Border Failure Thought Success By Biden Gang

Border Failure Thought Success By Biden Gang

By Joe Guzzardi

Getting a dinner reservation at Per Se, New York’s restaurant of choice for the city’s royalty, is more difficult than entering the U.S. illegally. The wait for Per Se, the Thomas Keller Restaurant Group dining experience, can exceed three months, but border crossers just walk right on in to the U.S.; neither reservations nor identification is required. Actually, Illegal aliens have it better than Per Se diners. Border surgers don’t have to pay a $2,000 tab, including wine and tax, for dinner for two. Just the opposite for aliens. The free ride begins once they step inside the U.S.

To get their new-in-America lives started, the aliens only have to peacefully surrender to immigration border officials. Although the agents are highly trained to defend and protect the U.S. border, the new normal under Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is for aliens to turn themselves in to Customs and Border Protection agents who process and release them into the American interior. Then, they become the responsibility of  federal, state and local taxpayers who foot the bill for a bountiful array of affirmative benefits.

An extraordinary example of how the Biden administration has abdicated its border responsibilities occurred Jan. 22 when federally charted buses dropped off dozens of illegal alien single adult males in Brownsville, Texas, where they were seen getting into taxis headed for the airport to travel to Miami, Atlanta and Houston. No one has the slightest idea who they are. The only certain thing is the taxpayers, who have no vote in federal immigration policy, are funding their trips. In December 2020, agents reported more than 178,000 encounters at the southern border, the highest December on record. Convicted sex offenders and other criminals were among the 2 million worldwide migrants who illegally entered in 2021.

Border Failure Thought Success By Biden Gang

Several think tanks, each doing independent research, calculated that taxpayers subsidize illegal immigrant health care costs annually to the tune of $18.5 billion, and public education, $60 billion. Unaccompanied minors crossing the border in record numbers from Mexico, and the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, have created a budget-draining cost to public schools in the form of Limited English Proficiency classes the schools are federally mandatedto offer.

Illegal immigration, the unprecedented Biden-style 2022 version, can be analyzed two ways. Beyond the first, the dollar burden on taxpayers, lays the long-term negative consequences to U.S. sovereignty. Some analysts argue that illegal immigration helps the U.S. economy because the migrant workers are motivated and responsive to the country’s always-shifting needs – in agriculture, construction and hospitality. Those who benefit the most from illegal immigration, however, are the cheap labor-addicted employers who hire them, and the aliens who have relocated, often with spouses and children in tow. Except for corporate profiteers, Americans gain little.

The second and much less discussed consequence of illegal immigration is the dissolution of national sovereignty. Arguments about illegal immigration, good or bad, have persisted for decades. But never before has an administration been so brazenly craven in welcoming and catering to aliens. Of the 2 million illegal immigrants who entered last year, 45,000 were clandestinely flown from the border into the interior with some using their arrest warrants as identification to board commercial aircraft.

Mayorkas openly admits that his agency has “fundamentally changed,” meaning that he’s gutted Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and proudly eliminated worksite enforcement. Even though only Congress can make immigration law, Mayorkas also boasted that in the Biden administration illegal presence is no longer considered a criminal offense.

Texas U.S. Representatives Chip Roy and Michael Cloud have called for Mayorkas’ immediate impeachment. Roy and Cloud allege that Mayorkas has violated many laws in letter and spirit, and he has “undermined the rule of law, violated the Constitution, and placed the lives and inalienable rights of Americans in danger.”

Because Biden and his administration view the border calamity as a thundering success, Mayorkas may remain in office for as long as the president is in office, something that sovereign America cannot withstand if the historic nation is to survive. Mayorkas’ impeachment is the best solution.

Joe Guzzardi is a PFIR analyst who writes about immigration issues and impacts. Contact him at

Border Failure Thought Success By Biden Gang

With a quarrelsome wife William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-31-22

With a quarrelsome wife William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-31-22

Dypapun ‘Mliybhyf’ thkl tl ylhspgl aoha iylhrpun mvyt pz h dhf vm slaapun aol zvun il obthu.
Khy Dpssphtz

With a quarrelsome wife William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-31-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
Proverbs 21:9

With a quarrelsome wife William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-31-22

Obey instinct is like William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-30-22

Obey instinct is like William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-30-22

Hkzzkx zu robk ut g iuxtkx ul znk xuul zngt yngxk g nuayk cozn g wagxxkryusk colk.

Obey instinct is like William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-30-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Telling us to obey instinct is like telling us to obey ‘people.’ People say different things: so do instincts. Our instincts are at war. Each instinct, if you listen to it, will claim to be gratified at the expense of the rest.
C. S. Lewis 

Obey instinct is like William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-30-22

Explaining Susan B Anthony List

Explaining Susan B Anthony List

By Bob Small

At the annual Bill of Rights Banquet, previously mentioned, we learned about The Susan B. Anthony List named after the great American suffragette.

Their flyer mentioned hiring pro-life field representatives at $15 per hour to canvass in Pennsylvania. The following is from a conversation with Kimberly Kennedy, a field director.;

“The Susan B. Anthony List team fights for the election of women and men who will fight for life. We fight for laws that safeguard the innocent, and we develop research to demonstrate the good that flows from society from their protection,” said Ms. Kennedy.

 “We are canvassing the entire state of Pennsylvania and reaching out to Pa pro-life voters encouraging and informing them by pointing out the extreme pro-abortion position on candidates running for Governor and Senate,” she said.  “Many people do not know this and have said they will be sure to not vote for pro-abortion candidates.” 

For information on how to be a canvasser, contact Kim Kennedy at or 484-557-7655

If she could speak directly to Joe Biden who is a Catholic and pro-choice?

“I would ask him to reflect on the truth that all humans are made in the image of God.  Whatever stage of development a person is at, in this case still developing in the womb, they are an image of God, “ she said. and cited Gen. 9:5-6 Whoever sheds man’s blood by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man. 

Politically, she thinks “Generally speaking, the Republican platform still maintains it is pro-life.  There are factions within that promote abortion though.  The DNC is totally pro-abortion.”

Explaining Susan B. Anthony List

“Today, there are so many help agencies that can come alongside a pregnant mom who is at risk of aborting.  From churches helping women/families in crisis pregnancies, adoption agencies, to crisis pregnancy centers offering help, there are so many resources to choose from today.  “

She listed the following : and

“I think that pro-life people have much to be optimistic about,” she said.  “There were very good questions asked from Brett Kavanagh in particular that showed he had thought a great deal on the issue.  There should be a ruling by early summer.”

SBA list does not deal with the death penalty.  Their services are not restricted to any specific religions.

She ended with “Everyone can help the unborn in so very many ways.  Being a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves is important and needed!”

Explaining Susan B Anthony List

Good fame is like William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-29-22

Good fame is like William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-29-22

Yjqqnsl zx yt tgjd nsxynshy nx qnpj yjqqnsl zx yt tgjd ‘ujtuqj.’ Ujtuqj xfd inkkjwjsy ymnslx: xt it nsxynshyx. Tzw nsxynshyx fwj fy bfw. Jfhm nsxynshy, nk dtz qnxyjs yt ny, bnqq hqfnr yt gj lwfynknji fy ymj jcujsxj tk ymj wjxy.
H. X. Qjbnx

Good fame is like William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-29-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Good fame is like fire; when you have kindled you may easily preserve it; but if you extinguish it, you will not easily kindle it again.
Francis Bacon

 William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-29-22

Trump Second Term, A Speculative Fiction

Trump Second Term, A Speculative Fiction

By Bob Small

Now that I’ve joined a monthly third Friday fiction writers group, this requires me to read other’s fiction. Mostly it is speculative fiction. The perpetually unfinished novel I’m working on, for instance, has to do with President Gore’s wars

But that’s not what this is about.

What, I thought, if Donald Trump had been the declared winner rather than what’s his name? It led to what is called a writing prompt. To quote Dana Loesch: “Trump did have some good ideas, I still despise him. Biden is no better for this country, maybe much worse.”

Trump Second Term, A Speculative Fiction

Here’s some of what popped in my head:

Foreign Affairs– 46 would continued his rapprochement with North Korea. Also we would have had a more nuanced relationship with Russia. On the other hand, our relationships with Western Europe, NATO and the UN would remain rocky.

January 6th-One speculates that there would still of been a January 6th, with a similar level of violence, perhaps, but the names of Antifa and RCP (Revolutionary Communist Party) would have entered the pages of history instead.

Voter ID legislation-Since the perception was that the GOP voted in person and the Dems by mail, the Democrats would be the ones supporting Voter ID, especially in our own state assuming we had turned Red.

Congress-Almost nothing would get through Congress, though there would be continual efforts to impeach 46, as he would now be called, If at first you don’t succeed….

Energy-By the time Trump left office the United States was the top exporter for oil and LNG.”From Dana Loesch’s Substack Chapter and Verse: Trump was good for energy if you’re a climate change denier who sees coal and oil as eternally renewable.

Pro Choice/Pro Life-The battle for the Supreme Court’s soul would continue with neither side listening to each other. Eventually 46 would probably appoint enough conservative Judges to tilt the balance to repeal Roe V Wade.

Covid-He would get more critical of Anthony Fauci, doing everything he could outside of directly firing him. He might even read RFK Jr’s book.

46 would claim Executive Privilege when possible.

The Democrats blame the Democrat Sanders. He would try to blame the Greens if he could remember who their candidate was.

By the end of the first year, some GOP might start quietly looking for an alternative.

Trump Second Term, A Speculative Fiction

Deviation from the truth William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-28-22

Deviation from the truth William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-28-22

Kssh jeqi mw pmoi jmvi; alir csy lezi omrhpih csy qec iewmpc tviwivzi mx; fyx mj csy ibxmrkymwl mx, csy ampp rsx iewmpc omrhpi mx ekemr.
Jvergmw Fegsr

Deviation from the truth William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-28-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.

Deviation from the truth William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-28-22

Bill Bans Woke Bigotry In Florida Classrooms

Bill Bans Woke Bigotry In Florida Classrooms — Legislation strongly backed by Gov. Ron DeSantis is before the Florida legislature that would prohibit classroom instruction that contradicts these concepts:

  • No race is inherently superior to another race
  • An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex
  • An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race

The legislation is called the Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees Act (WOKE)

Pennsylvania’s legislature should do the same. Frankly, all legislatures should do this.

Only racist bigots can oppose it.

Hat tip Ann Coulter

Bill Bans Woke Bigotry In Florida Classrooms
Bill Bans Woke Bigotry In Florida Classrooms

Who Needs Congress? D.C.’s New Normal

Who Needs Congress? D.C.’s New Normal

By Joe Guzzardi

In a late Friday afternoon announcement, the Department of Homeland Security expanded the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, STEM, Optional Practical Training, STEM OPT. Now, F-1 student visa OPT candidates can have degrees in bioenergy, general forestry, forest resources production and management, human-centered technology design, cloud computing, anthrozoology, climate science, earth systems science, economics and computer science, environmental geosciences, geobiology, geography and environmental studies, mathematical economics, mathematics, atmospheric and oceanic science, general data science, general data analytics, business analytics, data visualization, financial analytics, other data analytics, industrial and organizational psychology, and social sciences, research methodology, and quantitative methods. The complete 22-career long list is intended to give readers the full scope of its dire consequences to U.S. students and professionals, not to bog them down.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued a press release and posted a notice in the Federal Register, but the news barely made a blip in the media or even on business channels. STEM OPT’s expansion, however, is significant since the thousands of new foreign-born workers entering the labor pool will adversely affect employed U.S. tech workers or recent U.S. STEM graduates whose prospective careers could be jeopardized.

“Practical training” is a purposely deceptive phrase; in reality, “training,” defined in real terms, means work authorization, a benefit that wasn’t included for F-1 student visas in the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act. Students were expected to return home when they completed their courses of study. In a major and legally questionable departure from the INA, 70 years later, the biggest guest worker program is the F-1 student visa holder.

Joining DHS in making job searches harder for young Americans, the State Department also did its hurtful best. State doubled the time period for J-1 visa travelers, allegedly in the U.S. on a cultural exchange visit, from 18 to 36 months. Investigative journalists have extensively reported that J-1 visa holders, far from participating in cultural exchange, are often employed at jobs Americans will do. The visa is used to import workers whose professions range from au pair to medical doctor.

DHS’ unexpected proclamation offers insight into how today’s federal government works: wealthy elitists team up with high-ranking administration officials at exclusive functions, then lobby for special considerations that will benefit them while falsely claiming America will be the winner. Finally, the insiders, operating in secret, do an end run around Congress to put their destructive policies into place without the appropriate congressional committee debate or vote.

Who Needs Congress? D.C.'s New Normal

In 2008, OPT mushroomed from a one-year program that took effect after students graduated to 29 months. During a Georgetown cocktail party, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates complained to then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff that Congress’ refusal to authorize more H-1B visas above the existing cap impaired Silicon Valley’s ability to maximize its profits. At that time, 65,000 new H-1B visas were available, with an additional 20,000 visas provided to holders of U.S. university-earned master’s degrees or higher. In 2015, the Obama administration, again without congressional approval, increased the OPT F-1 visa overstay authorization period to 36 months.

Rich, powerful and well-connected Gates and Chertoff proved to be a combination that, when they set out to achieve their mutual goal to provide Silicon Valley with more cheap labor, left U.S. tech workers out in the cold. Then-President George W. Bush, an immigration advocate, could have interceded on behalf of Americans, but chose not to.

That’s the new Washington, D.C. normal – agencies make and enforce regulations as law without congressional approval, and the administration ignores the unlawful procedures, pretending that all is well in the nation’s capital. As for displaced U.S. tech workers or struggling graduates, thanks to DHS’ open-borders Mayorkas, U.S. specialists who studied in the 22 STEM fields are left to fend for themselves. Mayorkas realizes the harm he’s inflicting on the nation’s prospective white-collar workers, and he knows that Americans object to prioritizing foreign workers. In his tweet that announced the STEM OPT expansion, Mayorkas purposely omitted “foreign student” to create the false impression that DHS is investing in domestic STEM talent.

OPT has been in litigation for more than a decade, challenging whether OPT holders who are no longer students can legally be allowed to work. For all those years, U.S. tech workers have taken the brunt of the government’s illegal ploys that are used against them indiscriminately to give foreign nationals an advantage in the high-skilled labor market.

Joe Guzzardi is a syndicated columnist and PFIR analyst who writes about immigration issues and impacts. Contact him at and

Who Needs Congress? D.C.’s New Normal

Press is free and William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-27-22

Press is free and William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-27-22

Wkh ohdvw lqlwldo ghyldwlrq iurp wkh wuxwk lv pxowlsolhg odwhu d wkrxvdqgirog.

Press is free and William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-27-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe.
Thomas Jefferson

Press is free and William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 1-27-22