Talking of the soul William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-22-21

Talking of the soul William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-22-21

Bpm jmab eig bw lmabzwg iv mvmug qa bw uism pqu i nzqmvl.
Ijzipiu Tqvkwtv

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself.

Talking of the soul William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-22-21

Talking of the soul William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-22-21

Netflix Soliciting For Propaganda

Netflix Soliciting For Propaganda — We got an email (see below) that “streamers” like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Studios are seeking “TV series with a social message.”

In other words, the one-percenter tech oligarchs want propaganda designed to make you angry and afraid. They don’t want to make you happy. They don’t want to inspire you to help others. They want to make you angry and afraid.

They want you to hate.

And Orwell only predicted two minutes a day of it.

But but but, you say, maybe they want content that inspires you to help others.


Any content sought by this crowd is going to cover up injustice if not out-and-out encourage it.

This crowd lives on oppression.

How do you beat propagandists with this much power?

We could suggest cancelling but that won’t do much and just leave you out of touch with what the masses are getting fed.

We would instead encourage reading, especially the Bible but the great philosophers like Plato as well, along with original documents and speeches like the Constitution, Lincoln’s Second Inaugural and The Federalist Papers.

And histories.

Read good histories like those by Stephen Ambrose and bad ones like those by Howard Zinn. See the difference. Know what the other side believes, why they believe it and why they are wrong.

Mental exercise is a lot like physical exercise. It starts hard but then becomes easy, and you find yourself much healthier and stronger.

We are encouraging deletion of Facebook accounts. Not just deactivation but full deletion. Cancel Facebook.

There are 80 million Trump voters. Yes, we think millions of Trump votes were flipped to Biden and Biden is an illegitimate president. Even if you insist on the 74 million figure, though, 10 million of us deleting our Facebook accounts will have an enormous impact. Don’t forget that those who want to keep in touch with you will have to seek you on the media that you use.

The fish that swims from the school is the cool one.

And make DuckDuckGo your default search engine on the desktop and mobile. Google is Goliath but Goliath was beaten.

The email:

Netflix Soliciting For Propaganda
Netflix Soliciting For Propaganda

Root of all superstition William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-20-21

Root of all superstition William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-20-21

Aopurpun: aol ahsrpun vm aol zvbs dpao pazlsm.

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits, but not when it misses.
Francis Bacon

Root of all superstition William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-20-21

Root of all superstition William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-20-21

Farewell To Facebook And So Long

Farewell To Facebook And So Long — I’ve deleted my Facebook account. Can’t believe that I had been on it since March 2010.

Why? I’m sick of wannabe tyrants like Zuck getting power and influence from me. He’s no friend of freedom.

I’m still on Twitter but I think I’ll be quitting that too.

You can find me as BillLawrenceOnline on Clouthub, Gab, and and as BillLawrence2 at MeWe

And of course, we are always here at Subscriptions are free and appreciated. Just type in your email in the box at the top right.

Deleting your Facebook account is an easy thing. Here are the directions.

Farewell To Facebook And So Long

DuckDuckGo Hits 100M Milestone

DuckDuckGo Hits 100M Milestone — Paoli, Pa. -based search engine DuckDuckGo hit the milestone of 100 million daily searches, Jan. 16. Granted, that still a long way off of Google’s 5 billion daily searches but giants can fall.

DDG is a search engine that promises privacy and keeps it. Take a few minutes to make it your default on your mobile and desktop. Your peace of mind will thank you.

DuckDuckGo Hits 100M Milestone
DuckDuckGo Hits 100M Milestone

Biden Border Blunders

Biden Border Blunders

By Joe Guzzardi

According to Capitol Hill insiders, Joe Biden’s first matter of business will be to pass immigration amnesty legislation. Biden promised to, as he described his intentions, “introduce” an immigration bill within his administration’s first 100 days. And without wasting a moment, the president-elect’s advisors met last week with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus chair Rep. Raul Ruiz, and other House amnesty proponents, to develop a strategy to move forward. In December, signaling their party’s intention for the 117th Congress, Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) and Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) introduced a bill with the short title of the “Seasonal Worker Solidarity Act of 2020.”

Biden Border Blunders

Biden’s staff is still ironing out further details, but if he’s is serious about his 100-day timeline, then a bill that legalizes deferred action for childhood arrivals, (DACAs) would be his path of least resistance. The DACA population is relatively small; the Migration Policy Institute puts the total as of June 2020 at about 650,000. And the Pew Research Center’s push-polling on DACAs found that 74 percent of Americans favor legalizing DREAMers, a 2012 program that President Obama initiated through an Executive Branch memorandum.

Strategically, moving forward on a full amnesty will be tricky for the new administration. First, workable guidelines must be developed. No one knows how many illegal immigrants currently reside in the U.S., with estimates ranging from 12 million to 30 million. Amnesty advocates and the legacy media use the smaller total. Others, including Arturo Sarukhan, the former ambassador to the U.S. from Mexico, cite 30 million as more accurate.

A related immigration puzzle pertains to the caravans gathered at the border overheard to be chanting “Biden, Biden.” Latest reports indicate that large numbers of Hondurans have already headed North, and anticipate arriving at the Southwest Border before January 20, Inauguration Day, and just in time, they hope, to cash in on amnesty.

Social media is instrumental in forming the caravans, and even if migrants are turned away initially, they invariably regroup to try once more. To date, the Biden team has shown little interest in border enforcement, and instead has outlined an expansive plan to increase immigration at all levels. Biden intends to “promptly undo” the asylum accords that President Trump has negotiated with Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, as well as to eventually end the Remain in Mexico policy which has been effective at curtailing amnesty fraud.

Other changes that President-elect Biden would like to implement include lifting the H-1B visa cap, which would serve well his Silicon Valley masters, and importing more low-skilled workers who would compete with American citizens with less than a college education for scarce jobs. About 25 million Americans are unemployed or underemployed.

Millions of Americans oppose amnesty, for understandable reasons. Amnesty means that the federal government will pardon illegal immigrants for breaking U.S. immigration laws and using false Social Security numbers or other fraudulently obtained state identification cards that enable them to gain employment and unlawfully remain in the country.

Biden’s immigration agenda is exceptionally aggressive, especially for an incoming president whose victory edge in key swing states was narrow. In Pennsylvania, Biden’s margin over President Trump was 50.0 percent to 48.8 percent; in Arizona, 49.4 percent to 49.0 percent; in Georgia, 49.5 percent to 49.3 percent, and in Nevada, 50.0 percent to 48.0 percent. And with the 2020 House of Representatives election a far-cry from the big blue, plus-20 seat wave that Democrats predicted – instead, the GOP gained about 12 seats – President-elect Biden may be well advised to start off slowly with his immigration agenda lest he begin his tenure with big border backfires.

On January 20, President Trump will be gone from office. But newly elected President Biden should remember that gone doesn’t mean forgotten, especially among those faithful 75 million voters who want to keep Trumpism.

Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at

Biden Border Blunders

Contribution to peace William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-20-21

Contribution to peace William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-20-21

Znk xuuz ul grr yavkxyzozout oy zngz skt uhykxbk cnkt g znotm nozy, haz tuz cnkt oz soyyky.
Lxgtioy Hgiut

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: Every thought, every word and every action that adds to the positive and the wholesome is a contribution to peace. Each and every one of us is capable of making such a contribution.
Aung San Suu Kyi

Contribution to peace William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-20-21

Contribution to peace William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-20-21

Joe Scheidler, Pro Life Pioneer, R.I.P.

Joe Scheidler passed away, Jan. 18, at the age of 93.

He was a pioneer in the pro-life movement.

Shortly after the infamous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, Joe became a pro-life activist – ultimately founding the Pro-Life Action League in 1980 with his wife, Ann.

Joe’s groundbreaking work inspired a generation of sidewalk counselors and pro-life advocates.

His 1985 pro-life activists’ manual, “CLOSED: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion”, put pro-lifers throughout the United States and the world to work effectively fighting abortion.

Because of his hard work and ultra-effective advocacy, the National Organization for Women and two abortion clinics filed a RICO racketeering lawsuit against Joe.

The resulting legal saga in NOW v. Scheidler saw the founding of the Thomas More Society to defend Joe against a lawsuit that lasted for nearly 30 years and went before the Supreme Court three times, finally resulting in a unanimous victory for Joe and the pro-life movement.

Joe Scheidler was truly a larger than life leader for nearly 40 years – working each and every day to save the lives of the unborn.

Joe will be deeply missed by all those who knew him and those whose lives he saved.

Without Joe, the Thomas More Society likely wouldn’t exist, and the pro-life movement certainly wouldn’t look the same.

On behalf of the Thomas More Society, I’d like to offer my condolences to Joe’s family, including his wife Ann, who still serves as the Chairman of our Board. Joe’s contributions were unmatched, and the world has been changed because of his work.

May he rest in peace.

Joe Scheidler R.I.P.
Joe Scheidler, Pro Life Pioneer, R.I.P.

Corporate Fascist America, OWS Was Right

Corporate Fascist America, OWS Was Right — The mask is off corporate America and the means it plans to use to control the populace comes right out of 1984 or maybe the Book of Revelation.

Will it demand a mark on our hands for us to buy and sell? It seems they may soon have the power if they don’t already.

What makes us laugh is the idealistic socialists who think they have won something. They really think the reach of the Gates and Bezos and Buffet will decline.

Silly children.

It’s going to grow along with its heavy-handiness. Look at Biden’s cabinet picks.

For the record we still maintain the vote fraud was real and massive, and Biden is an illegitimate president. Saying this was once solidly protected speech.

Prominent politicians, though, that would be you Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John “Fascist” Fetterman, are saying it should be a crime. If the Democrats pack the courts, as some think, maybe it will be in a few months.

Dominion Voting Systems is threatening lawsuits left and right against those saying there are problems with their machines.

Rather than using courts to squelch the questions, the matter would once have been resolved by examining the machines as was done in Antrim County, Mich.

Of course, Dominion refutes what was found in Antrim County, but shouldn’t that just mean more investigation? Why the, rather fanatical, opposition to examining machines and ballots?

The matter would be far more likely to get resolved and the nation united.

But that’s not going happen. It’s not the will of the plutocrats.

The laugh’s on you Occupy Wall Street. And us too, for that matter. Actually, on everyone who is not in line for a six-figure government pension.

Alternatives to Twitter and Facebook are multiplying. We’ve long championed Gab. One that might be even better is We’ve begun using it regularly. Here’s an interesting little tidbit we found regarding the price of insulin.

Here’s a parable to help you get through the next few years:

Plato saw Diogenes washing vegetables. “If you knew how to pay court to the king, you wouldn’t now be washing vegetables,” he said.

Diogenes responded “If you knew how to wash vegetables, you wouldn’t now have to pay court to the king.”

Corporate Fascist America, OWS Was Right
Corporate Fascist America, OWS Was Right

Three boxes William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-19-21

Three boxes William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-19-20

Jajwd ymtzlmy, jajwd btwi fsi jajwd fhynts ymfy fiix yt ymj utxnynaj fsi ymj bmtqjxtrj nx f htsywngzynts yt ujfhj. Jfhm fsi jajwd tsj tk zx nx hfufgqj tk rfpnsl xzhm f htsywngzynts.
Fzsl Xfs Xzz Pdn

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: A man’s rights rest in three boxes: The ballot box, jury box and the cartridge box.
Frederick Douglass

three boxes

Three boxes William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-19-21