election in November and put Donald Trump in the White House.

News releases today are suggesting that Governor Mike Pence from Indiana may be Donald Trumpā€™s pick as his running mate for Vice President.

I had an opportunity to meet and have a conversation with Governor Pence at an Republican Governorā€™s Association event in Detroit this past October.

Governor Pence has done good things for Indiana since he has been in office ā€“ I can tell you he is not a status-quo person and wants to make positive changes ā€“ he is very pro-business ā€“ remember what I said earlier ā€“ businesses employ people and create jobs.

So here is my ask of everyone who cares deeply about our great country – please put aside all of your differences and be supportive of Donald Trump ā€“ the bottom line is we cannot ā€“ I repeat, we cannot allow Hillary Clinton in the White House.

Please donā€™t make comments that you are not going to vote for either candidate ā€“ your lack of a vote is not acceptable ā€“ please remember this great country ā€“ the United States of America ā€“ please remember the many brave people who fought for, and the people who died for, the freedoms we enjoy each and every day.

Wagner Two-Faced On Anti-Business Law

Comey Stewart Clinton

Comey Stewart Clinton
I’m the Queen peasants. The law doesn’t apply.

Comey Stewart Clinton — Way back in 2002 TV personality Martha Stewart was tipped off by her broker that things were looking ill for a stock in which she had invested and so she sold off her shares.

This is known as insider trading and is against the law albeit it is something that one suspects 99 percent of n0n-professional investors would do if in a similar situation.

Federal investigators investigated and when questioned about her deed Ms. Stewart lied to them. Or was convicted of lying to them anyway. The statute under which she was convicted is also a pretty easy one to break and is prone to abuse.

So Ms. Stewart is now a convicted felon and subject to all the lifetime penalties that status gives her.

What does Ms. Stewart’s decade-old problems have to do in today’s world?

The guy who led the prosecution against her was James Comey, who now directs the FBI.

Comey was recently on TV telling the world that former Secretary of State and presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton can’t be prosecuted even though she was extremely careless in “handling very sensitive, highly classified information” because it was not “clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information.”

Here is what 18 U.S.C. Ā§ 793 says:

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer – Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

So Mr. Comey, you don’t think that would cover setting up a private email server — unnecessarily it should be noted —Ā  and exchanging classified documents on it? How about using unsecured devices in adversarial nations?

When did you decide to become a nice guy and cut slack?

Suppose a famous TV cook did it?

Comey Stewart Clinton



Trump Recycling Speech Exposes Progressive Hypocrisy

Trump Recycling Speech Exposes Progressive Hypocrisy

By Joseph B Dychala

One of the most seemingly mundane, yet simultaneously fascinating experiences of my academic career involved recycling aluminum cans in a General Chemistry class I took at Delaware County Community College. My family has always been “green”, even before it was fashionable. Turn off the spigot while brushing your teeth, compost table scraps, grow backyard vegetables, use only what you need, waste not want not – all valuable lessons taught to me by my parents and their siblings, the Greatest Generation. Perhaps this stems from their strong Faith as we are all us called to be good stewards of our resources, quite possibly because they lived through the Depression and truly knew what it was to want.

Trump Recycling Speech Exposes Progressive Hypocrisy
Progressive hipsters thought saving jobs and recycling waste was something to laugh at.

This week Donald Trump gave a speech at a recycling plant in Pennsylvania and that region of the Internet known as Twitter couldn’t contain itself. Garbage speech in front of garbage pile stated one user, countless Oscar the Grouch references, cheap shots at the folks running the campaign, at Trump himself, the list goes on.

Those bales of crushed cans represented many things to me: jobs at factories producing the nations beverages; the countless hours of enjoyment at picnics, parties, gatherings at pubs and Legion halls, quick refreshment on street corners and in office building alike and of course the refuse collectors who gather this material from our curbs and the men and women who work in these recycling plants to make the most of our natural resources. Those cans also represented human ingenuity, the will to produce something convenient and affordable, something many of us take for granted today yet didn’t exist at the country’s founding.

To read the negative comments from Twitter users was bothersome. I have to wonder how many of these people are the ones that don’t want the jobs supposedly Americans don’t want to do, to justify unfettered immigration and open borders. Are these the hypocrites that drone on and on about saving the planet yet don’t bother to throw their own trash in a receptacle let alone separate material for recycling while demanding more intrusive regulations from the EPA. Are we as a people so out of touch that we forget convenience comes with a price.

To read these comments stating this material was “garbage” and not useful material destined for re-purposing reinforces the sad notion we live in a throwaway society. Here were images of an business, providing a service not only for consumers but quite possibly to the health of the planet and a sizable number of comments were so crass the only garbage I witnessed were the comments of a spoiled bunch of elitist brats from their safe spaces.

The phrase one man’s trash is another man’s treasure comes to mind…

Trump Recycling Speech Exposes Progressive Hypocrisy

Stradley Ronon Connections

Stradley Ronon Connections — Chaka Fattah has done his part to uphold the sterling reputation of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation and the state’s 2nd Congressional District is now vacant with his resignation stemming from his convictions of RICO Act violations and other crimes.

Among those found guilty with him was Herbert Vederman, a long-time Democrat man of influence who is still listed at ZoomInfo.com as senior consultant for the Government and Public Affairs Group at Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, a Philadelphia law firm.

Stradley Ronon Connections
Val DiGiorgio

Think he knew Val DiGiorgio? Val is the Chester County Republican Party chairman who chairs Stradley Ronon’s banking and public finance sections and includes Government and Public Affairs as part of his “focus”.

Val is thought to have the inside track to be the next chairman of the state Republican Party.

Stradley Ronon Connections
Josh Shapiro

Wonder if Vederman knew Josh Shapiro. Josh, who chairs the Montgomery County Democrat Party, is counsel at Stradley Ronon. He is this year’s D candidate for state Attorney General.

Josh and Val are friends. Josh got Val’s wife a $105,000 a year job with Montgomery County.

Stradley Ronon sure has a lot of interesting connections.

You really think these people are looking out for you? You really think anybody in the leadership of either party gives a rat’s tail about you?

Stradley Ronon Connections


Regulation Tyranny

Regulation Tyranny

By Scott Wagner Regulation Tyranny

This column is from a fed up and angry private sector business owner who also serves in the Pennsylvania State Senate.

I will be diplomatic ā€“ but fully realize that I get to see firsthand each and every day how Harrisburg and Washington are out of control with regulations on businesses.

It also seems like federal regulations coming out of Washington are being fired from a rocket launcher every single day.

I made a decision to run for the Pennsylvania State Senate because I was sick and tired of new regulations being piled onto my businesses every year for the last 30 years.

2015 was a record setting year for new regulations ā€“ as of Dec. 31, 2015 there were 81,611 pages of federal government rules, proposed rules and notices ā€“ this number DOES NOT include regulations in Pennsylvania.

At my waste company we have a MINIMUM of 60 State and Federal compliance requirements and regulations that we have to comply with either daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

In fact, last year my waste company hired a compliance manager to handle all of the reporting and paperwork.

On May 3, the Wall St. Journal published ā€œEnding Americaā€™s Slow Growth Tailspinā€.Ā  The article says that, ā€œThe U.S Economy needs a dramatic legal and regulatory simplificationā€ ā€“ in simple terms, over regulation is choking our economy and slowing economic growth.

In the May 10 issue of Forbes magazine Steve Forbes wrote an article that stated, ā€œThe Obama administration has let it be known that the White House and the regulatory agencies will be issuing a blizzard of new rules and decrees in the waning months of his miserable regime.ā€

Forbes goes on to say that, ā€œThe President long ago grasped that you donā€™t have to seize the means of production: you simply smother companies and industries with rules and regulations ā€“ preferably vaguely written to give bureaucrats wide discretion ā€“ so they survive only at your sufferance.ā€

Steve Forbesā€™s words are powerful and very true ā€“ as a private sector business owner I know first-hand all about choking regulations.

Last week I was informed by a manager at my waste company that our website must comply with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Regulations.

OurĀ  website will need to be accessible to anyone with a disability (that includes people who are blind or deaf). Blind people use equipment called ā€œscreen readersā€ and the screen readers need to be able to work with our website software.

There have already been multiple lawsuits against companies who do not have websites that are ADA compliant.

Career politicians and career bureaucrats, many who are lawyers, simply donā€™t get it ā€“ all they understand is –Ā  ā€œLetā€™s choke every business in America ā€“ they can deal with all of the regulations.ā€

The newest and latest genius idea out of Washington DC is the third bathroom requirement for transgender people ā€“ it is all over the news.

Also, Washington is enacting regulations on overtime pay for salaried employees – many businesses factor in some portion of overtime into salaries and also bonuses are paid to recognize outstanding performance and efforts.

There are four types of regulations ā€“ Good Regulations, Bad Regulations,Ā  Stupid Regulations and Over Regulations.

These are all regulations that effect a company that you may own or a company you may work for.

I think everyone would agree that good regulations are needed. The other three are not needed.

If we donā€™t stop all of this regulation madness ā€“ private sector businesses will have seen their best days.

The irony of all of the regulations impacting businesses in America is that virtually all of the people who are behind these regulations have never owned a business, started a business, taken a risk, or signed the front of paychecks.

The King of destroying businesses in America is Barack Obama – he is on a mission and he will not stop at anything.

The best example is what President Obama and regulators have done to the coal industry in America.

It is simple ā€“ too many regulations cost lots of money ā€“ lots of money that could and should go to creating jobs and providing good wages to current employees.

Businesses are being choked with rules and regulations ā€“ when are politicians and bureaucrats going to wake up and realize that they are killing jobs in America?

Regulation Tyranny

Slavery Goal Of Modern Politicians

Slavery Goal Of Modern Politicians Slavery Goal Of Modern Politicians — Richard Fernandez has a great column at PJMedia.com summing up modern politics and the goals of those who dedicate their lives to it namely slavery.

He describes an happy marriage of convenience between socialists and crony capitalists.

Those who do not own the means of production shall be legally compelled to work for those who do, and shall receive in exchange a security of livelihood, he says citing the great Hilaire Belloc.

It’s pretty obvious that this is the goal of the “never-let-a-crisis-go-to-waste” crowd.

Why is our $19.3 trillion national debt being downplayed by the official mouthpieces? Why are we letting in immigrants who hate our values?

Slavery Goal Of Modern Politicians

Google Filter Bubble

Google Filter BubbleGoogle Filter Bubble — Google creates a profile built on one’s browsing history — including places like Facebook and Youtube — to direct one’s searches using its product.

This is why people searching for the same word often end up with different first pages when using Google.

Google makes assumptions on what one might be looking for hence one might never find what one wants.

DuckDuckGo, its Paoli-based competitor that does not use tracking, explains it here.

By the way, did you see where Facebook is making news stories disappear that don’t match their political preference?

Google Filter Bubble