William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-28-17

Brit-hating Irish revolutionaries can be credited with causing the invention of the modern submarine. They financed John Phillip Holland in his quest to build an undersea warship and he made them the Fenian Ram.

However, a dispute about money occurred which led to the revolutionaries stealing the ship. Fortunately or not depending on one’s politics, the Fenians didn’t know how to work the ship and Holland wouldn’t tell them.

Holland would eventually build the U.S. Navy’s first modern sub, the USS Holland, and ironically, the Royal Navy’s first sub.

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-28-17

Fenian Ram

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-27-17

Legionary vs Legionnaire — So what’s the difference between “legionary” and “legionnaire”? Nothing significant. Legionary is an English word of Latin origin that means serving in a legion. Legionnaire is a French of Latin origin that means serving in a legion that English speakers often apply to members of the French Foreign Legion and the American Legion.

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-27-17 Legionary vs Legionnaire

Legionary vs Legionnaire