Dasha Pruett To Launch Indy Congressional Campaign

Dasha Pruett To Launch Indy Congressional Campaign — Dasha Pruett is off the ballot for tomorrow’s (April 23) primary ballot and will launch an independent campaign for Pennsylvania’s 5th Congressional District, according to her husband, Rich.

This gives clear sailing for party-endorsed Alfe Goodwin to be the Republican nominee but might make things harder to unseat Democrat incumbent Mary Gay Scanlon in November.

Dasha needs 4,200 signatures by Aug. 1 to get on November’s ballot, said Rich.

Meanwhile, Mary Gay is getting some unfortunate publicity on X. Story here.

Dasha Pruett To Launch Indy Congressional Campaign

Border Crisis Creates Enviro Worries; Happy Earth Day

Border Crisis Creates Enviro Worries; Happy Earth Day

By Joe Guzzardi

If Earth Day’s founders were alive to see the tattered remains of their noble mission, they would shake their heads in dismay. The essential requirement for a sound environment is a stable population, a basic guideline that the Biden administration has trampled on in its quest to destroy sovereign America. For three years, Americans have been lectured to about how the arriving migrants, a euphemism for illegal aliens, are simply searching for a better life. But that trite observation is incomplete. “A better life” means that illegal immigrants came to America to become consumers—of goods, services and, most critically to Earth Day advocates, the nation’s precious, scarce and irreplaceable natural resources.

Look back to January 1969 when Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson (D), the driving force behind Earth Day, and many others witnessed the ravages of Santa Barbara’s massive oil spill which eventually sent 9,000 gallons of oil per hour along California’s pristine coastline. For Nelson, who had long been concerned about the United States’ deteriorating environment, the massive oil spill was his defining moment in launching an activist movement. By the time Union Oil stopped the leakage, the spill rate hit 24,000 U.S. gallons per day, the worst spill in the nation’s history. Devastation was everywhere; oil-coated loons and Western grebes piled up along the unspoiled California coastline. Despite attempts to clean and care for the oil-slicked birds, conservationists estimated that 9,000 died. “The Santa Barbara incident,” Nelson said, “has frankly touched the conscience of the American people.” The disastrous spill motivated Nelson to launch a nationwide teach-in about environmental awareness similar to the teach-ins anti-Vietnam War protestors were conducting.

Environmentalists celebrated the first official Earth Day on April 22, 1970, and momentum to protect America the beautiful quickly surged. A decade later, the 1980 Earth Day event was held in Washington. D.C. across from the White House and capped ten years of new, major U.S. environmental laws that included the Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Toxics Substances Control Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Earth Day spearheaded a decade of significant advancement— the Environmental Protection Agency’s formation and the banning of DDT and of lead in gasoline. During the 1980s, Earth Day’s reach expanded internationally. By 1990 Earth Day was global; environmental concerns activated two hundred million people in 141 countries. In 1995, President Bill Clinton gave Nelson the coveted Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award.

Today, environmentalists face a different but equally grave challenge than the one that concerned those decades ago. While not as dramatic as millions of washed-up dead waterfowl, unchecked population growth has an equally devastating effect on the environment. In 1970, the U.S. population stood at 203 million; in 2024, more than 336 million residents inhabit the U.S. The Census Bureau Population Clock shows that arriving net international migrants come at the rate of one every 27 seconds and represent the major population driver. The population growth formula: births, one every nine seconds, minus deaths, one every ten seconds, plus net international arrivals, one every 27 seconds, equals a net gain of one person every 20 seconds.

President Joe Biden’s welcoming open border policies which have allowed about 7.2 million illegal immigrants to resettle in the U.S. have exacerbated the population crisis, and have established an unsustainable, but nevertheless ongoing policy. Non-immigrant visa overstays add another 650,ooo-850,000 annually to the existing population. About 1.5 million got aways is a population concern and also a homeland threat. The U.S. has successfully lowered its fertility rate to 1.786 births per woman, well-below the previous 2.1 replacement level. But the advancement in lowering the birth rate is obliterated by the arriving illegal immigrants. While some social scientists are troubled by falling birth rates, low fertility offers advantages: easing ecological pressures, preventing overcrowding and reducing the infrastructure costs that come with a growing population. The ignored variable in the population growth formula is immigration.

One month ago, on March 22, the United Nations observed World Water Day, an event that should raise consciousness about how immigration-driven population growth has dried up vital water bodies. The final scorecard: Roughly 40 percent of wells have hit all-time lows since 2010. The seven states that signed the Colorado River Compact in 1922 had a combined population of 2.8 million in 1900. Their combined populations today exceed 62 million. More immigration means more sprawl—people need water for personal consumption. Homes, hospitals and schools must be built. If immigration is not reduced, the West’s arid regions will have millions more people, fewer farms, and more expensive, and perhaps severely rationed water. The Colorado River loses 19.3-million-acre feet of water per year to cities, farms and evaporation, roughly the amount of water used by the 50 largest U.S. cities each year. The river can be saved but not without significant reductions in water use, especially from the irrigated agriculture industry which could adversely affect the nation’s food supply.

Although some media outlets have reported on the open Southwest and Northern borders, few have emphasized that chain migration allows illegal immigrants, once they obtain legal status, can petition non-nuclear family members. Once on U.S. soil, they may either grow their existing families or begin new ones. Within two decades, chain migration and new family formations could increase the 7.2 million aliens by a multiplier of three. Princeton University researchers established the three-times multiplier. Within a generation, today’s non-existent border enforcement and foolish immigration laws policies will eventually lead to twenty-one million new residents whose histories are linked to illegal immigration.

Immigration is politics’ third rail. But Nelson considered population stabilization a key component to environmental stabilization. To immigration expansionists, Nelson said, “It’s phony to say, ‘I’m for the environment but not for limiting immigration.’”

Joe Guzzardi is an Institute for Sound Public Policy analyst. Contact him at jguzzardi@ifspp.org

Border Crisis Creates Enviro Worries; Happy Earth Day

Border Crisis Creates Enviro Worries; Happy Earth Day Border Crisis Creates Enviro Worries

Linen cloths lying William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-22-19

Linen cloths lying William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-22-19

Als gyxw e glerrip jsv xli xsvvirxw sj vemr, erh e texl jsv xli xlyrhivwxsvq,xs aexiv e perh alivi rs sri pmziw, er yrmrlefmxih hiwivx, xs wexmwjc e hiwspexi aewxiperh erh qeoi mx wtvsyx amxl kveww?

Linen cloths lying William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-22-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. Psalms

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb. He saw the linen cloths lying there, and the face cloth, which had been on Jesus’ head, not lying with the linen cloths but folded up in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed
John 20:6

Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Body of Jesus William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-21-24

Body of Jesus William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-21-19

Wkhq Vlprq Shwhu fdph, iroorzlqj klp, dqg zhqw lqwr wkh wrpe. Kh vdz wkh olqhq forwkv oblqj wkhuh, dqg wkh idfh forwk, zklfk kdg ehhq rq Mhvxv’ khdg, qrw oblqj zlwk wkh olqhq forwkv exw iroghg xs lq d sodfh eb lwvhoi. Wkhq wkh rwkhu glvflsoh, zkr kdg uhdfkhg wkh wrpe iluvw, dovr zhqw lq, dqg kh vdz dqg eholhyhg

Body of Jesus William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-21-19 Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. Psalms

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: So they took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen cloths with the spices, as is the burial custom of the Jews. Now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. So because of the Jewish day of Preparation, since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there
John 19:40

Visit UncommonDescent.com for discussion on philosophy and science.

Pennsylvania Auditor General Primary 2024

Pennsylvania Auditor General Primary 2024

By Bob Small

The Pennsylvania Auditor General “monitors how public dollars are spent.” This is done by “conducting financial audits” and other reviews.

The primary election Tuesday, April 23, includes two running in the Democrat primary and the Republican incumbent running unopposed.

Republican Incumbent, Tim Defoor, is the first person of color to win a statewide office in Pennsylvania, as a Republican. The first, Austin Davis (Democrat) is the current lieutenant governor.

Defoor, from Dauphin County, is a graduate of Penn State, the University of Pittsburgh, and the Harrisburg University of Science and Technology. He has served as Dauphin County controller, a special agent for the State Attorney General, and fraud investigator for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

Defoor says that a dozen school districts had raised local taxes, while holding millions of dollars in their general funds.

During his first term he created the first (DEI) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion office among many other initiatives.

See also Timothy DeFoor

Malcolm Kenyatta, of Philadelphia, graduated from Drexel and Temple. He represents the 181st District in the Pennsylvania House and is the first openly Gay person of color to serve in the General Assembly. Kenyatta, says I’m running for Auditor General because it’s time for the underdog to be a watchdog for Pennsylvania’s working families. “

He says that  “I will stand up for our workers by creating the first ever Bureau of Labor and Worker Protections and use the power of the office to take on wage theft, employee misclassification, and union busting. “

(Ed note: Will stopping union busting apply to Delaware County’s George Hill Prison?)

He has been chosen for  the Bertelsmann Leadership Fellow in the Digital Economy, the bipartisan Hunt/Kean Leadership Fellow in Education, and American Jewish Committee (AJC) Project Interchange.

See also Philadelphia’s rising Democratic star on another school …

Mark Pinsley is a graduate of Indiana University and Northeastern University. He is a businessman and a US Army Veteran. He’s currently Lehigh County Controller.

He owns Dermamed Solutions DermaMed Solutions. His goals as Auditor General are included in the following article Jewish Democrat Mark Pinsley Running for Auditor . See also Mark Pinsley For Auditor General

Pennsylvania Auditor General Primary 2024

Putin Endorses Obama

Putin Endorses Obama — A silver lining has appeared on Barack Obama’s rather black cloud of a week. Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has endorsed him for the presidency.

We’d thought we’d polish up this article from Sept. 8, 2012 and repost it.

Putin Endorses Obama

Full Ticket In Pennsylvania 12

Full Ticket In Pennsylvania 12

By Bob Small

Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District is mostly Allegheny County with some of Westmoreland County.

The current Congressperson is Summer Lee, widely acknowledged as Pennsylvania’s most progressive congressperson. How you feel about that will probably determine your vote.

She voted for a ceasefire in Gaza and is supported by Justice Democrats Pa.

She is the first Afro-American to represent Southwestern Pennsylvania in the state legislature.

Her opponent in Tuesday’s Democratic Primary is Bhavini Patel, the daughter of a mother who emigrated from India.

After Graduating from Pitt, the site of her family’s food truck, she earned her masters in International Relations from the University of Oxford.

She was cofounder and CEO of Beamdata which helped people connect with their elected officials during Covid and has continued to use data technology to advance social justice. She is on Edgewood Borough Council. She has the support of Modsquad which is a PAC that declares itself moderate and funds candidates of both parties.

See The Moderate Democrats for the April 7 Debate between her and Summer Lee.

On the Republican side, there is James Hayes.

Hayes, an African-American, declares himself to be a supporter of Israel which contrast himself with his probable November opponent. He has degrees from Case Western (doctor in Business Administration) Georgetown (bachelors in International Economics, Princeton (masters in Economics and Policy) , and the University of Chicago. ( MBA in Finance and Accounting)

He has three children with his wife, Brenda Diaz,, whom he met while working in Mexico in the 1990s.

Finally, there is Laurie Macdonald. She was originally a Democratic candidate but was challenged off the ballot. She then announced a write-in campaign to be the Republican nominee.

She is president and CEO of Center for Victims.

“Good leadership requires the vision to see both sides, coalesce the ideas and bring people together,” she says.

Full Ticket In Pennsylvania 12

Both Sides Agree That Border Bill Would Keep Invasion Going

Both Sides Agree That Border Bill Would Keep Invasion Going

By Joe Guzzardi

An Associated Press story that three of its leading reporters contributed to is a grand example of journalists not seeing the forest for the trees. Colleen Long, Zeke Miller, and Seung Min Kim, whose titles respectively are White House law enforcement and legal affairs correspondent, chief White House correspondent, and White House reporter, teamed up to write “Biden Determined to Use Stunning Trump-backed Collapse of Border Deal as a Weapon in 2024 Campaign.”

The story’s gist about the collapsed Senate border deal does not address the most crucial point: would the bill fulfill its stated purpose of securing the border? While President Joe Biden moved forward on his never-ending quest to seek additional funding for Ukraine, he gambled that as part of the same package he could satisfy Americans’ demand that he secures the U.S.-Mexico border. In his press release, Biden wrote that the bill “includes the toughest and fairest set of border reforms in decades. I strongly support it. It will make our country safer, make our border more secure….”

Naturally, Biden’s take away would be positive. The deal was negotiated by two Democrats, Arizona’s faux Independent Kyrsten Sinema who caucuses with Democrats, deep blue Connecticut’s Chris Murphy, and one Republican sacrificial lamb, Oklahoma’s James Lankford, whose home state is safely six hundred miles away from Eagle Pass, the landing point for thousands of arriving illegal aliens. A more appropriate choice to join the negotiating team would have been Texas’ Ted Cruz or Florida’s Marco Rubio whose constituents are under siege. The bill had input from impeached Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), two Biden confidants. In his 35 years in Congress, Schumer has unfailingly voted against border and interior enforcement as well as in favor of more liberal asylum standards and increased annual refugee ceilings.

Critics, including former President Donald Trump, insisted that the bill was hurtful for the homeland, and did nothing to secure the border, but instead assured that illegal crossings would persist, and that many illegal aliens would continue to get affirmative benefits. At a rally in Nevada, after solidifying his position as the far and away GOP front-runner, Trump made his feelings known. “As the leader of our party, there is zero chance I will support this horrible open border betrayal of America. I’ll fight it all the way.” Then he added, “A lot of the senators are trying to say, respectfully, they’re blaming it on me. I say, that’s OK. Please blame it on me. Please.” Trump’s statement provided Biden with the fodder he intends to use during the intense summer campaigning months. Again, Trump’s position, like Biden’s, is predictable. He knows that immigration is voters’ top concern, and his statement plays to his base.

The bill cannot be both “the toughest and fairest set of border reforms in decades,” and “an open borders betrayal of America.” AP should have focused on Biden and Trump’s disparate views on the immigration bill, S. Amdt.1388 to H.R. 815, and delved into whether the bill is bad, as the former president claimed, or whether the incumbent is on solid footing when he insisted that the bill provided the solution to the border crisis. Digging into the bill’s weeds would be challenging for AP since the senators’ proposed four hundred-pages long legislation was written with typical congressional obfuscation. Immigration law is tough for laymen to grasp, especially four hundred pages of it.

AP missed an opportunity to reach out to legal experts to help answer the straightforward question: is the Senate bill good or bad for the nation? Nolan Rappaport, a Democrat who opines in “The Hill” has excellent credentials. For three years, Rappaport was detailed to the House Judiciary Committee as an Executive Branch Immigration Law Expert and subsequently served a four-year period as an immigration counsel for the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims. Before working on the Judiciary Committee, he wrote decisions for the Board of Immigration Appeals for 20 years. Rappaport’s summary of the amendment was concise: “the Border Act would not secure the border. Among other weaknesses, it fails to provide a solution to the most serious problem, which is that Biden has released so many asylum seekers into the country that our asylum system has broken.”

Another professional legal opinion came from the Center for Immigration Studies’ Andrew Arthur whose 20 year-plus career includes a period as Counsel on the House Judiciary Committee where he performed oversight of immigration issues. After five years at the House Judiciary, he was appointed to the immigration bench, serving for eight years as an Immigration Judge. Arthur reached the same conclusion as Rappaport: “the bill fails to close the vast majority of loopholes smugglers have been exploiting for a decade to move illegal migrants (and migrant families and children, in particular) into the United States. Worse, it codifies some of them.” Among the loopholes Arthur referred to were “the low “credible fear” standard for border migrants seeking asylum.” 

In short, the amendment would legalize border chaos by allowing up to 5,000 illegal entries per day, potentially 1.85 million illegal aliens annually, before border closure is required. The border closure guidelines are time-limited, however, and the untrustworthy Biden and Mayorkas have the discretion to determine how and when to use the authority provided. Biden does not need legislative action to close the border, and the administration’s support of the bill, which the Senate rejected, is an open admission of its failures. The proposed cap of 5,000 illegal entries per day proves that Biden could close the border to illegal aliens in an instant if he had the will to do it. The border solution that Americans want is to enforce existing immigration laws; no new legislation required.

Joe Guzzardi is an Institute for Sound Public Policy analyst. Contact him at jguzzardi@ifspp.org

Both Sides Agree That Border Bill Would Keep Invasion Going

Both Sides Agree That Border Bill Would Keep Invasion Going

Hour is coming William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-20-24

Hour is coming William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-20-24

Rn sgdx snnj sgd ancx ne Idrtr zmc antmc hs hm khmdm bknsgr vhsg sgd rohbdr, zr hr sgd atqhzk btrsnl ne sgd Idvr. Mnv hm sgd okzbd vgdqd gd vzr bqtbhehdc sgdqd vzr z fzqcdm, zmc hm sgd fzqcdm z mdv snla hm vghbg mn nmd gzc xds addm kzhc. Rn adbztrd ne sgd Idvhrg czx ne Oqdozqzshnm, rhmbd sgd snla vzr bknrd zs gzmc, sgdx kzhc Idrtr sgdqd

 Jesus answered them, “Do you now believe? Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. PsalmsAnswer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Jesus answered them, “Do you now believe? Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me.
John 16:31

Visit UncommonDescent.com for discussion on philosophy and science.
Hour is coming William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-20-19

Ann Vandersteel To Speak On Darien Gap At Keystone Town Hall

Ann Vandersteel will speak about those behind the hoard of illegals coming up through The Darien Gap in Panama at the Keystone Town Hall, 7 p.m., April 25 at the Desmond Hotel, 1 Liberty Blvd., Malvern Pa. 19355.

It will be in the third floor amphitheater. Doors open t 6:30 p.m.

For information email KeystoneTownHall@pm.me

Ann Vandersteel To Speak On Darien Gap At Keystone Town Hall