Judge Finds That Obama Should Stay On Ga. Ballot

Judge Michael Malihi of Georgia’s Office of Administrative Hearings issued a 10-page finding yesterday, Feb. 3, in which he declared the evidence to remove President Obama from his state’s November ballot on the grounds that he is not a natural born citizen and hence violates the Constitutional requirements to hold the office to be “unsatisfactory” and “insufficient to support the plantiffs’ allegations.”

Malihi said that those who testified about alleged fraud concerning the President’s birth certificate were never qualified as experts in forged documents or document manipulation, and that a 2009 ruling by the Indiana Court of Appeals declared that children born within the United States are natural-born citizens, regardless of the citizenry of their parents.

Malihi did harshly criticize the behavior of the president’s attorney, Michael Jablonski of Atlanta, who declined to attend the hearing on his client’s behalf.

“By deciding this matter on the merits, the court in no way condones the
conduct or legal scholarship of defendant’s attorney. This decision is entirely based on the law, as well as
the evidence and legal arguments presented at the hearing,” Malihi wrote.

The final decision as to whether the President should remain on the ballot, however, rests with Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

I will go out on a limb and say that this story will be reported prominently in today’s Philadelphia Inquirer, and that for most of their readers it will be the first they hear about it.

Hat tip Cathy Craddock

Birther Issue Has Not Gone Away

The birther issue started by prominent Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg has not gone away for President Obama.

It appears that there is a  real chance that it might keep Obama off the ballot in Georgia.

President Obama ignored a subpoena issued by Judge Michael Malihi of the Georgia Office of State Administrative Hearings to address the matter at a Jan. 26 hearing.

The argument is now not that Obama was not born in this county but that his father wasn’t a citizen which would still make ineligible, say the plaintiffs, as per  the Natural Born Citizen clause of the Constitution.

Here is how the left-leaning Huffington Post reported the hearing.

And here is the version by  the right-leaning The National Patriot.

And how did the Philadelpia Inquirer cover it? Couldn’t find it, must’ve missed it.

Note the Huffington Post  says that the final decision as to whether to allow Obama on the ballot is up to Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp.

Kemp is a Republican and he did not attempt to stop the hearing despite being asked by the Obama Administration to do so.

Hat tip, Cathy Craddock

Mish’s Global Disses Obama SOTU Speech

Mish’s Global Disses Obama SOTU Speech — Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis says that regarding  the economic plan presented in President Obama’s State of the Union speech: The proposal as outlined rates to take every “responsible” underwater mortgage held by banks, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, hedge funds, foreign banks, and pension plans, and transfer all of them to the FHA. The idea this will only cost $10 billion is absurd.

Mish says the plan is a massive backdoor bailout of banks, mortgage companies, hedge funds, foreign banks, and anyone else holding mortgage related garbage.

Sums it up nicely. And did you read this in the Inquirer?

Hat tip Tom C.

Mish’s Global Disses Obama SOTU Speech

Zero From Zero Is Nothing

I tried, but when the President started his speech tonight saying the bad economy was  Bush’s fault and that things are just getting good, I found myself spending more time with an old rerun of Cold Case.

Switching back I caught snippets about how he is going to raise taxes on companies that ship jobs overseas — hey, is General Electric included — and keep trying to pick winners and losers here. I heard him say how he’s going to send everyone to community colleges and high-tech and innovation and buzzwords and hey, kids let’s put on a show. Or something like that.

I heard him say natural gas is going to supply us for 100 years and that he’s going to protect our intellectual property so  those threats from Hollywood about his SOPA stance apparently had some affect.

So anyway,  Cold Case ended and I saw he was still rambling on about something, well, nothing after I listened to it for a bit, so I came up here and wrote this up.

Addendum, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels provided the GOP response to the President’s address and showed that he gets it. Daniels noted that middle class cannot be maintained on government programs financed by ever-increasing borrowing as the President sincerely appears to believe is possible.

He noted that debt causes nations to fall and that there is only a short time to get our house in order.

He said simple arithmetic shows that Social Security and Medicare will soon fail. Rather than asking that the tax rate on the wealthy be increased, he wondered why they continued to receive safety net benefits along with breaks in the tax code.

You think he might see a chance to be the Republican presidential nominee?

White House Halloween Bash Photos

White House Halloween Bash Photos — The pseudonymous poster, Zombie, of PajamasMedia.com has tracked down photos of the 2009 Obama Halloween Party.

They can be found at this link.

Why will they upset most thinking people? Because the place where matters of war and peace, and life and death, and crime and punishment are considered shouldn’t be made into a joke by Hollywood hipsters waxing ironic.

Be proud Obama voters.

That wasn’t irony but sarcasm.

White House Halloween Bash Photos

Larry Sinclair Or Some Crazy Accusations More Equal Than Others

Larry Sinclair Or  Some Crazy Accusations More Equal Than Others — Herman Cain, the black businessman seeking the Republican nomination for president who was subject to anonymous and unspecific allegations regarding sexual misconduct finally got to face an accuser, Nov. 7, when Sharon Bialek, a Chicago resident with a past history of irresponsible behavior,  held a press conference with her lawyer at her side. Yes, she went into specifics. No corroboration, but there were certainly specifics.

The old, dying but still dangerous, dinosaur old media haven’t stopped talking about it since. Rest assured, though, they will quiet when Cain’s poll numbers drop to a level they deem safe.

Barack Obama, the black senator from Illinois seeking the Democrat nomination for president in 2008, was subject to allegations regarding sexual misconduct and even murder.  On June 18 of that year, Larry Sinclair, a  Chicago resident with a past history of irresponsible behavior,  held a press conference with his lawyer at his side in which he went into specifics. No corroboration. but certainly specifics.

Did the old dinosaurs discuss it for weeks? Don’t be silly. Some crazy, unprovable allegations are just more equal than others.

If you are interested in a fair comparison:

The Sharon Bialek press conference from Nov. 7, 2011.

The Larry Sinclair press conference from June 18, 2008.

Larry Sinclair Or Some Crazy Accusations More Equal Than Others

Larry Sinclair Or Some Crazy Accusations More Equal Than Others

Arnold Trebach — Betrayal Of A Dream

Arnold Trebach, a 1960s civil rights activist who voted for Obama, has written an excellent article on PajamasMedia.Com about how corruption in the office of Attorney General Eric Holder has betrayed Martin Luther King’s dream.

It can be found here.

Favorite Movie Mind Game — Off The Internet

Favorite Movie Mind Game (Courtesy of Cathy Craddock)

Be honest and don’t look at the movie list below till you have done the math!
Try this test and find out what movie is your favorite. This amazing math quiz can likely predict which of 18 movies you would enjoy the most. it really works!
Movie Test:

Pick a number from 1-9.
Multiply by 3.
Add 3.
Multiply by 3 again.
Now add the two digits of your answer together to find your predicted favorite movie in the list of 18 movies below.

Movie List:
1. Gone With The Wind
2. E.T.
3. Blazing Saddles
4. Star Wars
5. Forrest Gump
6. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
7. Jaws
8. Grease
9. The Obama Farewell Speech of 2012
10. Casablanca
11. Jurassic Park
12. Shrek
13. Pirates of the Caribbean
14. Titanic
15. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
16. Home Alone
17. Mrs. Doubtfire
18. Toy Story


Fresh Prince Of Bill Ayers

A bizarre, Maoist attempt to squelch dissent by President Barack Obama has earned him the  sobriquet  The Fresh Prince of Bill Ayers which is being tweeted around the world. Fresh Prince Of Bill Ayers

Ayers is the bizarre, Maoist 1960s radical and wealthy Chicagoan  who was instrumental in Obama’s rise to power.

Ayers once said 25 million Americans would have to be eliminated in order to bring about his utopian dream. Ayers is married to Bernardine Dohrn who famously expressed  approval of murder of Sharon Tate and others by the Manson family.

Obama is asking that reports of any criticism of himself or his administration be reported through the website  AttackWatch.Com. It’s clearly an attempt to intimidate but it appears to have backfired as Obama’s opponents on all parts of the political spectrum have been reporting themselves with scathing comments.

Don’t assume Obama’s only opponents are conservatives. It was said after the results of Tuesdays special election for the New York 9th District congressional seat came in, that the president has not only lost the middle, but the left as well.

Oh, and feel free to report us again here at BillLawrenceOnline.Com albeit we already have.

 Fresh Prince Of Bill Ayers