False Choice Tax Hike Or Good Roads

False Choice Tax Hike Or Good Roads — State Rep. John McGinnis (R-79) notes that one-third of the spending in the Senate-pushed transportation bill would not have gone to roads and bridges. The bill would have caused a 28-cents per gallon price increase at the pump along with other sneaky costs on the citizen.

“It was like an obese man seeking nutrition at the most expensive dessert shop in town,” he said.

“All of us should oppose false choices with bad consequences,” he said.

For his complete 2-and-a-half minute speech see below.

Hat tip Bob Guzzardi

False Choice Tax Hike Or Good Roads

False Choice Tax Hike Or Good Roads

House GOP Saves Pa. From 28 Cent Per Gal Tax Hike

House State Government Committee Majority Chairman Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler) issued the following statement  regarding final passage of Pennsylvania’s 2013-14 state budget.

“I voted for this year’s $28.4 billion state budget because in the
end it is a victory for limited government and limited government
spending.  For the third consecutive year, total spending growth falls
below the TABOR allowable growth rate of 2.54 percent by $59 million.
Best of all, fiscally-conservative House Republicans were able to hold the line and, ultimately, defeat Governor Corbett’s nearly $2 billion annual gas tax-driven transportation funding plan and a backdoor attempt by the state Senate to expand Medicaid under ObamaCare.

“No matter how you look at it, Medicaid expansion is a blatant attack on working taxpayers and a blatant violation of our Constitutional rights.  Pennsylvania needs to stand together with the states that have already rejected ObamaCare in full to protect our citizens’ freedoms and pockets from this accelerated spending nightmare.

“Rather than increasing taxes and fees to generate transportation
revenue out of the pockets of hard-working taxpayers, we should look to other areas ripe for cuts.   If we cut the Department of Public Welfare budget by 10 percent, more than $1 billion in revenue could be generated for necessary infrastructure improvements and repairs.  Using the money from the sale of the state liquor stores could also generate $1 billion.  Tax and fee increases are the wrong answer for funding roads and bridges.  I will continue my fight to protect taxpayers.”

House GOP Saves Pa. From 28 Cent Per Gal Tax Hike

House GOP Saves Pa. From 28 Cent Per Gal Tax Hike

Daryl Metcalfe Concerning Proposed Gas Tax Hike

Daryl Metcalfe Concerning Proposed Gas Tax Hike — State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-12) put this on Facebook about 50 minutes ago: I
strongly voiced my objections in a Republican Caucus meeting yesterday
regarding the proposed gas tax increase. In a heated exchange with a
caucus leader he accused me of being a bully because I let them know
that if they went against a majority of Republicans to pass the gas tax
with democrat votes then they should not be re-elected as leaders.

He has 2,867 likes.

Daryl Metcalfe Concerning Proposed Gas Tax Hike

28 Cent Gas Hike Being Debated Barrar Tweet

28 Cent Gas Hike Being Debated Barrar Tweet — State Rep. Stephen Barrar (R-160) just tweeted at 11 a.m., today, (June 29) we will start debate on SB1 the bill that will raise the state gas tax by 28 cents per gallon. It will raise about $1.9 billion for transportation projects and mass transit. I plan to vote against the bill and hope to see it defeated. If it passes it will be by one or two votes. call and email your state rep and tell them what you think of the bill.

House To Vote On Transportation Fee Hikes

House To Vote On Transportation Fee Hikes — The  House Transportation Committee completed a series of public hearings on Senate Bill 1, a multi-year, comprehensive transportation funding plan, reports state Rep. Jim Cox (R-129). The committee received testimony from various stakeholders and industry representatives, including Pennsylvania Transportation Secretary Barry Schoch, Auditor General Eugene DePasquale and representatives from public transportation systems, construction and engineering interests, agriculture, trucking, rail freight and others.

Senate Bill 1 aims to raise an additional $2.5 billion a year for transportation funding, with an additional $11 billion overall over five years, by proposing to:

–Remove the cap on the Oil Company Franchise Tax, which is charged at the wholesale level, over a period of five years.

–Reduce the State Liquid Fuels Tax over a period of four years.

— Make vehicle registrations valid for two years instead of one and increasing the net cost by $32.

— Make driver’s licenses valid for six years instead of four and increasing the net cost by $6.25.

The House Transportation Committee expects to vote on the bill this week.

Pennsylvania has some of the oldest transportation infrastructure in the country, Cox said. The governor’s Transportation Funding Advisory Commission has identified the need for an additional $3.5 billion annually to support maintenance and repair of the state’s roads and bridges, as well as public transportation systems.

You know Jim, ending the prevailing wage requirements might just cut the cost of those infrastructure improvements to the point where we don’t need these burdensome fee hikes.

Just sayin’.

House To Vote On Transportation Fee Hikes

Pa Senate Plotting Huge Tax, Fee Hikes

State Rep.Daryl Metcalfe, one of the good guys, has just reported that the Pennsylvania Senate — which is controlled by Republicans if you are not aware —   is considering a transportation funding proposal that will increase the financial burden being carried by Pennsylvania’s citizens by $2.5 billion through tax and fee increases.

“The Governor is proposing to increase our financial burden by $1.5 billion,” he noted. “Government collects enough money from us already, reprioritizing expenditures is the answer to our transportation funding problem. I oppose the tax and fee increases being proposed. If you agree, then like and share this post. Contact your state legislators and the Governor to say no more tax and fee hikes!”

Pa Senate Plotting Huge Tax, Fee Hikes