Tunnel Through The Earth William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 12-2-21
Tunnel from one side of the Earth to the other. Drop something in the hole. It will take 38 minutes to get to the other side. Well, that’s what the scientists say anyway.
News, Entertainment, Enlightenment
Tunnel Through The Earth William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 12-2-21
Tunnel from one side of the Earth to the other. Drop something in the hole. It will take 38 minutes to get to the other side. Well, that’s what the scientists say anyway.
Kyle Causes Mental Dyspepsia
By Bob Small
My initial reaction to the latest Kyleamity was yeah, I might be nervous if he was on campus, too”. Except it turns out Kyle Rittenhouse was an online only student, at Arizona State University, yet this led four student groups, led by Students for Socialism ASU , to plan a “Killer off our Campus Rally” for Wednesday, Dec 1.
Meanwhile, College Republicans United, one of two warring ASU Republican Groups, had been raising monies for his legal fees (Channel 12, Phoenix). There could be six student groups at this rally to get this online student offline!
The ASU Students for Socialism Website averred that Rittenhouse’s “got a not guilty verdict from a flawed ‘justice’ system” but said he’s still guilty to the victims and their families.(www,azcentral.com)
Possibly this might be akin to the feelings some voters still have about the 2020 Election.
In a statement on Nov. 29 the four student groups said that Kyle was a problem because of “the racist and fascist right-wing elements that he will bring on campus”, if not there already. (ASU Student Newspaper, The State Press, article by Lavidge T-Bird)
Arizona GOP Gubernatorial Candidate and former ASU Lobbyist Matt Salmon felt }It is completely outrageous that left-wing student groups are allowed to engage in a dangerous, ongoing harrassment campaign against Kyle Rittenhouse, while university bureaucrats sit on their hands”. (also from www.azcentral.com)
By now, everyone should be aware that Kyle has been “destudented” from ASU. The ASU Republicans/Socialists will have to find another ’cause celebre’ to rally around, perhaps the Phoenix Cop, fired for killing a wheelchair bound shoplifter on Nov 29, though it was verified he had a knife.
Probably Kyle cannot do anything that will not cause negative comment, If he ended up helping the Phoenix Police gather “toys for underserved children”, he would be roundly lambasted for that. Maybe the Socialists and the Republicans could work together on that, instead.
Maybe Kyle was found “not guilty”, and he should be allowed to go on with his life. You think?
Maybe he carries it all in his brainpan forever, You think?
Maybe we all just need to go on with our lives and let him do the same.
Other sources include
TheGuardian.com article by Richard Luscombe
www.legalinsurrection.com Mike Lachance and others
meaww.com, article by Aryan Vaksh
The dust that blinds William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 12-2-21
By nbun qucnm ojih zilnohy, cm hypyl moly iz u xchhyl.
Vyhdugch Zluhefch
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Gold is the dust that blinds all eyes.
John Quigg