Sestak Discusses Iran Deal

Former Congressman Joe Sestak will discuss the Iran nuclear agreement, 7 p.m., Sept. 9 in the Driscoll Hall Auditorium at Villanova University.  Sestak Discusses Iran Deal -- Former Congressman Joe Sestak will discuss the Iran nuclear agreement, 7 p.m., Sept. 9 in the Driscoll Hall Auditorium at Villanova University.  The event is sponsored by the Villanova Navy ROTC.  Parking for the general public is available in the university's main lots along Route 30.  A campus map for directions to Driscoll Hall can be found here.  Hat tip Bob Small.

The event is sponsored by the Villanova Navy ROTC.

Parking for the general public is available in the university’s main lots along Route 30.

A campus map for directions to Driscoll Hall can be found here.

Hat tip Bob Small.

Sestak Discusses Iran Deal

Casey, Coons Iran Vote Scorned

The tri-state Independence Hall Foundation  voiced utter disdain, Sept. 1, for the announced decisions of Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Chris Coons (D-DE) to back the Iran deal.  Casey, Coons Iran Vote Scorned

“This is a major miscalculation on the part of both politicians,” said Foundation spokesperson Teri Adams.

“Most importantly, passage of this treaty will lead to a more unstable world–starting with an increase in Middle East violence and ending with Iran as an irrational and unpredictable
nuclear power.

“Secondly, one or both of these men can and will be defeated if they stand for re-election in 2018.  That is not a threat, it’s an observation.

“With upwards of two-thirds of Americans opposing all or parts of this deal in recent surveys, Senators Casey and Coons are alienating big voting blocks in their respective states,” said Ms. Adams.

The following is a copy of a letter the Foundation sent to Senators Casey, Coons, and Corey Booker (D-NJ):

August 28, 2015

Dear Senator (Casey, Coon, Booker),

The Independence Hall Foundation, a non-partisan, non-profit civic organization with over 10,000 adherents in the tri-state region (DE, NJ, PA), is writing to inform you of our overwhelming opposition to the Iran Deal negotiated by the Obama Administration.

While our objections are long, for the sake of brevity, we are going to list our five main reasons for opposing this agreement:

1.  The Iranian government currently holds four American hostages: Washington Post
journalist Jason Rezaian; former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati; pastor Saeed Abedini; and former FBI agent Robert Levinson.

Their release should have been a prerequisite for any negotiations.

2.  The Iranian government sanctions anti-American protests in which its supporters chant “Death to America” — clearly demonstrating that the current regime is our enemy.  Iran, until this year, has been listed as a top exporter of worldwide terrorism.  What has changed?

3.  Lifting sanctions will give the Iranian dictatorship access to upward of $150 billion — enabling them to increase their funding of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah which operate throughout the Middle East.  The agreement also allows unfettered activity at its Arak nuclear facility.

4.  The agreement is much too lax regarding the inspection of known nuclear facilities and does not adequately address the problem of hidden sites.

5.  Most importantly, we believe this deal could actually hasten Iran’s development of a nuclear bomb by allowing it to continue to enrich uranium in addition to developing and testing centrifuges.  Such an outcome puts all of our allies in the Middle East, especially Israel, in imminent danger.
In the short run, the violent activity of Hamas and Hezbollah will surely escalate.  In the long run, one can imagine disaster, not only for Israel and our other Middle Eastern allies, but for the United States as well.  Will it be a nuclear disaster?  God forbid it.

Is this the legacy the Obama Administration seeks?

On behalf of the Foundation Board,
Teri Adams, 267.531.8169

Casey, Coons Iran Vote

Sue Obama To Stop Iran Deal

By Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D. and Lee S. Bender, Esq. Sue Obama To Stop Iran Deal

When Congress returns from recess after Labor Day, one of the most pressing issues on the agenda is the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known commonly as “the Iran deal.” Much has been discovered since the Corker-Cardin-Menendez bill was enacted, including the White House’s and State Department’s deceit without which the Senate likely would not have abandoned its constitutionally-provided role regarding treaties.

Now it might take a lawsuit spearheaded by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to reverse not only the damage to the Constitution but also potential military damage to America and our allies as a result of the provisions of the Iran nuclear-deal.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has overwhelming justification to sue President Obama over the JCPOA, which is actually a treaty and thereby must be ratified by a 2/3-vote of those senators present prior to implementation.

Such a suit could ultimately prompt the Supreme Court to disclaim Obama’s portrayal of this document as an “executive agreement.” It could also sustain the overwhelming will of the American people–according to polling data—to trash this “legacy” effort, for reasons that have been exhaustively detailed.

Blocking implementation of the Iran nuclear-deal would thereby necessitate the legislative branch triggering a confrontation between the judicial and the executive branches.

Two essays {authored by RBS} published in The Hill explored the legalities of this initiative, focused on its “treaty” [July 29] and “rule-of-law” [August 25] components.

In the interim [USA Today, August 5], Professor Alan Dershowitz recognized that a Supreme Court opinion challenged the president’s power to enter into long-term deals with foreign powers without the consent of Congress. A president cannot avoid congressional oversight by simply declaring an important deal with foreign powers to be an executive agreement rather than a treaty [Gibbons v. Ogden]: “[G]eneral and permanent commercial regulations with foreign powers must be made by treaty, but…the particular and temporary regulations of commerce may be made by an agreement of a state with another, or with a foreign power, by the consent of Congress.”

Two other authors, legal-authority Andrew C. McCarthy [National Review Online, July 17] and accomplished-author Caroline B. Glick [Jerusalem Post, July 21] also claimed the deal is a treaty, but neither of these columnists nor Dershowitz proposed a remedy that would halt this out-of-control Obama Administration. Writer Jerry Gordon has comprehensively detailed “How Best to Overturn the Iran Nuclear Pact” [New English Review, August].

The drip-drip-drip of news about details of the deal as well as “secret” side arrangements that has emerged this summer congeals into two major rationales for such litigation, addressing both specifics and lack of transparency. Leaks unveiled multiple side-deals between Iran and the IAEA that satirize the concept of “anytime, anywhere surveillance” but, perhaps more important, Obama and his cabinet-members “inexplicably” failed to reveal this information to Congress as secrets. Moreover, the Administration also misled Congress and the American public about the nature of the deal and the resulting preservation of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and right to continue advanced research that will facilitate a bomb when the pact expires in a mere decade to 15 years.

The “legislative intent” of the Corker-Cardin bill (Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015) was focused exclusively on Iran’s nuclear program, contrasting with the final pact the Administration concluded lifting conventional-weapon sanctions. Iran sought—and was granted—this specific concession reportedly at the very end of the negotiations. This was outside what the Administration had originally advised Congress about the parameters of this deal: that it was focused solely on nuclear-weapons capability and not conventional weapons (or ICBMs). Thus, the final version of the Iran nuclear-deal encompassed issues, such as weaponization, that the Administration did not disclose to Congress before it debated and passed the Corker-Cardin Bill.

(Other facets of the negotiation were also misrepresented by the Obama Administration prior to when Kerry inked the deal. For example, although release of American prisoners was not ultimately achieved, Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on January 21, 2015 that the Administration’s negotiators “continue to insist” that Americans held in detention be released.) John Bolton recently elucidated additional major concessions (National Review, August 24).

This deception started before the Corker-Cardin Bill was passed in May. It was even maintained by Iran when the Tasmin News agency reported [June 15] “Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani reiterated that negotiations between Tehran and six major world powers solely focus on nuclear topics, dismissing any talk of military subjects in the talks.”

Evidence of the ongoing deception was manifest when Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey testified during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on July 7—only one week prior to when the deal was signed [July 14]—that the arms embargo, pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1929, was not to be lifted.

Thus, overall, absent the ability to review all relevant data, the Senate (1)—cannot render an informed judgment, consistent with its “advise/consent” role, and (2)—cannot be viewed to be facing a 60-day deadline, for the Corker-Cardin Bill mandates that this “clock” start “ticking” only after the database has been completed.

Refusal to provide copies of side-agreements to Congress continues unabated, as per testimony on August 5 by chief-negotiator Wendy Sherman and IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano. We now know why normally-sedate Senator Corker exploded (“We cannot get him to even confirm that we will have physical access inside of Parchin”) because such inspections have been serially outsourced by Obama to the IAEA and then, we learned more recently, by the IAEA to Iran.

The “toughest inspections-regime in history” forces America (and the world) to allow Iran to provide proof that Iran is not making nukes in Iran.

Perhaps more ominous is the dismissive posture adopted by Secretary of State Kerry [July 28] when confronted by Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing. The innocent hypothetical was unambiguous: Would he “follow the law” governing existing congressional sanctions if Congress voted to override a veto? Kerry’s elitist reply challenged the rule-of-law: “I can’t begin to answer that at this point without consulting with the President and determining what the circumstances are.”

Could Obama go rogue?

The ability of the Supreme Court to exercise “judicial review” is rooted in the Supremacy Clause, was affirmed in 1803 [Marbury v. Madison], and has never been tested again.

But, because the Supreme Court does not command any enforcement capability the remedy for potential lawlessness is unclear. Indeed, this concern would extend to any nullification effort by the President related to the prospect that the Supreme Court would declare the Iran-Nuclear Deal to be a “treaty” rather than the “executive agreement” the President has potentially improperly considered it to be, to skirt congressional oversight and approval.

These concerns were predicted [May 7] and corroborated [July 23] in essays that presage the current crisis [by RBS, both published in The American Thinker]. They were confirmed in an e-mail exchange by noted constitutional scholar, Dr. John C. Eastman [the Henry Salvatori Professor of Law & Community Service at the Dale E. Fowler School of Law at Chapman University and Founding Director of The Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence]: “First, because only a ‘treaty’ is the Supreme law of the land, a mere executive agreement could not overturn statutorily-imposed sanctions,” Eastman wrote in an e-mail. “And neither, in my view, could a change in the constitutionally-mandated default rule for adopting a treaty. Second, if that is true, then members of the Senate who, collectively, had the votes to prevent ratification of a treaty would have standing to challenge the process that negated their vote. That’s the Coleman v. Miller case on all fours.” This 1939 landmark decision ensured that Congress was empowered to specify a deadline by which an external entity was to affirm proposed legislation, such as a Constitutional amendment.

The Ottoman-Islamic defeat at the “Gates of Vienna” in 1683 is on the verge of being reversed by Obama/Kerry and their P5+1 partners, again in Vienna. The irony is that the West is validating Iranian-Islamic supremacism. It seems only the U.S. Senate can rescue (Judeo-Christian) Western Civilization from the Administration’s collaboration and perfidy.

The Senate must definitively impose a limit to the President’s executive lawlessness before a constitutional crisis erupts. Resolution by the courts may be the most effective way to check and to balance the scales that Obama has usurped.

Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D. is a physician-activist and may be contacted at Lee S. Bender, Esquire, is an attorney, activist and co-author of the book, “Pressing Israel: Media Bias Exposed From A-Z.”

Sue Obama To Stop Iran Deal

Remember Kayla Mueller

Remember Kayla Mueller
Remember Kayla Mueller

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Trudy Rubin, yesterday, Aug. 30, became one of the few old media types expressing outrage over the fate of American Kayla Mueller.

Ms. Rubin even went so far as to call President Obama’s policies concerning ISIS inept and contradictory.

That’s certainly not writing you see every day by the establishment.

Miss Mueller was a human rights activist captured in August 2013 in Syria by ISIS. She was chained in a room and raped repeatedly over the next several months by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi  largely because she was an American.

She was killed on Feb. 6 this year. She was 26. ISIS claims it was a Jordanian air strike that caused her death but that is far from an established fact.

During her captivity, Miss Mueller refused a chance to escape as it would endanger the Yazidi girls who were imprisoned — and being abused — along with her and to whom she had become kind of a mother figure. She had smuggled out a letter say she would never give in to her captors.

Let us remember Kayla Mueller. Let us remember Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as well.

And for the record just about  any other president except Barack Obama would not be confused about what to do. OK, Hillary Clinton, as she would be listening to Huma Abedin, would also be confused.

Remember Kayla Mueller

Tomi Lahren Rips Obama Indifference

The  commentary by Tomi Lahren, the  One America News Network host, has gone viral. She rips Obama concerning his indifference to the deaths of U.S. military personnel. She condemns his hypocrisy and inflation of minor issues.The below commentary by Tomi Lahren, the host of On Point with Tomi Lahren on the One America News Network, has gone viral.

She takes to task the hypocrisy and fecklessness of Obama concerning the attacks on American service members along with his bizarre approach to ignoring serious problems while inflating inconsequential things.

Tomi Lahren Rips Obama Indifference

Obama Muslim Mole Implies Admiral

Obama Muslim Mole Implies Admiral
Admiral James Lyons (Ret.)

Retired Admiral James Lyons, who commanded the U.S. Pacific Fleet from 1985-1987 came pretty close to calling President Obama an Islamic mole in a talk before the Center for Security Policy on Feb. 11.

“The Obama Administration has a strategy,” he said. “It’s very simple. Any thinking American should be able to grasp it. It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro Islamic, it’s pro Iranian, and pro Muslim Brotherhood.”

We kind of agree. Biden 2015.

Obama must be impeached.

FWIW, Hillary isn’t any better. The father of her deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin was the late Dr. Syed Zainul Abedin  who worked for terrorism financier Abdullah Omar Naseef. Her mother, Saleha, is a leader in the Muslim Sisterhood, which is the ladies auxiliary for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Here is the video of what Admiral Lyons said on Feb. 11:

Obama Muslim Mole Implies Admiral

Hat tip Fran Coppock

Pa Man Seeks Slice Of Iranian Pie

John Revlas of Holland, Pa. is among those asking a Federal Court to expand the distribution of seized Iranian assets reports Naomi Seligman of Seligman Consulting. Pa Man Seeks Slice Of Iranian Pie

U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in 2008 granted summary judgment of $2.65 billion to the plaintiffs in Peterson, et al. vs. Islamic Republic of Iran to compensate for multiple acts of terror sponsored by the rogue nation.

The money is coming from assets held by Bank Markazi, which is the central bank of Iran, and Citibank.

The case was upheld last July by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Bank Markazi is appealing to the Supreme Court.

A separate action adding to the pot of money concerns  the ruling that the Pahlavi Foundation, which owned a skyscraper on Fifth Avenue,  was a front for the Iranian government. Again summary judgment was granted. Compensation from the sale of the building and other property is valued at over $1 billion. This is also slated to go to victims of Iranian-sponsored terrorism.

Revlas, along with Mark Boyd and John Kees want those receiving this money go to victims of the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut Lebanon. The bombing killed 241 and injured many others.

Relvas’ brother Rui was among the dead, as was Kees’ father. Boyd was a Marine who survived the attack and has joined the suit on behalf of his friends.

The plaintiffs are represented by Karsman, McKenzie & Hart of Savannah, and Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll which has offices in seven cities including Philadelphia.

While one may wonder what the cut of the law firms will be, we say the less money Iran has the less resources it has to kill those who want to be left alone including its own citizens.

 Pa Man Seeks Slice Of Iranian Pie

Penn State Invites Terrorist Ayers

Bill Ayers Penn State Invites Terrorist Ayers
Obama ally and mentor Bill Ayers showing his love for America. On Sept. 11, 2001. Really.

An unrepentant  terrorist is scheduled to be a paid panelist  tomorrow, March 20, at at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center at the Penn State Dickinson School of Law.

The terrorist is Bill Ayers who bombed the New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972. .

State Sen. Pro Tempore Joseph Scarnati (R-25) has written a letter objecting to Ayers appearance.

“The decision to allow Mr. Ayers to address your students and faculty in light of his violent past is difficult for me to reconcile,” Scarnati said.

It doesn’t matter Joe. It looks like Ayers is going to appear anyway.

Osama Bin Laden was unavailable.

We will note that bin Laden appears to have treated his women better.

Penn State Invites Terrorist Ayers


Obama Sought Israel Regime Change?

Obama Sought Israel Regime Change?
U.S. tax dollars may have been used to campaign against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

A congressional investigation is looming as to whether Barack Obama sought regime change in Israel reports

OneVoice, a tax-exempt non-profit organization, reportedly partnered with 270 Strategies in yesterday’s failed attempt to unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

270 Strategies is filled with staffers who played leadership roles in Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. These include Jeremy Bird who was Obama’s national field director. Bird is said to be among those in Israel seeking Netanyahu’s removal.

The official scandal is that OneVoice received tax-payer money from the State Department.

“I mean, I don’t know . . . the U.S. government has ever funded an organization that funded a subsidiary whose sole purpose was to overthrow an elected government of an ally, of a friend. I mean, Benjamin Netanyahu is not a major opponent of the United States. He’s a friend of the United States,” said Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-16).

“(Obama) seems much more interested in regime change in Jerusalem than in Tehran,” notes Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx)

By the way, unlike with Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan (an Islamicist), Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi (an Islamicist), Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (an Islamicist),  Russian President Vladimir Putin (a bully), and Chinese President XI Jinping, Obama did not make a congratulatory call to Netanyahu.
Obama Sought Israel Regime Change?

State Department funds transferred to OneVoice raises the question as to whether Obama Sought Israel Regime Change

Bibi Beats Barack’s Community Organizers

Congratulations to Cheltenham High grad and friend to America Benjamin Netanyahu for his unexpected  come-from-behind victory to remain Israel’s prime minister. Bibi Beats Barack's Community Organizers

The win came despite the best community-organizing efforts of President Barack Hussein Obama.

We remain convinced that Bibi loves America (and peace and even Arabs) more than Barry.

Bibi Beats Barack’s Community Organizers