Delco Election Fraud Case Number — The lawsuit by Ruth Moton, Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes alleging substantial and significant election law violations in Delaware County, Pa. during the 2020 election now has a case number, CV-2022-000032 and title, Moton et al v. Boockvar, Kathy et al.
The filing date was Jan. 6.
The defendants include former Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, Delaware County, the Delaware County Board Elections, the Delaware County Bureau of Elections and numerous officials, including Chief Custodian and Voting Machine Warehouse Supervisor James Savage.
Defendants intentionally and fraudulently conspired to destroy, delete, secrete, and hide November 3, 2020, election data, materials, and equipment to prevent discovery of election fraud and election law violations in Delaware County, which the Defendants also conspired to commit and did commit while carrying out the November 3, 2020, election. In furtherance of this conspiracy, Defendants intentionally created chaos surrounding the November 3, 2020, election so that they would be able to then carry out the acts of election fraud and the election law violations described herein undetected.
Defendants did this, in part, by placing incompetent or underqualified individuals with no training in positions of responsibility so that they would be able to hide their fraud under the pretense of the incompetence of election day workers/volunteers in the event the election fraud and election law violations were discovered.
Moreover, when a May 21, 2021 Right to Know (RTK) request for election information and data was made with respect to information that is by federal and state law to be kept and preserved, the Defendants fraudulently and intentionally deleted, changed, adulterated, manipulated and/or obscured the information, data, and materials produced in response to the RTK request in order to hide their fraud and election code violations because they knew that they could not reconcile the previously fraudulently reported November 3, 2020 election results with the actual responsive information that they had in their possession and which they were required to preserve and produce in response to the Right to Know request.
Plaintiffs know this to be the case and can document this and demonstrate this by showing, among other things, that November 3, 2020 election, data materials, and equipment was destroyed including but not limited to V-Drives, Return Sheets, machine tapes/proof sheets/result tapes, Mail-In Ballots, Ballots Destroyed, voting machines, hard drives, paper documentation, Blue Crest data, correspondence concerning the November 3, 2020 election.
Further the suit notes that Delaware County was the last count to submit its presidential vote total in Pennsylvania “potentially changing November 3, 2020 election results in numerous races”.
The suit says that before Delco’s submission, Donald Trump was leading Joseph Biden by 7,515 votes, and that Delco’s tally showed a difference of 88,070 votes between the candidates favoring Biden.
Remember, this suit does not address the apparent vote fraud in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and even Montgomery County.
Delco Election Fraud Case Number