Curia Julia William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-22-21

You think Independence Hall is old? The Curia Julia, the Roman Senate house commissioned by Julius Caesar in 44 B.C., still stands.

Curia Julia William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 4-22-21
 The Curia Julia, the Roman Senate house commissioned by Julius Caesar in 44 B.C., still stands.

Environment is everything William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-22-21

Environment is everything William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-22-21

Ynxyun vrpqc wxc pnc juu cqnh fxat oxa rw cqrb fxaum, kdc cqnh vdbc lnacjrwuh fxat oxa juu cqnh pnc.
Oanmnarlt Mxdpujbb

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: The environment is everything that isn’t me.
Albert Einstein

Environment is everything William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-22-21

Environment is everything William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-22-21

Biden Violates Environmental Policy Act With Border Wall Stop

Biden Violates Environmental Policy Act With Border Wall Stop

By Joe Guzzardi

Responding to the consequences of President Biden’s wildly out-of-control border mess, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich sued the administration in the U.S. District Court of Arizona. At issue is Biden’s unilateral decision to stop border wall construction, and to end the policy which requires asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while their petitions are reviewed. The wall and Mexican Migration Protocols are among former President Trump’s signature immigration accomplishments, and helped to slow population growth in Arizona and other states.

Biden Violates Environmental Policy Act With Border Wall Stop

Biden’s irresponsible, illegal border permissiveness violates the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) which President Richard Nixon signed in 1970 and which recognized that population directly affects the environment. Today, 90 percent of that growth is caused by immigration. NEPA requires that every agency considering an action that will affect the environment must analyze and publicize those outcomes before going forward. The published analysis is officially called an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Yet the Department of Homeland Security and, before it, the Immigration and Naturalization Service have steadfastly refused to comply with NEPA even though it’s federal law. Environmentalists like Julie Axelrod, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Litigation and a former Trump administration senior Environmental Protection Agency policy advisor, who have testified before the Council on Environmental Quality, had their logical arguments fall on deaf ears.

From the Arizona complaint which lays out the indisputable truths:

“Migrants (like everyone else) need housing, infrastructure, hospitals, and schools. They drive cars, purchase goods, and use public parks and other facilities. Their actions also directly result in the release of pollutants, carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which directly affects air quality. All of these activities have significant environmental impact which, as discussed above, courts have recognized as cognizable impacts under NEPA.”

On April 15, Brnovich told Tucker Carlson Tonight that the average border crosser carries about 6-8 pounds of trash. Using the best estimate of 2 million aliens illegally entering the U.S. this year, Brnovich said that translates to “about a million of pounds of trash each month.” Brnovich insisted that the so-called environmental movement, which includes the hypocritical Sierra Club, cares only about raising money, not safeguarding America’s beauty.

U.S. immigration-driven population growth is dire, and should be a matter of grave concern to Congress. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that immigrants and births to immigrants represent more than 80 percent of the nation’s population growth. Yet Congress refuses to develop a responsible immigration policy that would provide a better quality of life for the nation’s native-born and settled immigrants.

Instead, Congress is intent to let unchecked population increases propel the nation, figuratively speaking, off a cliff. In 2016, respected environmental scientist and natural resources planner Leon Kolankiewicz, working with Progressives for Immigration Reform, completed a three-year study which led to a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS), an analysis of the long-term, cumulative effects of immigration on America’s environmental resources.

Summarized, the study assessed three alternative immigration scenarios, all projected out to 2100: 1) the No Action Alternative, in which current immigration rates of approximately 1.25 million per year would be maintained; 2) the Expansion Alternative, or 2.25 million annual immigration; and 3) the Reduction Alternative, 250,000 annual immigration, the historic level.

As of Earth Day 2021, the U.S. population stands at slightly more than 330 million. In approximate numbers, the No Action Alternative would lead to a U.S. population of 524 million in 2100; the Expansion Alternative, the option the Biden administration is committed to, would create a 669 million U.S. population in 2100, and the Reduction Alternative would lead to a 379 million U.S. population in 2100, not ideal but the most manageable of the three options.

Assessing each of the three possible immigration levels’ outcomes and their potential environmental impacts on urban sprawl and loss of farmland, habitat loss and impacts on biodiversity, water demands and withdrawals from natural systems, carbon dioxide emissions and resultant climate change, and energy demands and national security implications, the results are widespread, ominous and highly adverse.

Congress has a long way to go to make up for ground lost since Wisconsin’s former U.S. Senator and Governor Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day more than half a century ago. As Nelson’s daughter Tia said, her father would be “deeply distressed” by the lack of progress on environmental causes. And, immigration is intimately related to environmental issues. As the Earth Day founder said, “… (I)t’s phony to say, ‘I’m for the environment but not for limiting immigration.’ It’s just a fact that we can’t take all the people who want to come here.”

Arizona’s lawsuit puts environmentalists back in the game in a manner earlier suggested by PFIR in the PEIS and the “Let’s Make America Green Again” campaign.

If other border states, such as Texas and New Mexico, joined Arizona, then environmentalists’ important goal – to preserve America’s magnificence – could start to be within reach.

Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at

Biden Violates Environmental Policy Act With Border Wall Stop
Biden Violates Environmental Policy Act With Border Wall Stop

The clowns come on William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-21-21

The clowns come on William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-21-21

Bpm mvdqzwvumvb qa mdmzgbpqvo bpib qav’b um.
Itjmzb Mqvabmqv

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cyrptowit puzzle: When the heroes go off the stage, the clowns come on.
Heinrich Heine

The clowns come on William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-21-21

The clowns come on William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-21-21

Lying Media Existential Threat

Lying Media Existential Threat — Many, if not most, of the readers of this site are aware that it has been conclusively established Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick did not die at the hands of those protesting the stolen election, Jan. 6.

It had been initially reported that he had been beaten to death by a fire extinguisher. When that claim collapsed, it was said he died of an allergic reaction to a bear spray.

Lying Media Existential Threat
Part of Glenn Greenwald’s Substack story. We recommend buying a subscription.

Well, the District of Columbia medical examiner has ruled he died of natural causes the day after the incident.

Leaving aside the strange delay in the ruling — this should have been easily established within hours of Sicknick’s death — the media outlets claiming a beating death also should have known, or been extremely skeptical, about that cause.

They weren’t, of course. They willfully lied. Why does anyone trust them?

Glenn Greenwald writes about how the media is no longer a conduit of necessary information but a propaganda tool for those who want to use the reins of government to acquire wealth and power.

His Substack content requires a subscription so you may not see the article. At $5 per month or $50 per year, we recommend subscribing.

In a related matter that is being freely broadcast to the world and just as directly establishes the corruption in journalism, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has revealed admitted willful lying by gatekeepers at CNN, especially with regard to Covid-19.

Please understand this: These people are literally trying to destroy this county with lies. You have an obligation to reject what they are saying. Disbelief should be the default.

Most of us should really delete our Facebook accounts. All of us should quit Google and make DuckDuckGo — or another non-Big Tech organization — the default search engine on desktop and mobile.

Lying Media Existential Threat

Audit The Vote Pa Will Have Press Conference April 21

Audit The Vote PA announced that co founder, Toni Shuppe, will lead a press conference 10 a.m.,  April 21  and will address the issue of a complete audit of the 2020 election in Pennsylvania. The press conference will take place on the Capitol steps and is open to the public.

Speakers will be Kim Waigand from The Crack’d Egg, Leah Hoopes, and state legislators who support this audit.

In just a little over two months, Audit The Vote Pa. has put together a petition with over 12,000 signatures of Pennsylvanians who support this movement. In emails to our legislators, both Democrats and Republicans, we have detailed out all the irregularities from the 2020 election that have gone unaddressed, and WE THE PEOPLE deserve answers.

For information visit

Audit The Vote Pa Will Have Press Conference April 21

Wisdom is in William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-20-21

Wisdom is in William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-20-21

Dolu aol olyvlz nv vmm aol zahnl, aol jsvduz jvtl vu.
Olpuypjo Olpul

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: Wisdom is in the head, not in the beard.
Ukrainian Folk Saying

Wisdom is in William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-20-21

Wisdom is in William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-20-21

Sound Of Freedom Promoted At OC Conference, Adrenochrome Referenced

Sound Of Freedom Promoted At OC Conference, Adrenochrome Referenced–Sound of Freedom, which stars Jim Caviezel and Oscar-winner Mira Sorvino, has had a limited release since it was completed last fall, and without much publicity.

It appears the push is on, though. Caviezel and Tim Ballard, upon whom the film is about, appeared at the just-ended Health & Freedom Conference in Oklahoma City and the movie was discussed.

Ballard is the former government agent who started Operation Underground Railroad to rescue sex trafficked children.

What Caviezel said at the conference is something we are still trying to get our mind around. He actually referred to adrenochrome harvesting. We thought that was an urban legend. His comments start at the 2:30 mark after the trailer for the movie in the clip below.

Sound Of Freedom Promoted At OC Conference, Adrenochrome Referenced
Sound Of Freedom Promoted At OC Conference, Adrenochrome Referenced

Let no debt remain William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-19-21

Let no debt remain William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-19-21

Coyjus oy ot znk nkgj, tuz ot znk hkgxj.
Aqxgotogt Lurq Ygeotm

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.
Romans 13:8

Let no debt remain William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-19-21

Let no debt remain William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-19-21

To whom God says William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-18-21

To whom God says William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-18-21

Qjy st ijgy wjrfns tzyxyfsinsl, jchjuy ymj htsynsznsl ijgy yt qtaj tsj fstymjw, ktw bmtjajw qtajx tymjwx mfx kzqknqqji ymj qfb.

Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit puzzle: There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.’
C. S. Lewis

To whom God says William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-18-21

To whom God says William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 4-18-21