Explaining Susan B Anthony List
By Bob Small
At the annual Bill of Rights Banquet, previously mentioned, we learned about The Susan B. Anthony List named after the great American suffragette.
Their flyer mentioned hiring pro-life field representatives at $15 per hour to canvass in Pennsylvania. The following is from a conversation with Kimberly Kennedy, a field director.;
“The Susan B. Anthony List team fights for the election of women and men who will fight for life. We fight for laws that safeguard the innocent, and we develop research to demonstrate the good that flows from society from their protection,” said Ms. Kennedy.
“We are canvassing the entire state of Pennsylvania and reaching out to Pa pro-life voters encouraging and informing them by pointing out the extreme pro-abortion position on candidates running for Governor and Senate,” she said. “Many people do not know this and have said they will be sure to not vote for pro-abortion candidates.”
For information on how to be a canvasser, contact Kim Kennedy at kimberly@sbalistfield.org or 484-557-7655
If she could speak directly to Joe Biden who is a Catholic and pro-choice?
“I would ask him to reflect on the truth that all humans are made in the image of God. Whatever stage of development a person is at, in this case still developing in the womb, they are an image of God, “ she said. and cited Gen. 9:5-6 Whoever sheds man’s blood by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man.
Politically, she thinks “Generally speaking, the Republican platform still maintains it is pro-life. There are factions within that promote abortion though. The DNC is totally pro-abortion.”
“Today, there are so many help agencies that can come alongside a pregnant mom who is at risk of aborting. From churches helping women/families in crisis pregnancies, adoption agencies, to crisis pregnancy centers offering help, there are so many resources to choose from today. “
She listed the following :
https://www.sba-list.org/pregnancy-help and https://www.sba-list.org/
“I think that pro-life people have much to be optimistic about,” she said. “There were very good questions asked from Brett Kavanagh in particular that showed he had thought a great deal on the issue. There should be a ruling by early summer.”
SBA list does not deal with the death penalty. Their services are not restricted to any specific religions.
She ended with “Everyone can help the unborn in so very many ways. Being a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves is important and needed!”