Write-in For Change In Solanco
By Bob Small
Driving back from Lapp’s Family Restaurant in Quarryville (Pa.) we kept seeing signs of a write in Candidacy for the Solanco (Southern Lancaster County) School Board, One of the names listed was David Spangler. Arriving home, I searched the Internet for David Spangler –If the name was Bob Smith, I wouldn’t have tried– and discovered him. Once he was located, we arranged a time for the call.
David, who has six children with his wife (four in school) concluded that he wanted to have more of an input, if possible, on the School Board decisions. He said the mask issue was only one of many issues where he felt like he would of made different decisions than the Solanco School Board. He cited high quality teachers, CRT, and the lack of local control on many related issues, and other ideas “slowly seeping into our schools”. He spoke of government overreach and he was speaking about Governor Wolf
In terms of outreach, there are about 30 yard-signs, along with some 5 to 7 cards. He does have some mentions on a local Facebook group. He was also interviewed by The Lancaster Patriot newspaper, a conservative publication.
He said that this is a movement across Pennsylvania. This may, possibly, be nationwide, and seems to be organic, rather than part of a plan. I find this more constuctive than persons constantly ventilating on their local Next Door group, but not attending government meetings, etc. These “internet warriors” believe they have accomplished something but my experience has been that real change requires “getting your hands dirty”, whether by running in an election you won’t win but at least getting the issue(s) out there, or by being part of a peaceful demonstration or vigil, or finding some other way to have your voice heard.