Behind the Scenes

The Roar

Behind the Scenes

In light of Obama’s attempt to trample upon our religious freedoms, can anyone explain why the House voted 254-173 for granting this lawless leader the highly questionable “line item veto” authority? If I’m reading this correctly, this amid the ongoing Catholic Church uproar?

This one act underscores the need for a renewed House cleaning.  What began in 2010 must continue as many examples of the RINO persuasion are still working their mischief.

There exists an obvious chasm between the 2010 Tea Party “upstarts” verses the  more deeply rooted establishment figures.  As noble as was their election, those sixty some hard chargers are mere fingers in the dike, waiting for re-enforcements to arrive.  This latest indefensible tally, affording Obama with additional power, seems to be in sync with his attempt at establishing a dictatorial voice over our First Amendment’s religious rights.  The normalcy of asking “what were they thinking” now takes on irrelevancy when confronted with this “in your face” vote.

The reach of Obama’s intent is limitless, as he himself validates on almost a daily pace.  To grant him this incursion to Congressional authority, in light of his ongoing intention of religious intimidation, is insulting and once this roll call is known, should be remembered in November.

This unmasking of collusion, which has for too long hidden the chummy behind the scenes  political embracing, is now finally the culprit exposed.  However, in view of the timing, the question of “why now” surfaces?  Certainly, the uproar surrounding this contraceptive issue has brought undo scrutiny and public indignation.

Already, Obama’s most resilient alternative to our Constitutional format comes from his abuse of an Executive Order option, which was originally designed solely for extreme situations.   Also, consider his recent and blatant affront to constitutional dictates concerning “recess appointments.”  The fact that Congress was indeed in session mattered little as he ruled, and without any Congressional opposition, that Congress was not in session.  This one act, again left unopposed, should stiffen the resolve of voters in November.

This is the perplexing landscape to which voters are now attempting to select which candidate best offers solutions to what must be considered an overbearing if not out of control administration.  Who best to initiate reforms and have the confidence from the voter?  We can ill afford to spend our primary season in defense against what might or might not be a conservative candidate.  In the end, past practice is undebatable.  The old axiom, talk is cheap, led us to this threatening situation.  How much smooze will we consume before we act like free Americans with individual thought?  Let us embrace the truth, which often hurts, and proudly select the most conservative of choices.

While Obama presents a clear danger if re-elected, based upon the obvious lack of second term accountability, the latest dereliction with regards to this line item vote presents more November challenges.  When realizing that such authority is even Constitutionally questionable, its passage insinuates future treachery if the current status quo remains unchanged.  Along with what is obviously needed at the White House level, the chant RINO Must Go, should become loud and clear throughout our Country.

Jim Bowman, author of,
This Roar of Ours

One thought on “Behind the Scenes”

  1. the Roarmakes an excellent point.
    Why give Obama a line item veto
    when he could use it to continue to trample relogious freedons?Crazy IMO

    Also the need to continue to clean up both the House and the Senate of Rhinos
    and liberals!!!!

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