Corporate Fascist America, OWS Was Right

Corporate Fascist America, OWS Was Right — The mask is off corporate America and the means it plans to use to control the populace comes right out of 1984 or maybe the Book of Revelation.

Will it demand a mark on our hands for us to buy and sell? It seems they may soon have the power if they don’t already.

What makes us laugh is the idealistic socialists who think they have won something. They really think the reach of the Gates and Bezos and Buffet will decline.

Silly children.

It’s going to grow along with its heavy-handiness. Look at Biden’s cabinet picks.

For the record we still maintain the vote fraud was real and massive, and Biden is an illegitimate president. Saying this was once solidly protected speech.

Prominent politicians, though, that would be you Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John “Fascist” Fetterman, are saying it should be a crime. If the Democrats pack the courts, as some think, maybe it will be in a few months.

Dominion Voting Systems is threatening lawsuits left and right against those saying there are problems with their machines.

Rather than using courts to squelch the questions, the matter would once have been resolved by examining the machines as was done in Antrim County, Mich.

Of course, Dominion refutes what was found in Antrim County, but shouldn’t that just mean more investigation? Why the, rather fanatical, opposition to examining machines and ballots?

The matter would be far more likely to get resolved and the nation united.

But that’s not going happen. It’s not the will of the plutocrats.

The laugh’s on you Occupy Wall Street. And us too, for that matter. Actually, on everyone who is not in line for a six-figure government pension.

Alternatives to Twitter and Facebook are multiplying. We’ve long championed Gab. One that might be even better is We’ve begun using it regularly. Here’s an interesting little tidbit we found regarding the price of insulin.

Here’s a parable to help you get through the next few years:

Plato saw Diogenes washing vegetables. “If you knew how to pay court to the king, you wouldn’t now be washing vegetables,” he said.

Diogenes responded “If you knew how to wash vegetables, you wouldn’t now have to pay court to the king.”

Corporate Fascist America, OWS Was Right
Corporate Fascist America, OWS Was Right

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