A great city is William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-16-21

A great city is William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-16-21

Xlivi mw e amwhsq mr xlmw ficsrh xli vypiw sj tlcwmg: e qer’w sar sfwivzexmsr alex li jmrhw kssh sj erh alex li jmrhw lyvx sj mw xli fiwx tlcwmg xs tviwivzi liepxl.
Jvergmw Fegsr

A great city is William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-16-21Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: A great city is not to be confounded with a populous one.

A great city is William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-16-21

Clock Ticking On Biden Build Back Better

Clock Ticking On Biden Build Back Better
By Joe Guzzardi

If only Congress would take its winter break, then the rest of the nation – in other words, the non-elite – could enjoy the Christmas season. But, a congressional recess much before December 23 may be as improbable as a down-the-chimney visit from jolly Old St. Nick. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the quintessential Christmas grinch, has vowed to keep the Upper Chamber in session until Build Back Better (BBB) gets a full floor vote.

Schumer may be optimistic, but he’s also stubborn. Several road blocks stand in Schumer’s way. First, Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough who has ruled twice against including amnesty in the $1.7 trillion social spending bill must be favorably swayed. The parliamentarian decides what can be included in Senate legislation, and has rejected two previous proposals. Most congressional Democrats, Senate and House, want amnesty as well as other affirmative benefits including work permission granted to about seven or eight million unlawfully present foreign nationals. But when amnesty is the goal, Democrats’ never-say-die commitment evolved into a third iteration for MacDonough’s review. Plan C’s fate is unknown.

Clock Ticking On Biden Build Back Better

Schumer’s second Senate hurdle is West Virginia’s Joe Manchin who has sent various signals that he’s leery. Most recently, Manchin said that he wouldn’t defy the parliamentarian’s immigration decision. Manchin: “The bottom line is the parliamentarian; you stick with the parliamentarian, that’s all. You stick on every issue. You can’t pick and choose.”

From the outset, Manchin has expressed concerns over what’s now a nearly $2 trillion package; he was influential in cutting the price tag from its original $3.5 trillion. But despite the $1.5 trillion cut, Manchin, concerned about hyperinflation and the nation’s tenuous economy, is still edgy. Manchin also reiterated his long-held concern that that Democrats are using budget gimmicks to conceal the true, higher cost of the president’s spending bill.

For months, President Biden assured Americans that BBB wouldn’t cost a penny. In September, Biden tweeted that his then $3.5 trillion BBB agenda “costs zero dollars,” a claim that Republicans bluntly labeled “a lie.” Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) quickly countered Biden with the impossible-to-dispute calculation that a $3.5 trillion cost can’t possibly translate to zero dollars.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation gave Tenney a figurative A+ math grade. They projected that the modified version of the bill they reviewed would increase the national deficit by $3 trillion over the 2022 – 2031 period, a total that includes the effect of interest cost.

BBB’s amnesty provisions alone will cost taxpayers $124 billion over the first decade, and would create an additional $359 billion in net costs during the second post-passage decade, making amnesty’s total net cost over 20 years a whopping $483 billion.

As the Center for Immigration Studies observed, amnesty costs increase over time as illegal immigrants become eligible for more and more social programs, especially Social Security and Medicare. The millions of illegal immigrants that BBB covers will also immediately qualify for parole, an immigration status that includes work permission, protection from deportation and other affirmative benefits. An already-weak labor market that the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report reflected will expand when millions of newly work-authorized immigrants enter the employment market to compete with or displace Americans.

Little if anything in BBB will enhance American lives. On the other hand, Biden, congressional Democrats, D.C. bureaucrats, the big businesses that hire cheap labor, illegal immigrants and the immigration lawyers they’ll hire to advise them will all gain significantly.

The best thing BBB opponents have in their favor, Republicans and Democrats alike, is that if Manchin votes “yea,” he’ll be out of his Senate job in 2024. In 2016, heavily Republican West Virginia rejected Biden; Trump carried the state by nearly 40 points, a margin that Manchin can’t hope to make up if he endorses BBB.

Joe Guzzardi is a Progressive for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at jguzzardi@pfirdc.org.

Clock Ticking On Biden Build Back Better

Rogan Interview With McCullough Can Be Found On Spotify

Rogan Interview With McCullough Can Be Found On Spotify — Joe Rogan’s earthshaking interview with Dr. Peter McCullough may have been banned from YouTube and has now disappeared from Rumble. You can still listen to it for free on Spotify albeit it you have to create an account.

We suspect that it is less about censorship on Rumble’s part and more about Spotify wanting the clicks as that is who is paying Rogan.

McCullough exposes the malicious, murderous incompetency — charitably assuming it is mere incompetency — of our health establishment with regard to its response to Covid-19. It’s a response that may have resulted in hundreds of thousand of unnecessary American deaths.

McCullough, who until a bizarre smear campaign, was among the most respected physicians in America.

Really Wikipedia, saying a guy who knows more about medicine than your flying monkey editors can know in a thousand lifetimes combined “promoted misinformation and falsehoods about COVID-19, the COVID-19 vaccine, and COVID-19 treatments?” Your website is a joke.

McCullough says ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are very effective in treating early stage C-19. He says the most effective means at stopping symptoms is oral-nasal virucidal therapy, which can be done with Betadine or by mixing two teaspoons of iodine or hydrogen peroxide with six ounces of water, putting some in a nasal spray and squirting it up your nose , then gargling with the rest.

He says follow up by rinsing your mouth with Scope or Listerine.

He says do it after a day with of contact with people

He explains it starting at the 39:45 mark below.

McCullough also has high praise for monoclonal antibody treatment and wonders why the powers-that-be seem to be hiding it.

We’d also like to point out that vitamin D also appears to have a significant impact on surviving Covid.

McCullough says if you’ve had Covid you have permanent immunity and it would actually be an unnecessary danger to take the vax.

Here is another link to the interview on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0aZte37vtFTkYT7b0b04Qz#login

Rogan Interview With McCullough Can Be Found On Spotify

Entered upon with courage William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-15-21

Entered upon with courage William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-15-21


K qbokd msdi sc xyd dy lo myxpyexnon gsdr k zyzevyec yxo.

Entered upon with courage William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-15-21Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Life is to be entered upon with courage.
Alexis de Tocqueville

Entered upon with courage William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-15-21

Medical-Industrial Complex Makes Finding Right Door A Problem

Medical-Industrial Complex Makes Finding Right Door A Problem

By Bob Small

For those of us trapped in old norms,  we have to rethink,  go to different ways of acting, thinking and speaking.  My previous norm was that there were males (including drag queens) and females.  There was Bi, Gay, and straight. There was the occasional adult Transexual and, to my shame, I never considered what bathrooom , of the two available possibilities, he/she would use.

Now the times and tides have changed.  It seems there are numerous High school Transexuals (more about that later), which has caused “issues:”

In Philadelphia, according to the Billy Penn Newsletter,  all schools must have an accessible gender neutral Bathroom (as of August) but not all do.

Medical-Industrial Complex Makes Finding Right Door A Problem

The great state of Illinois passed “The Equitable Restrooms Act with vote being unanimous in the Senate and 109-5 in the House. It was signed by Gov. J. B. Pritzker on July 29, 2019, which caused the Chicago Public Schools to announce on Twitter  that “all restrooms have been made mixed-sex to be “more inclusive” of students and staff who wish to use “facilities that align with their gender identity.   www.womanarehuman.com/all-chicago-public-school-restrooms-now-mixed-sex/

This is affecting Arizona, California, New York,  the UK,  etc. The Communist Party of the USA,  notes that “the forcible sex segregation of bathrooms is the newest struggle for transgender rights and gender expression.” in their diatribe under www.cpusa.org/article/the-trans-equality-struggle.  The Socialist Party of The UK has my favorite Headline “  Tories Tout Toilet Tensions” (see www.socialistparty.org.uk)

There are a half dozen more articles on this issue, but many high school students are transitioning, which leads me to the last topic;

Aetna Medical in their Requirements for Genital Reconstructive Surgery lists numerous criteria, prime of which is a person being 18 years or older.   They, and other Pennsylvania medical providers, generally agree on this, though  also saying they review  on a “case-by-case basis” . So why are there  so many Transitioning High School students?  My leftist paranoia brings up the phrase “medical-industrial complex”, with all the attendent industries that feed off of Transexuals. 

Three questions, then:

 One must be 18 to vote in Pa. and 18 to enlist (17 with parental consent), but younger to change your gender? 

 Why are there so many more transitioning teenagers in 2021 then ever before ?

 Is this a positive or negative development?  

Medical-Industrial Complex Makes Finding Right Door A Problem

Love tells us William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-14-21

Love tells us William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-14-21


Uron rb cx kn nwcnanm dyxw frcq lxdajpn.
Jungrb mn Cxlzdneruun

Love tells us William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-14-21Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Love tells us many things that are not so.
Ukrainian Folk Saying 

Love tells us William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-14-21

Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid

Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid — It’s time to stop vaccinating the young. If you disbelieve this, please understand that the once-trusted establishment media is lying through its teeth and at the least start looking at alternatives. Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines, posted this on his Substack account, yesterday, Dec. 12.

I am here in San Juan, Puerto Rico staying at the Caribe Hilton this weekend to share fact-based information concerning the logic, bioethics, and “The Science” of the experimental jabs with Parents, School Officials, and Medical Care providers in response to Territorial Governor-mandated COVID-19 genetic vaccination of children. It seems that leaders of the 16,000+ physicians and medical scientists that form the International Association of Physicians and Medical Scientists and The Unity Project are needing to travel all over the United States and the world to counter the disinformation being actively promulgated by members of the Trusted News Initiative and various US, UK and European politicians who are acting more like frightened psychotic chickens than thoughtful national and world leaders. In other words, they are not doing their jobs, and need to grow both a spine AND a brain. The most charitable explanation for this behavior that I can come up with is that Fear is indeed the Mind-killer. If we were speaking casually and in person back on my farm in Virginia, I would be a bit more blunt and colorful in my assessment.

Sharing scientific truth and countering the disinformation being pushed by these organizations and Pharma sycophants is more than a full time job. The good news is that more and more information warriors are joining us, and so the hard work is being shouldered by a growing army of truth-tellers that have overcome their fear. Many months ago, Jill and I decided to dedicate our lives to protecting children from this insane propaganda campaign to mandate jabbing children with an unlicensed medical product that causes hospitalized myocarditis in one out of every 2,700 treated boys in order to protect octogenarians from a disease that healthy kids shrug off like a modest cold virus. Odd that it is often octogenarian politicians and “health leaders” (Dr. Fauci, I am looking at you) who seem to think that this is a good time to start forcing children to sacrifice their health to protect the old. And I am not going to slow down in pursuing this mission now that we seem to be making some modest headway despite the massive array of forces deployed against us.

Make no mistake, this is 21st century media warfare, and we are fighting against horizontally integrated corporate-sponsored Global Tyranny. This is likely to be the first skirmish in what will be a long war, and we are outgunned and out capitalized by far. Fortunately, here in good-old USA, we have the example, lessons learned and wisdom of a little guerrilla revolution from a few centuries ago that threw off another form of Global Tyranny driven by the madness of King George. There are many parallels. And much to be remembered and re-learned from the revolutionary citizen-politician leaders of those days. And we also have the truth as our armor and shield. “The Science” is clearly on our side. Jabbing the kids with these genetic Spike vaccines is madness.

The data are clear. Officials have reported 110 Omicron cases as of Saturday in the USA. Of the 66 people for whom vaccination status has been reported, 52 were fully vaccinated and many of those had been boosted. What we don’t know is whether or not those people who have already had COVID-19 actually caught Omicron, but it was so mild that they weren’t aware of it or if prior infection conferred complete immunity. What we do know is that 78% of the people in the USA/CDC report who have contracted Omicron were vaccinated. These data also directly contradict the public relations “data” press release from Pfizer that the third jab would protect against Omicron. Clinical data ALWAYS trumps lab test data. This appears to be yet another case illustrating that Fauci/Biden parrot the Big Pharma narrative whenever possible rather than doing the job that we are paying them to do – independently analyze “The Science” and act with integrity and objectivity to protect American citizens rather than American Big Business and Big Investment firms.

There have been NO DEATHS reported anywhere in the world with Omicron, including in the USA. Now there will be, because older people, people with high co-morbidities will catch Omicron and will die. People die from the common cold too. We can expect this – do not be swayed by the fear-porn that is sure to come when these deaths happen.

Hospital rates in areas with a high percent of the Omicron variant are experiencing a drop off in hospitalizations. Due to low vaccination rates in some countries, this strongly implies that vaccination status is irrelevant with Omicron. Omicron is a more mild disease, more similar in symptoms to the common cold. Here you can see the former FDA director, and member of the board of Pfizer writing about this on twitter.

Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid

Assuming that Omicron is now the dominant variant in Botswana, lets look at the death rate in that country:

Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid

It has literally gone to zero over the past month.

Omicron is 10 times more infectious than the original variant and two times more infectious than Delta. Omicron will become the predominant strain in the USA very shortly. So, whether vaccinated or not, Omicron is more mild and will spread throughout the land. Let me write that again, all evidence shows that Omicron is much more mild and vaccinated or unvaccinated will catch this variant.

Now, let’s talk children. For all the reasons listed above, it is clear that vaccinating children now is a very bad idea. 146 million people in the USA have had SARS-CoV-2 , that is about 45% of the total population. This means 45% of children have had SARS-CoV-2, that is the virus – because children rarely get severe disease from the virus. It is the severe disease that is COVID-19. COVID-19 is the severe disease caused by the virus. Historically, children get infected by the virus.

Now that Omicron will become dominant very quickly and we know that there is a very good chance that natural infection confers better protection against Omicron and that for everyone this new variant is mild, why would we want to mandate vaccination for our healthy children?

Remember, this is what we know already before Omicron emerged:

  • 1 in 2700 male adolescents will get pericarditis/myocarditis from the Pfizer vaccine and the event rate appears to be even higher for Moderna.
  • 1 in 2200 will get some sort of neurological event from the vaccine (based on the curious case of Pfizer clinical trial participant Maddie de Gary).
  • That the adverse events in children are much higher than originally reported in the phase 3 clinical trials.
  • That the long term sides effects for this vaccine are unknown.
  • That after vaccination, there is a 3-4 week period of immunosuppression, where children (and adults) are susceptible to latent viral infections and other viruses.

Now smash these facts together with what we know about Omicron. The evidence becomes overwhelming. Not only are mandates a bad idea, but vaccinating children and young adults is too.

This is madness promoted by frightened psychotic chickens and Globalists with a pro-totalitarian bias.

Just stop. Now.

Don’t forget. Integrity, Dignity, Community. These are what we are missing, the absence of which is making us socially sick, and these are what we need to rebuild. And the children are what we are fighting for. Their tomorrows are job one.

A screenshot of other reasons he has offered.

Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid
Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid

Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid Young Should Remain Unvaccinated For Covid

Afghan Resettlement Costs Mount

Afghan Resettlement Costs Mount

By Joe Guzzardi

As with many immigration-related matters, too much information is purposely hidden from public view.

We just witnessed an excellent example of the Biden administration’s immigration subterfuge. The must-pass continuing resolution bill to fund the federal government at its current level, and therefore avoid a government shutdown, included a completely unrelated $7 billion to help resettle evacuated Afghan nationals, mostly unvetted or, at best, superficially screened. The breakout of how the $7 billion will be spent was kept secret from the public – the very people that provide the money. As former Illinois Sen. Everett Dirksen said, perhaps apocryphally, “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon, you’re talking real money.”

Americans know as confirmed fact that the arriving Afghans are unvetted because Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, contradicting his earlier claim, sheepishly admitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he had no idea how many evacuees had been vetted. Pressed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Mayorkas confessed: “We are not conducting in-person, full refugee interviews of 100 percent” of Afghan evacuees.” Moreover, Mayorkas couldn’t provide Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) with specific data for how many Afghans went through full interviews. Mayorkas’ testimony exposes White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s deceptive statement assuring that “no one” has entered the U.S. without “a thorough screening and background check process.”

Afghan Resettlement Costs Mount

The federal government’s failure to properly protect Americans through the sensible requirement to vet foreign nationals from a country that is an avowed U.S. enemy has already, just weeks after the Afghan evacuation, had serious consequences. In September in New Mexico, the FBI began an investigation into a small group of male Afghans who, temporarily housed at the Doña Ana Complex, allegedly sexually assaulted a female U.S. soldier. Also in September, at Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin, two evacuees were charged, separately, with the alleged sexual assault of a minor using force, and spousal assault by strangulation and suffocation.

The individuals identified in these crimes hardly sound like they belong as part of “Operation Allies Welcome,” most of whom arrived on the six-week long airlift known as “Operation Allies Refuge” that moved 124,000 individuals out of Afghanistan, placing them around the country. Some of their destinations will be in areas that are struggling to recover from the pandemic, and have other long-standing societal woes engrained in their fabric before the evacuees’ arrival.

State Department data for the Afghan Placement and Assistance program obtained by the Associated Pressed showed that California is expected to accept more Afghan evacuees than any state, 5,200. Three months ago, California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the state’s legislative leaders requested $16.7 million in taxpayer funding to help resettle refugees. Contradictorily, the State Department promised to resettle Afghans in states with affordable housing. Yet California’s officials have for years bemoaned the shortage of that exact commodity. California is also plagued by high average gas prices, $4.68, and above-average state and local taxes at 10.9 percent of adjusted personal income. California’s income inequality level is among the five worst states, and the state’s K-12 public school system struggles with overcrowded classrooms that hamper teachers’ ability to effectively educate their students. For Afghans starting a new life in California, they’ll face many obstacles before they can hope to get on their feet.

For Americans keeping score on the dollar cost of the Afghanistan resettlement, here’s a partial tally. The 20-year war cost $2.3 trillion, with the estimated interest payments on that sum coming in at $925 billion. By 2030, estimated interest costs will ratchet up to $2 trillion, and by 2050, $6.5 trillion. Military equipment worth billions more dollars was abandoned during the hasty and incompetent U.S. retreat from Afghanistan. Those are painfully high sums. But no dollar amount can be attached to the loss of 2,400 American lives, the lives of 3,800 U.S. contractors and the thousands left behind to face an uncertain and possibly deadly future.

Now Americans will be required to finance Afghan evacuees’ U.S. resettlement, the $7 billion in the continuing resolution, plus mounting federal, state and local costs. The Center for Immigration Studies estimatedthat in their first five years of U.S. residency, each Middle Eastern refugee costs taxpayers $64,370, or 12 times what the U.N. estimates would be the cost to care for one refugee in a country close to his home. Regional resettlement never occurred to the Biden administration. There’s no reason it should when it has U.S. taxpayers to rely on.

Joe Guzzardi is a Progressives for Immigration Reform analyst who has written about immigration for more than 30 years. Contact him at jguzzardi@pfirdc.org.

Afghan Resettlement Costs Mount

Plans of the diligent William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-13-21

Plans of the diligent William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-13-21

Twdm bmtta ca uivg bpqvoa bpib izm vwb aw.
Csziqvqiv Nwts Aigqvo

Plans of the diligent William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-13-21Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.
Proverbs 21:5

Plans of the diligent William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-13-21

If you look for William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-12-21

If you look for William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-12-21

Aol wshuz vm aol kpspnlua slhk av wyvmpa hz zbylsf hz ohzal slhkz av wvclyaf.

If you look for William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-12-21Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.
C. S. Lewis

If you look for William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-12-21