William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 11-18-17

Oscar Wilde Jefferson Davis— Yoo hoo.  Here’s something to  make your favorite Social Justice Warrior’s head spin: British poet Oscar Wilde was a fan of the Confederacy.

It should be noted that while Wilde liked Rebel President Jefferson Davis, Davis didn’t like him. 

Oscar Wilde Jefferson Davis William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 11-18-17

Oscar Wilde Jefferson Davis-- Yoo hoo.  Just something to keep in mind that would make your favorite Social Justice Warrior's head spin: British poet

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 11-15-17

Captain Billy Wilford Fawcett — Fawcett Publications’  was the nursery for the authors who would rule the American literary world of the second half of the 20th century with a roster including John D. MacDonald, Richard Matheson, Louis L’Amour, William Goldman and Kurt Vonnegut.

It was founded by Wilford Hamilton Fawcett who served as an army captain during World War I. He took on the sobriquet Captain Billy from whence came the name of the magazine of naughty jokes which led to its  success: Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang.

If you should recognize the name it’s likely due to its reference in the song Trouble from Meredith Wilson’s The Music Man.

Captain Billy Wilford Fawcett


Captain Billy Wilford Fawcett

Nasos William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 11-14-17

The original abbreviation for National Socialist Party in Germany was Nasos. Nazi, which sounds like the Austrian word for idiot, was coined by  journalist Konrad Heiden who thought Hitler’s crowd were idiots.

Nasos William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 11-14-17

The original abbreviation for National Socialist Party in Germany was Nasos. Nazi, which sounds like the Austrian word for idiot, was coined by 


William Lawrence Omnibit 11-11-17

Remington Arms World War I — Remington Arms  is said to have provided more than half the guns used by the Allies in World War I  even though the U.S. didn’t enter the war until the year before it ended.  It’s factory in Bridgeport, CT was arguably the largest in the world in 1917.

Remington Arms World War I William Lawrence Omnibit 11-11-17

Remington Arms World War I -- Remington Arms  is said to have provided more than half the guns used by the Allies in World War I  even though the U.S. didn't enter the war until the year before it ended.  It's factory in Bridgeport, CT was arguably the largest in the world in 1917.