William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-20-17

The Hindu Jagannath Temple in Puri, India had a fesitval in which images of their gods were placed in huge wagons and rolled in a procession. These wagons would not stop even if it meant worshippers being crushed beneath the wheels. The English called the wagons “juggernauts” and from them we get the word for unstoppable object.

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Jagannath Temple in Puri, India

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-19-17

Liquid Diamond Seas — It’s very, very, very hard to melt a diamond. At 1292 degrees Farenheit, they burn if oxygen is present. If oxygen is absent they simply turn into graphite.

It is possible to melt them but requires 10 million time normal atmospheric pressure.

Scientists think Neputune and Uranaus have this pressure along with large quantities of carbon. They say it is possible that these planets have seas of liquid diamonds.

Liquid Diamond Seas — William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-19-17
Liquid Diamond Seas
Wow, liquid diamond seas.

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-17-17

An unemployed English house painter named Richard Lawrence attempted to assassinate Presdient Andrew Jackson in 1835. It was the first time anyone ever attempt to kill America’s leader.

Lawrence was taken into custody by bystanders including Congressman Davy Crockett. That possibly saved Lawrence’s life as Jackson was beating him with his cane.

Lawrence was found not guilty be reason of insanity — he claimed to be King Richard III – and was incarcerated in mental institutions until his death on June 13, 1861.

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-17-17 Richard LawrenceRichard Lawrence

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-16-17

The Federated States of Micronesia is 1,678 miles wide or about the distance between Philadelphia and Denver. It’s land area though is 271 square miles, which is less than half the size of Chester County, Pa.

Micronesia William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 6-16-17

Micronesia is 1,678 miles wide or about the distance between Philadelphia and Denver

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-15-17

You say the banana is a herb? We say you are misusing semantics. The banana is a berry according to the botonical classification. This means it’s a fleshy fruit without a stone produced from a single flower containing one ovary.

The banana plant, however, is not a tree but  herbaceous which means that it has no persistent woody stem above ground. The banana plant can be fairly called a herb.

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-15-17

You say the banana is a herb? We say you are misusing semantics. The banana is a berry according to the botonical classification. This means it's a fleshy fruit without a stone produced from a single flower containing one ovary. 

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-13-17

John Adams of Harford, Pa. is considered to be the earliest-born person photographed. He was born Jan. 22, 1745 in Worcester, Ma. and died at the age of 104. His daguerreotype was taken in 1846.

There are other contenders though, especially a slave named Ceasar of Bethlehem, N.Y. who was said to be 114 when he died in 1852. Ceasar is said to be the last person to be subject to legal slavery in the North.

earliest-born person photographed

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-13-17

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-12-17

The FBI was started by Charles Bonaparte. He was Napoleon Bonaparte’s great nephew. Charles’ father was a Maryland farmer. His first name was Jerome but he went by Bo.

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-12-17

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-9-17

The West African nations of Liberia and Sierra Leone were both founded as settlements for freed American slaves — Sierra Leone by the British for slaves freed in the American Revolution, and Liberia by American abolitionist. Ironically, slavery was reinstituted in Sierra Leone and didn’t didn’t end  until 1928.  

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 6-9-17