A Message From The GOP City Committee (Philly)

Courtesy Carol Klein

Now that we’ve had a few days to digest the 2012 election please allow me to give some initial thoughts about moving the Conservative agenda and this Party forward.   First, I congratulate John Taylor for another successful election.   My thanks to all our other candidates, you ran good campaigns against long, long odds.  I want to meet with all of you to review what you did, what you learned and what you see as important for our future. 

We did more work this year than any I have ever seen, and I’ve been involved working elections since 1974.  Our Victory Centers made more calls and knocked on more doors than any Philadelphia Republican organization has done in memory.  Everyone should be proud of the work we did.  And, we got smoked.

How did we lose to a very weak incumbent in both the presidential and senatorial elections?  We lost because we have allowed the left to control the debate for years.  We’ve made progress and it hasn’t been enough.  I’ve asked people why they voted for Obama and the answers all are based on what we know to be half truths or outright falsehoods.

This means we’ve allowed elections to come down to personalities and sound bites.  If your personality doesn’t come through strong in the beginning of the campaign, if you make a silly statement or misquote a fact, the other side brands you before the real campaign ever begins.  Those of us who understand the fundamental principles on which this country was built can see past those personality quirks.  For us, the individual doesn’t matter as much as the principles on which he or she stands.  Understand the principles and you are far better able to sort through the media blather and find the truth.

But none of us were born knowing those principles.  None of us came into the world understanding the God-given rights we brought with us.  None of us were born knowing that our precious individual rights and responsibilities were given by the Creator and not by some government.  We had to be taught.  In order to change the outcomes we need to do the hard work of mentoring an entire electorate.  That job in Philadelphia will be long and hard.  And if we want to elect quality people no matter what their personality quirks that’s what we are going to have to do.

Next year we have elections for District Attorney, Controller and Judges and we need quality candidates for all of them.   We also need to build on the work done this year by Annie Havey and elect Minority Inspectors in every division in the city.  In addition, we need to begin identifying candidates for future elections.  Waiting until the year of the election to choose candidates is never going to work. 

And, while we are doing all those things, we need to begin an education process that teaches the principles we understand and are sorely lacking in the majority of the electorate.  We have our work cut out for us, and we can do it.  We need to start now when the noise of an election is just a memory.  We need to be ready to respond to every falsehood we see or hear in the Philadelphia media.  Eventually our message will get through, the truth always does.



Rick Hellberg

Chairman, Republican City Committee

20 thoughts on “A Message From The GOP City Committee (Philly)”

  1. Romney got 0 votes in 59 voting districts in Philadelphia in 2012.
    McCain got 0 votes in 57 voting districts in Philadelphia in 2004.
    McCain got 0 votes in 5 voting districts in Philadelphia in 2004.

    Seems like the GOP is going in the wrong direction…

  2. Correction:
    McCain got 0 votes in 57 voting districts in Philadelphia in 2008.
    Bush got 0 votes in 5 voting districts in Philadelphia in 2004.

    The zeros (0’s) look like o’s in this font

  3. I think you are seriously under estimating Obama and the Democratic Party. Obama got 85% of the vote in Philly. Even if Romney wasn’t the candidate the republican platform would have lost the election. The Bush administration is still too close to vote for a republican who wants to bring back all the same people and ideas. I watched the debate between Casey and Smith. It took be 10 minutes to decide who to vote for and I hadn’t even heard his comments on abortion.

  4. Bush did better (in the very limited data I posted) than McCain and Romney, yet your conclusion is that is was Bush’s fault that Obama won?

  5. Not at all, the issues are what the people voted on. At 3PM in Drexel Hill when I voted the voting book way 90% full. Voter suppression was a big issue, Bush tax cuts, War on Women, obstruction in congress, Obama Care, Lies and exaggerations, Redistricting, Demonizing the opposition, immigration and finally the economy. GOP needs to move back to the center and compromise so Congress gets on with its business. The last two years have been disastrous in the House because of the Tea Party. All that money spent and we are right where we were before. The last point was the ground game. I saw old school buses and bullhorns getting the people to the polls and the flood of emails.

  6. So what your saying was the people had their say and they voted:
    – For voter suppression
    – Against Bush tax cuts
    – What is the “War on Women”? Is that supporting Sharia Law?
    – For obstruction in congress
    – For Obama Care
    – For Lies and exaggerations
    – Redistricting?
    – For Demonizing the opposition
    – For illegal immigration
    – For the current economy

    I think when Democrats talk about compromise, they mean do it our way and shut up. I think if the President wants to get anything accomplished he needs to move to the center and negotiate in good faith. But, if he doesn’t, then we will have gridlock, and it seems like by their votes, the people are okay with that.

  7. Hey, be nice to my liberals. I’m trying to encourage them.

    Dumb yourself down next time. Don’t scare them off.

  8. You are the dumb one, you lost to what you call a weak incumbent. Go ahead and thumb your nose, you will lose next time also. Maybe next time you will lose something you really want. Remember we can vote and if you want to win elections you need to serve all of us. Wake Up!!

  9. Are you saying that you really don’t want socialized medicine, more expensive energy, a higher national debt, a defunded military, and illegals getting more social services but dang it! they are cutting money to Planned Parenthood so I’ll show em?

  10. I’m trying to take you seriously, but your posts tend to have the flavor of a rant. That’s why I ask a lot of questions.

    When you talk about losing something I really want, are you talking about “free” government stuff or my rights as enshrined in Constitution?

    Are you saying the party in power should punish those that have opposing views?

    What do you mean by serve all of us?

  11. Liz, please correct me if I’m wrong but seriously I think what you are saying is that everyone is entitled to your opinion. See the honey badger is taking you seriously.

  12. Yes, Yes, Yes, I want socialized medicine that is what medicare is socialized medicine. The insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies have gouged us to the point where our our health care cost too much and is of poor quality. The government run system costs less to run and serves us better. You have been sold a bill of goods and swallowed it hook line and sinker. You seem to have a brain , use it.

  13. Medicare is in serious trouble based on demographics, as it relies on a shrinking base of younger (and on the average poorer) working people to pay for a growing retired older population.

    Demonizing (remember you voted for it) the pharmaceutical and insurance industries does not address the problems with our health care system. Pharmaceutical and insurance companies have different goals (e.g. Pharmaceutical companies want to sell more drugs and insurances companies want to buy less, since they are on the hook to pay for them). So, their adversarial relationship works to reduce costs.

    Drugs can also be a cheaper alternative to surgery and save on hospital and doctor bills. Thus, the pharmaceutical industry works to reduce those costs.

    Tort lawyers exist to keep everybody honest (but they currently have too much power; a loser pays system would help keep those costs down).

    A single-payer system would reduce the efficiency of the marketplace.

    Our current system, where we expect our employer to pay for our health insurance is a relic of WWII wage controls (an unintended effect of socialism). It would be better if people were responsible for getting their own insurance (individually or in groups to get group rates). This would help with portability and remove issues like forcing people to purchase coverage they find immoral.

    The government run system does not cost less to run and does not serve us better. Government programs are inherently inefficient, they will resort to price controls to save money. Price controls will lead to rationing.

    A socialist system will provide universal coverage (i.e. cover everybody), but will be more expensive, lead to rationing, reduce freedom and reduce innovation.

    There are a lot of very smart people who disagree with you. You have every right to you own beliefs, but when dismiss the beliefs of those you disagree with, you are only showing how closed your mind is.

  14. Medicare is here to stay, it just needs to be tweaked like it has been before. Too many people love Medicare and support it. Obama Care has already extended Medicaid to low income families, pre-existing health condition can now get insured, removed limits, dropping coverage due to illness and many other seriously needs benefits. The projections call for drastic reductions in government health care costs. The very smart people you are referring to probable have a vested interest or just misinformed. Just wait and see, GOP complained about Medicare and Social Security when it was proposed. Stop listening to these scare tactics. Take to all these people that are already been helped, these are the people that voted for Obama.

  15. What you’re missing is that health care is not here to stay.

    You have the expectation of having access to a competent doctor who actually cares about you — or at least losing his job.

    Give that up.

  16. Are you serious, there is always going to be health care. They said the same thing when Medicare came out. Yes, some doctors don’t take medicare but the majority do and you can find a very good doctor that does. Doctors are already coming up with ways to charge the patient more over and above medicare. The supplemental insurance plans with medicare already provide for these charges. Obama Care also allows those that wish to get private insurance if they wish. Or you can go to India where the cost is less for major surgery and the care better. Some insurance companies will pay you to go out of the USA for major surgery. The health care system will survive and be stronger for it. Do you hear the insurance companies screaming about the changes already, they raised rates in 2010 and now they are coming down the last two years.

  17. And there is always going to be Wonder Bread on the supermarket shelves, and the light is always going to come on when you flick the switch.

    Just ask those people on Staten Island — still 100,000 plus without power btw according to ConEd’s map.

    Liberals never ask the reason for things such as why we have heat and electricity and leisure time and someone to fix the plumbing. They assume these thing are always going to be there because they always were for them. They think that putting ink on paper declaring something to be so makes it so. It’s childlike but unfortunately they vote and they won the last election.

    Of course there is always going to be a circumstance defined by the phrase “health care”.

    It’s just not going to be what you are now used to.

  18. My uncle started Interstate Bakeries (Wonder Bread) along with some other partners. He retired, company was sold I don’t know why it closed. But there will always be bread and much heather bread. If these people in Staten Island had solar cells on their roof they would have heat and power for much less.
    Be part of solution, fight for clean air and energy. Health care and education for all.

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