Yes Skyler, one third of the land in the Unites States is owned by the government.
News, Entertainment, Enlightenment
Yes Skyler, one third of the land in the Unites States is owned by the government.
And then the people said no. The end
Delco Vote Fraud Case Taken To Commonwealth Court — Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes have filed an appeal with Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court after their suit against former Secretary of State Kathy Bookvar and others was dismissed by Delaware County Common Pleas Court.
Stenstrom and Mrs. Hoopes have written a book The Parallel Election exposing what happened that can be purchased on Amazon and other booksellers, or at at
In a statement posted on Patriot Online, Stenstrom said:
Filed our Appeal to the Commonwealth Court of PA yesterday for the Common Pleas case the Judge ruled was “moot” because the Nov 2020 election is “over,” and we should all “move on.” We anticipated the probability of that brazen move well in advance, and had the book in queue. We originally filed the case (our 2nd) in November 2021, but it took us until Jan 2022 to get it fully entered in the docket, and play their “guess where to serve us” game. They initially wouldn’t let us file the exhibits and evidence at all, and stopped us for assorted different reasons that we had to overcome. One of the biggest obstacles was that most lawyers only file Microsoft Word or PDF documents, and the Court only accepts files up to a 25 megabytes – which is very small and not suited for photos, never mind videos. Most of our exhibits exceeded those size limitations by a lot, and the court also initially choked on modern video and audio formats. It’s an antiquated system by any standard and I’m sure they would prefer to still be using typewriters and blurry copy machines, but time and technology move on. We had to eventually abandon filing electronically online via file uploads, and bring USB’s and CD’s to the courthouse. Then we suffered six months of lies by the Solicitors, Council members, and Board of Elections officials, as they just made up some of their most venomous accusations against us. After trying for months unsuccessfully to dismiss us for alleged technical and procedural errors, they resorted to a double secret probation “internal” investigation with the DA saying everything was “fabricated” and a “fiction” and there would be no criminal charges, and then refusing to release the completed investigation as required by law to hide the fact that they never did one. As if, Leah and I had hired a large crew of Delco “Doppelgängers,” CGI experts and forgers to craft the 104 page complaint with 98 exhibits of videos, audios, photos, and documents of defendants laughingly admitting they fabricated the entire election and destroying and shredding evidence on camera. The biggest problem they have, is regardless of their video and audio admissions of fraud, they cannot produce any of the election materials required to prove they conducted an honest vote in 2020 because they destroyed it. The biggest rabbit holes that Leah and I avoided but swallowed up so many others were focusing on ballots – that were mostly forged in key Counties – and router, network, and machine logs that were forensically wiped, if they ever even allowed them to be created in the first place. We’ll file our SCOTUS appeal soon, as well.
Alex’s War Worth Watching — I splurged six bucks on Saturday to watch Alex’s War, a documentary by Alex Lee Moyer about talk show host Alex Jones.
I was never a fan of Jones. He was a 9/11 truther and hated George W. Bush.
I have to concede he was right, at least with regard to Bush.
Ms. Moyer’s documentary is interesting and informative and worth watching. It’s balanced. She does not duck Jones’ Sandy Hook fiasco but Jones comes across as likable with valid points.
The movie is available on most streaming services, notably excepting Netflix, and is in theaters in select cities, albeit not in the Philadelphia area as of yet.
Jone’s show can be found at,
Honor God with your bodies William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-15-22
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Ifkin Vxubkxh
Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
Corinthians 6:19-20