DiBello Pushes Poll Watcher Freedom At Montco Counting Center; Dems Seem OK With It

DiBello Pushes Poll Watcher Freedom At Montco Counting Center; Dems Seem OK With It — Republican Thomas DiBello,, who is Montgomery County’s mandated minority commissioner, suggested at today’s, June 27, meeting of the county Election Board that poll watchers get free access to the entire central ballot processing center.

He noted that the reasons for the existing limitations were a legacy of Covid and no longer necessary.

County Election Director Frank Dean agreed as did Commissioner Vice Chairman Neil Makhija.

Mush suspicion would disappear if Montgomery County went through with this. Delaware County should take note.

DiBello also asked if it were possible for cellular signal jammers to be placed in the building. He said the signals are rampant. Dean said he would look into the feasibility and would also investigate DiBello’s concern regarding the possibility of the scanners being hackable with cellular devices along with his suggestion to livestream the ballot drop box cameras.

Dean also addressed questions posed by Jim Mollick of Worcester regarding the process of purging voter roles. He said a person can only be purged when a death is reported or by a state approved methods concerning the voter moving.

Mollick, during public comments, addressed a challenge by Chairwoman Jamila H. Winder to find vote fraud. Mollick noted that the state prohibits voters to use a Post Office box to register.

“Here is 50,” Mollick said. “Actually it is the same PO box.”

Mollick also said that he found five persons who moved from the county and are still on voting rolls. This includes one who moved to New York yet still votes in Montco.

Barbara Furman, a judge of elections in New Hanover, said it is impossible to determine chain of custody in the existing system and suggested that having the mail-in ballots be counted at the precinct would increase security.

Marleen Laska said it’s illegal for non-citizens to vote but many don’t realize it as they are told otherwise. She said the county should put signs declaring only US citizens may vote. This is not an unreasonable suggestion.

Sandra Levine said that Montgomery Township did not have the proper ballots for the machines at an election and that many voters could not wait and were in effect disenfranchised.

Adrian Seltzer, a judge of elections, said that Montgomery Township could have offered provisional ballots or allowed the ballots be placed manually in the dropbox to be counted later. She defended Montco’s system of elections.

Scott Emmet advocated handcounting the ballots.

Issues with right-to-know requests were also a subject as they had been at the preceding commissioners meeting.

Jean White said she has submitted 14 right-to-knows with the county new open records officer Joshua Wertheimer with little effect. Many involved seeking information about the voting process and she was told to subject them voter services, which she did, again without much luck.

Free clue: Fighting right-to-know request does not — repeat does not — ease suspicions.

DiBello Pushes Poll Watcher Freedom At Montco Counting Center;  Dems Seem OK With It -- Republican Thomas DiBello,, who is Montgomery County's mandated

Hearing On Sending Arthur Back To Prison Continued; County Doing What It Can To Stop Mother And Child Reunion

Hearing On Sending Arthur Back To Prison Continued; County Doing What It Can To Stop Mother And Child Reunion — A hearing on revoking Arthur Herring’s bail was continued until July 2 because complainant David Jaskowiak couldn’t appear at the one held, yesterday, June 26 before Bucks County President Judge Raymond F. McHugh

Arthur was arrested, April 27, for picketing Jaskowiak’s home in New Britain. He was charged with two counts of harassment and sent to Bucks County Prison on $100,000 bail.

Arthur is homeless.

After five weeks in the county lockup, McHugh lowered the bail to 10 percent of $10,000 and Arthur’s friends were able to free him.

Bail reduction requests are allowed after 30 days. Arthur says it was granted because he explained he was only picketing on a public sidewalk and not saying anything.  

Jaskowiak is the lawyer appointed by Montgomery County as attorney for Arthur’s mother.

His mom has been under court-mandated guardianship since May 2021. See this story.

Arthur feels the county is slowly siphoning off his mother’s estate without her permission. This is reason enough for anger but far worse, though, is how they are preventing mother and son from seeing each other.

Arthur and his mom haven’t been together since December. Arthur blames Jaskowiak.

McHugh, as conditions of bail, directed Arthur to get a psychiatric evaluation, apply for a public defender and not have contact with Jaskowiak.

Getting the psych evaluation was harder than it sounded but Arthur managed. He applied for a public defender but met him for the first time yesterday. Public defenders are swamped let us note. The fellow, by the way, seems like a pretty decent lawyer.

Arthur, unfortunately, sent an email to the court-appointed guardian of the estate — whose salary is coming from the estate — informing him that their mail to him was being sent to an incorrect address. He cc’d Jaskowiak as had been his custom. Jaskowiak contacted police who contacted the judge who called a hearing about revoking bail

Arthur’s mom is 99 years old and Arthur is 70. If he goes to prison he may never see his mom again.

It’s one thing to keep a parent from an abusive child but if mom wants to see child and child wants to see mom, and the system lets a petty tyrant stop that, the system is evil.

Hearing On Sending Arthur Back To Prison Continued; County Doing What It Can To Stop Mother And Child Reunion

Arthur protesting at a Montco Commissioners meeting

Immigrants Warn Of Illegal Immigrants

Immigrants Warn Of Illegal Immigrants — Immigrants Dasha Pruett, from Russia, and Charley Gerow, from Brazil, spoke of the dangers facing their adopted nation, last night, June 26, as did long-time Chester County Sheriff Bunny Welsh.

The event was the Save Our Couty Rally Re-Electe President Trump at the Ellis Preserve Ballrooom in Newtown Square.

The most frightening revelation came from Charlie Alexander, who detailed how he concluded that the government of Delaware County, Pa. was facilitating the mass importation of illegals.

Charlie said he was told by friends involved with the county that the shuttered Springfield and Delaware County Memorial Hospital in Upper Darby were going to be use to house illegal immigrants. Charlie made inquires. Friendly responses devolved into stonewalling, then attacks.

He investigated further and learned that HIAS Pennsylvania is helping illegals find sanctuary in Delaware County, Pa.

HIAS Pennsylvania is an NGO or “non-government organization.”

He says he understands that the buildings at the former Don Guanella School in Marple were to be used to house illegals and that remains the case despite vehement denials from the county.

Jihadist graffiti has been found in them, he says.

Dasha had earlier pointed out that just 200,000 bad guys can turn America into a tyranny and that more than 10 million illegals have come across the border during the Biden administration.

Immigrants Warn Of Illegal Immigrants
Charlie Alexander, Bunny Welsh, Dasha Pruett and Charley Gerow,

You doubt human trafficking is occurring? This was just posted X. Pennsylvania is among the top, if not the top, human trafficking state.


Immigrants Warn Of Illegal Immigrants

Inflation is taxation W. W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-27 -24

Inflation is taxation William W. Lawrence Sr 6-27 -24

Cqnan jan jwm fruu kn j cqxdbjwm yarwlnb; cqnan rb xwuh xwn Knncqxenw.
Udmfrp ejw Knncqxenw

Answer to yesterday’s puzzle: Inflation is taxation without legislation.
Milton Friedman

Inflation is taxation William W. Lawrence Sr
Inflation is taxation W. W. Lawrence Sr Cryptowit 6-27 -19