A massive sweep by federal, state, county and local authorities, yesterday, Sept. 26, snatched up 35 men who were running a ring of drug based terror that has given Chester, Pa. what may be the nation’s highest murder rate for 2014.
The men, who range in age from 20 to 52 and almost all of whom live in the blighted city on the Delaware, face all face maximum sentences of 30 years in prison with 22 facing potential life sentences.
Chester, which has a population of 34,000, has had 24 murders this year so far guaranteeing it a murder rate of at least 70.5 per 100,000 for 2014. This would have made it the 8th most dangerous city in the world last year not in a war zone, and by far the most dangerous American one.
So kudos to U.S. Attorney Zane D. Memeger, Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan, Chester Mayor John Linder, Chester Police Commissioner Joseph Bail Jr. and the rest of those responsible for this big step forward in saving the city.
And for those saying a gun ban was the solution to the problem, why not just push to make selling drugs illegal?
That was sarcasm, if you missed it.
Avenue of the States, Chester Pa.
 Chester Drug Bust Gives City Hope
But! they left behind a multitude of teenagers who are pushing the stuff. There should be a juvenile court set up in Chester to deal with the horrible situation. There should be separate schools for delinquents. It’ll never happen but I’ll keep praying that it does.