Penn Delco Parents Need Outrage

Penn Delco Parents Need Outrage — The race-card is being played to guilt-trip Penn Delco taxpayers into shelling more to the corrupt institutions public schools have become.

And to foster self-loathing docility in children.

Sheep groomed to believe they deserve shearing won’t object to their missing wool when the time comes to strip them, after all.

This video was found on Schoology page of the school district in Delaware County, Pa.

Give us more money and all problems will be solved.


End public school districts and return the tax dollars to parents as vouchers to be used in the school of their choice.

Granted, if Little Precious is a trouble-making bully a whole lot of schools won’t want him.

Keep your money, they will say.

Somewhere, however, a school for him will be found. For every pot there is a lid.

And the decent normal kids of whatever skin shade will unite in the joy of learning without the hate, bigotry and bullying of Little Precious.

Or maybe LP’s daddy will take the time to teach him to respect his teacher and to stop bullying other kids just so he could have some kind of decent future.


Understand though, the Critical-Race-Theory people don’t want children of whatever skin shade uniting. They want hatred, bitterness and division.

That’s what makes CRT truly evil.

But there is a light shining in the darkness. Truly woke Republican state representatives are demanding that state Education Secretary Eric Hagarty end faux-wokeness — in this case Gender Theory Student Indoctrination — or resign.

Vote for Doug Mastriano for governor in November to make this happen.

Vote for Oz, too, for U.S. Senate even though the Turkish Turkey doesn’t seem to be trying that hard to win.

Penn Delco Parents Need Outrage
Penn Delco Parents Need Outrage

Amendments Would Limit Abortion Funding, Extend Statute Of Limitation For Child Abusers, Other Things

Amendments Would Limit Abortion Funding, Extend Statute Of Limitation For Child Abusers, Other Things

By Bob Small

Recently the local Town Talk newspaper carried a full pager to inform citizens about the status of two proposed amendments to the Pennsylvania Constitution.  We should explain that if these two resolutions are approved for a second time during the 2023-4 Legislative session, then they will graduate to ballot questions.  The resolutions are 2021-2 and 2022-1.  One might want to ask the various State Representative and State Senate Candidates for their stance on these issues in order to consider that for your decision on voting.

Resolution 2021-2 basically extends the statute of limitations on child sexual abuse by two years. Institutions which have a historic history of sheltering child abusers may try to sidetrack this bill.

Whether there should even be a statue of limitations in these cases, which if not murder, are a form of soul murder, is another question entirely.

There are four separate issues on Resolution 2022-1. 

Firstly,  “This constitution does not grant the right to taxpayer-funded abortion or any other right to abortion”.   Obviously, this would be the most contentious issue of all those mentioned.

The second issue would be that the gubernatorial candidates who win the primary –assuming they mean the two major party candidates — will choose the lieutenant governor running mate.  This would eliminate the current system, where the lieutenant governor candidates have their own primary.  The current system has helped to generate many candidates with many voices.

The third issue is a discussion of voter ID for both in-person and mail-in ballots.  The question of what qualifies as valid Voter ID would need to be clarified.

Lastly, and I’ll just quote here:

The General Assembly shall by statue provide for the auditing of elections and election results by the Auditor General.  In years when the Auditor General stands for election to any office, an Independent Auditor shall conduct the audit.

Again, we would want our elected officials to “vote with their conscience” on these issues.

Amendments Would Limit Abortion Funding, Extend Statute Of Limitation For Child Abusers, Other Things
Amendments Would Limit Abortion Funding, Extend Statute Of Limitation For Child Abusers, Other Things

Gods too are fond of a joke William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-11-22

Gods too are fond of a joke William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-11-22

Krp Kaxcqna rb fjclqrwp hxd.
Pnxapn Xafnuu

Gods too are fond of a joke William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-11-22Answer to yesterday’s William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit quote puzzle: The gods too are fond of a joke.

Gods too are fond of a joke William Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 8-11-22