Obama Loves America

Obama Loves America as much as Bill Ayers
Obama loves America every bit as much as does Bill Ayers (above) and Rev. Jeremiah Wright. This image of Ayers standing on the Stars and Stripes was used to illustrate a flattering New York Times Magazine article about how he didn’t regret setting bombs in his Weatherman days..

Former New York Mayor and 9/11  hero Rudy Guiliani told a crowd of  business leaders, Feb. 18, at the 21 Club in New York City that he doesn’t believe Obama loves America.

Oh, did heads spin. The bile boiled over on leftist blogs as progs came out in defense of their god. Rudy, himself, got death threats.

The Mayor didn’t back down, though, repeating his claim on cable news shows.

Mayor, the best response would have been merely to concede that the President does love America — every bit as much as Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. He willingly subjected himself to Wright’s sermons   for two decades, after all; and  Ayers, a man who once helped plan the bombing of the Pentagon, hired him to chair his Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

Here is the link to a flattering article concerning Ayers in which he expresses pride for his role in the bombings of  New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971,  and the Pentagon in 1972. If you want to feel a bit of extreme cosmic irony note the date the article was published.

Below is Rev. Wright showing how much he loves America.

 Obama Loves America

Wolf Gives GOP Opening On Charter Schools

The Philadelphia School Reform Commission voted, Feb. 18, to approved five of the 39 applications for new charter schools.  Wolf Gives GOP Opening On Charter Schools

Gov. Tom Wolf chimed in decrying the decision. Oh, the Philadelphia School District can’t possibly handle it he said. He cited  the district’s $80 million budget deficit.

Charter schools, of course, are cheaper to run than traditional schools so one would wonder what exactly is Wolf thinking until one realizes that he, like the rest of the Democrat Party, is in the pocket of the teacher unions. These entities get the lion’s share of the blame for the inflated cost of public education.

Anyway, this creates a very nice opportunity for the GOP. Charter Schools are strongly supported by a significant section of the city and these supporters had in the past not been willing to look twice at a Republican candidate. If the party starts championing Philadelphia charters there is a pretty good chance this will change for many of them.

You would not need all of them or even most of them to start making a difference in elections.

Wolf Gives GOP Opening On Charter Schools

World Retail Sales To Reach $22 Trillion

Worldwide retail sales are exptect to reach $22.49 trillion this year reports eMarket.com, and online sales are expected to hit $1.59 trillion.

China is expected to be the world leader in internet retail sales at $315.75 billion followed by the United States at $264.28 billion and the United Kingdom at $70.39 billion.

World Retail Sales To Reach $22 Trillion

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-20-15

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 2-20-15

The 50,000 Greenlanders who live on the world’s largest island in some of the world’s worst weather drink over 30 million cans of beer a year — at least in 1986.

Carlisle Moody: Handguns Stop Murders

In the days of old when knights were bold murder was pretty common.  In 13th century Europe, the rate was 22.68 per 100,000 rising to 40.79 per 100,000 by the 15th century. Carlisle Moody: Handguns Stop Murders

It was as though every place in Europe was Chester, Pa. Well, maybe not that bad. Figure Detroit or New Orleans.

But then something happened. In the 16th century the rate tumbled back to 20.28 per 100,000.

Carlisle Moody of the College of William & Mary says that the year the trend changed was 1505 and what happened was the handgun, namely the wheel lock pistol which by that year had become common enough to make a social impact.

The pistol put the little guy (and gal) on a equal footing with the big, strong, armor-plated club/knife/ax wielding thug.

Moody says the likely inventor of this device was Leonardo Da Vinci  which would make Leonardo the father of the handgun. Thank you Leonardo.

For what it’s worth, the authoritarian types didn’t like them from the beginning. The first gun control law happened  in 1517 when Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I declared “Inasmuch as certain persons in our territories of Lower Austria are in the habit of carrying self-striking hand-guns that ignite themselves which we are on no account prepared to allow . . .our nobles, stewards, administrators, chief justices, mayors and judges should under no circumstances permit such guns to be carried.”

Still handguns didn’t disappear and the trend continued. In the 17th century  the murder rate dropped big to 7.84 per 100,000. Moody says the big year was 1621 when the flintlock — which became the standard firearm for the next two centuries  — entered general use.

Moody notes the cost of firearms was rarely prohibitive for the masses. In 1699, a pair of pistols cost 5 shillings or about $41 in today’s dollars.

The European murder rate continued to fall reaching 1.18 per 100,000 by the 20th century. In Britain, by 1920 it had fallen to .84 per 100,000. That was the year The Firearms Act was passed essentially ending the English right to bear arms. Since then the British murder rate has risen to 1.44 (as of 1999) and the assault rate has exploded from 2.39 per 100,000 to 419.29.

Some other tidbits: Moody says London had a homicide rate of .26 per 100,000 in the 1820s before the first world’s first police force was created in 1829. It now has a rate of 2.28 per 100,000.

Carlisle Moody notes that three out of every four murder victims before 1850 would have survived with today’s medicine. He says, however, even dividing by four would not affect the pattern regarding the previous century murder rates.

Moody’s paper can be found here. The math is there to back up his claims to other academics and doesn’t have to be followed to get his point.

Hat tip James Delingpole of Breitbart.com.

Carlisle Moody: Handguns Stop Murders
Carlisle Moody is a member of the Economics Department at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va.

Carlisle Moody’s paper is titled Firearms and the Decline of Violence in Europe: 1200-2010.



Vote Fraud Plea For Delco Dem Candidate

Vince Rongione, who was the Democrat’s candidate in the Pennsylvania 163 District State House race last fall, has accepted a plea deal on charges related to voter fraud, according to a press release sent by the Delaware County Republican Party. Vote Fraud Plea For Delco Dem Candidate

The  told ya so is appropriate. The GOP raised the issue in October after it was learned that Rongione did not live in the district for the required amount of time and lied on a a change of voter registration that he did.

Rongione surrendered himself to arrest, Feb. 18, waived his preliminary hearing, and was admitted to the Accelerated Rehabilitation Program for first time offenders. It was  part of a deal his attorney arranged with a special prosecutor.  According to news reports, under the terms of the deal Rongione must complete community service, serve six months of probation, and pay a fine for his actions.

Delaware County GOP Chairman Andy Reilly called the plea and sentence “vindication”.

“We  always maintained that in pursuing his candidacy, Vince Rongione committed voter fraud and signed election documents that he knew to be false,” said Reilly. “This is vindication of our complaints that Rongione knowingly and deliberately violated the Pennsylvania Constitution and election law by attempting to establish a bogus residency.  Despite this clear violation of the law, Rongione received the fervent and ardent support of the Delaware County Democratic Party in this deception of Delaware County voters.”

The 163rd seat had been vacated by Republican Nick Micozzie after decades of service and the Dems had high hopes they could snatch it. On Election Night the hopes came to naught despite the cheating as Jamie Santora beat Rongione 11,362 to 9,963 (unofficially).

Vote Fraud Plea For Delco Dem Candidate

Lois Skiles Found, Springfield Station Update

We have heard from Lois Skiles of the band Springfield Station who we wrote about on Feb. 10. She is a resident of the Strasburg area in Lancaster County. Lois Skiles Found, Springfield Station Update

“I am still singing and still writing songs, and believe it or not I am still selling that music on CD and cassette tape,” she says.

She says she will be making her CDs available for sale on her website http://strasburgtoys.com/

When she does check it out. It’s excellent country music.

She also described what inspired  her song Wrong Time that we referenced in the Feb. 10 article .

“The song was written about a man I had the pleasure of working with while I was (in Nashville),” she said. “He was not famous. He had been trying to make it for many years, traveling and playing where ever he could”

She said The Road We Walk On the first song on the album Last Chance was also written on the same trip.

Lois Skiles Found, Springfield Station Update

Dirty Chicago Honors Disgraced Little Leaguers

CHRIS FREIND Dirty Chicago Honors Disgraced Little Leaguers
By Chris Freind

There’s good news and bad. The bad is that Dirty Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is awarding championship rings to his city’s Jackie Robinson West Little League team, despite the glaring fact that they lost their title for cheating.

The good news is that the unemployment rate will surely plummet. Since cheaters apparently prosper, and rule-breaking should have no bearing on winning, history will have to be re-written. Legal petitions need to be filed, public relations campaigns waged, — history books revised. If a challenger dare step up to the plate, the defense will be hurling the racist label quicker than a fastball.

For starters:

Lance Armstrong’s testicular fortitude while using steroids makes him deserving of his forfeited titles.

Pop group Milli Vanilli is entitled to be in sync with other cheaters, and should have their stripped Grammy reinstated.

Break the bank if need be, but Bernie Madoff should be freed, and his Ponzi-scheme money restored.

Bill Clinton’s impeachment should go up in smoke, as he deserves another crack in the Oval Office.

Coming full circle, we need to lift the lifetime bans on Shoeless Joe Jackson and his 7 other Chicago White Sox teammates.
Awarding championship rings and demanding that Little League reverse its decision sets a horrendous example for America’s youth. Whatever the reason for defending the indefensible — perceived political gain (“they are heroes,” says Jesse Jackson) sheer ignorance, or a sense of entitlement (they “earned it,” says a parent) — those backing the team are making fools of themselves and doing an immense disservice to the players.

Enough of the warped mentality that the players are being victimized and, since they did nothing wrong, deserve their championship. Not true.

Rather than being innocent, they are right in the middle of the storm. It is inconceivable that players at that level didn’t know that certain teammates lived outside the designated boundaries. These kids know each other and the rules, as much as coaches. That means they looked the other way in order to win, with cheating an acceptable means to an end.

Cheating has consequences, no matter what age. They must live with that. So what that the team worked hard and sacrificed? True, but irrelevant.

Bernie Madoff and Lance Armstrong worked hard — so what? That doesn’t make their achievements honorable, or legal.

Clearly, coaches and parents bear much more responsibility. The players are a product of their environment, with parents either reliving their glory years of youth sports, or, more likely, making up for the glory they never had.

By actively engaging in rule-breaking, their message is that it’s okay to cheat. It won’t stop at Little League, but will make its way to school, home, family, and job. The irony is the people who fostered an environment of fraud will be the same ones asking “how could this happen?” when their children get expelled, divorced, or arrested.

When are we going to stop using race as the go-to answer for everything? Every time black leaders or parents play the race card, they’re not only angering others, but doing a disservice to their own, sending the unmistakable message they’re different; that separate rules should apply to them. Resentment explodes, the racial divide widens, and the dream of a colorblind society slips further away.

Racism has absolutely nothing to do with this situation. Because it’s been injected, the message to players is that bigotry — not cheating — is the reason they lost their title. How can we possibly expect them to grow into productive citizens when we are teaching all the wrong lessons?

Where does it end? Should teams use players over the age of eligibility? How about banned bats? Corked balls? If leaders absolve cheaters, why have rules? All teams will break them because everybody does it. That’s not a defense in the court of public opinion, nor a court of law.

Where are the presidential candidates? Why aren’t they using their bully pulpits to put the apologists in their places, slam the race-mongers, imparting a vision for an America free of corruption?

Because they’re afraid to take a stand on anything controversial, not understanding that such courage is exactly what most Americans, of all races and political affiliations, are seeking.

American playwright Terrence McNally said it best, “Cheating is not the American way. It is small, while we are large. It is cheap, while we are richly endowed. It is destructive, while we are creative. It is doomed to fail, while our gifts and responsibilities call us to achieve. It sabotages trust and weakens the bonds of spirit and humanity, without which we perish.”

Let’s turn the Jackie Robinson error into a home run by showing that honor should always trump deceit.

Dirty Chicago Honors Disgraced Little Leaguers

Springfield GOP Petitions To Be Circulated

The circulation of candidate petitions was the topic of tonight’s (Feb. 18) meeting of the Springfield Pa. Republican Party. Springfield GOP Petitions To Be Circulated

The petitions for township, county, school board and municipal candidates will be circulated through the first week of March.

GOP Chairman Mike Puppio noted that the party is not endorsing school board candidates as the position has been considered non-partisan since 1990.

He emphasized to circulators that candidates for township office must avoid taking a stand on the proposed nine-figure high school project until the matter officially comes before them else any decision made would be subject to challenge and disqualification.

Candidates speaking before the group were John P. McBlain, who is seeking his second term on Delaware County Council; and attorney Margaret Amoroso and State Sen. Dominic Pileggi (R-9) who are seeking seats on Delaware County Common Pleas Court.

Pileggi noted it was the first time he ever campaigned in Springfield.

Also speaking was new State Sen. Tom McGarrigle (R-26) who noted that new Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf has made some pointless missteps that have caused unnecessary tension with the Republican-controlled legislature.

He specifically cited the removal of widely respected Erik Arneson as executive director of Pennsylvania’s Office of Open Records and his replacement with a political ally.

Arneson played a key role in developing the state’s Right-to-Know Law.

Also endorsed by the GOP are incumbents Michael Culp and Colleen Morrone for County Council; Anthony Scanlon for Common Pleas Court Judge; and Jack Whelan for another term as District Attorney.

The township commissioner races to be contested this year are the odd-numbered ones.

Springfield GOP Petitions To Be Circulated