Europe Rejecting Transitioning? Is Sanity Returning?

Europe Rejecting Transitioning? Is Sanity Returning? Lisa Selin Davis reports that European nations are starting to question the wisdom of turning children into the opposite sex.

She says the British National Health Service is closing for good the Gender and Identity Development Service at the Tavistock Clinic in London.

The clinic has administered puberty suppressants, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries to thousands of children. Many of these treatments led to irreversible effects.

There was a 4,000-percent increase of referrals for girls in the last decade.

Sweden has released new guidelines saying that “gender-affirming” medical interventions “outweigh the possible benefits, and the treatments should be offered only in exceptional cases.”

Europe Rejecting Transitioning? Is Sanity Returning?
Transitioning is as cruel as grooming

Finland’s Council for Choice in Health Care, last year, “In light of available evidence, gender reassignment of minors is an experimental practice . . (Gender reassignment medical interventions) must be done with a great deal of caution, and no irreversible treatment should be initiated.”

Meanwhile American doctors are advertising surgeries to children on Tik Tok and legislation has been introduced in California that would allow any child to come to California to medically transition without parental knowledge or consent.

“America is increasingly becoming an outlier among Western countries in failing to demand better evidence for the consequences of irreversible youth gender transition,” Ms. Davis says.

Read her entire article on Substack

Europe Rejecting Transitioning? Is Sanity Returning?

Last messenger of misery William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-2-22

Last messenger of misery William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-2-22

Wlvwsl bzbhssf aopur hjjvykpun av aolpy pujspuhapvuz, zwlhr hjjvykpun av aolpy slhyupun huk punyhpulk vwpupvuz, iba nlulyhssf hja hjjvykpun av jbzavt.
Myhujpz Ihjvu

Last messenger of misery William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-2-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: August, the summer’s last messenger of misery, is a hollow actor.
Henry Rollins

Last messenger of misery William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-2-22

Sextilis William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-1-22

This month was called Sextilis unti 8 B.C., when the guy running things decided a name change was in order. His name? Augustus.

He also added a day because the previous man in charge — Julius — named a month for himself that had 31 days.

Sextilis William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-1-22
Sextilis William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-1-22

Biden Wants ID Cards For Illegals

Biden Wants ID Cards For Illegals

By Joe Guzzardi

President Biden’s eagerness to welcome millions of global illegal migrants is unlimited. Not only are people from every corner of the world welcome to come to and settle in the United States at taxpayer expense, but now Biden wants to issue each migrant official government identification cards. With quasi-official status available, mostly poor, unskilled, non-English speaking illegal immigrants will be more willing than ever to pay criminal cartel smugglers for their dangerous and often deadly northbound journeys.

The pilot program, overseen by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, will be called the ICE Secure Docket Card program. Today’s ICE agency is not the traditional one which protected U.S. citizens from the dangers that illegal immigrants potentially pose to the community. Rather, Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ ICE have gutted interior enforcement and successfully ended expedited removal, the procedure by which DHS can remove, without a formal procedure, an alien who has entered illegally, or has sought entry without proper documents or through fraud. DHS authority has been an essential part of immigration law for more than a quarter of a century.

If approved, the new ID card will feature a photograph, biographic identifiers and what ICE calls “cutting-edge security features to the mutual benefit of the government and noncitizens.” Since “aliens,” a word used throughout immigration law, is forbidden in the Biden administration’s nomenclature, “noncitizens” or “undocumented” are used in its place. But with the ICE ID card, “undocumented” will also become passé. Illegal immigrants will not only have documentation, but official, federally approved and issued credentials. More than 1 million illegal immigrants have been released into the interior since Biden’s inauguration, each and every one of them potential ID card holders.

Brandon Judd, Border Patrol Council President, said that the cards won’t help immigration officials, but will, along with giving coyotes another magnet to lure their naïve clients into their web, allow illegal immigrants to report to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service to assist in processing their employment authorization documents.

Biden Wants ID Cards For Illegals

ICE’s defense of its card – that it will provide “mutual benefit to the government and the noncitizens” – lacked tangibles, and is patently transparent. No benefits to the government were specified, but the benefits to the aliens are obvious. They immediately go from “undocumented” to fully documented, at least in the eyes of institutions that will benefit from recognizing the cards – most federal, state and municipal governments, commercial banks, mortgage lenders, landlords, some employers and others sympathetic to illegal immigration.

The ICE representative who spoke to the media about the ID card spun it in the most positive light. Illegal immigrants, the representative claimed, could use the card to check in and schedule reporting dates with ICE offices, and immigration court hearing dates. But the conclusion that the card will assist in scheduling immigration court hearings is a stretch. The Department of Justice’s fact sheet found that only about 49 percent of illegally present aliens show up for their hearings. With or without an ID card, that statistic is unlikely to change. And should illegal immigrants appear, and ordered for removal, that doesn’t guarantee that they’ll depart. With the ID card, they’re more likely than ever to remain.

Critics have concluded that, despite the risks to the nation that it would bring, the Biden administration’s ultimate goal is eliminating existing immigration laws. The ID card is the latest example. Retired career border patrol officer and Center for Immigration Studies board member Kent Lundgren explained why immigration laws exist – to protect Americans and legal immigrants. Those protections fall into four major categories: 1) public health, 2) public safety, 3) national security and 4) jobs and wages.

Biden, his cabinet, his administration and his advisors have ignored, at sovereign America’s risk, the core reasons why previous congresses have passed, and former presidents have codified, immigration laws.

Biden Wants ID Cards For Illegals

And do not forsake William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-1-22

And do not forsake William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-1-22

Gamayz, znk yasskx’y rgyz skyyktmkx ul soykxe, oy g nurruc gizux.
Nktxe Xurroty

And do not forsake William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-1-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
Proverbs 1:8

And do not forsake William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-1-22