Trump Vote Explained By Chesco Woman

Trump Vote Explained — Joanne Yurchak of Chester County sent the response below to a progressive friend who sent her an Atlantic magazine article that contended that Hillary’s poll numbers were going down (at that time) because of her gender.  The friend wrongly assumed that Joanne supported Hillary and would agree with the essence of the article.  She has given us permission to republish.

Trump Vote Explained By Chesco Woman
Possibly not poisonous.

I debated responding to this for some time but feel I must since dear friends have to be honest with one another.  Please understand that my frank comments below are not intended to upset but rather to provide you with an understanding of where I’m coming from.  My guess is that even though you know I’m conservative, you believe that I couldn’t possibly be voting for Trump.  You would be wrong.  I will be voting for Trump because I feel I have no acceptable choice.  My feeling is that in your circle of friends there are few, if any, who hold conservative beliefs, and I’d bet that perhaps I’m probably your only good friend whose opinions differ so strongly from yours.  I think you should hear the viewpoints of someone from the other side.  It is because of this that I feel I should relay some of those opinions to you.

Trump Vote Explained By Chesco Woman
Definitely poisonous

I also find the Atlantic magazine article disturbing, but not for the same reasons that you do.  I predicted years ago that the Left would play the “woman card” if Hillary were to run, just as they played the “race card” with Obama.   I find this despicable and very upsetting.   I don’t mean to be disrespectful, truly. I know you’re sincere, but I think it’s nonsense.   Identity politics only serves to divide — not bring us together — and Obama has unfortunately done a very effective job of pulling us apart over his eight years in office.  I believe that Obama (and also Hillary) are champions of identity politics, both overtly and subtly.  Hillary in fact has indicated that she should win BECAUSE she’d be the first WOMAN president.  I just want an effective and good president who works for ALL of the people; I don’t care about his/her gender or color.  I’m sure you heard her “deplorables” remark.  Now THAT was DEPLORABLE!

I personally experienced being called a racist just because I disagreed with Obamacare which was our black president’s signature health plan.  It infuriated me.  I’m not saying that YOU are doing this, but this is typical of the Left — discourage dissent and play identity politics by demeaning and marginalizing those who disagree with the POLITICAL stances of their chosen ones.  It works, and the mainstream media enables and encourages it.  Those in the Tea Party were deemed racists just because we voiced disagreement with Obama’s POLICIES — NOT because of his color.  This article shows that they are doing it again, but using the gender card instead of the race card, but as I said, it doesn’t surprise me.    Do you remember the New York Times article that you sent me about the Latina woman who told her little daughter that she would have an uphill battle to be an engineer because of her heritage and gender?  Again, I know you meant well by sending it and thought that I’d agree with it, but it just frustrates me that people still are thinking along these lines.  The following is what I wrote and posted in the New York Times as a comment to that article:

“As a female who earned two engineering degrees, I found my path to be relatively smooth and was encouraged, particularly by my male teachers and professors, from junior high throughout graduate school. And that was in the 50’s and 60’s!  The author, Dotson-Renta, is unfortunately creating a destructive victimization mentality in her 7 year old with her unfounded presumption of discrimination in her statement – ‘her path is unlikely to be smooth, and the deck remains stacked against her.’ I am surprised that Dotson-Renta doesn’t realize that opportunities for women in the STEM fields abound in this day and age, particularly for minorities. I wish her young daughter well and hope that her mother supports her in whatever career she chooses for herself, rather than prompts her in a specific direction to satisfy her mother’s agenda (which almost seems to be the case from the tone of this article).”

As for the 2016 election, I have to say that I am EXTREMELY upset at the choice I have to make — between a pathological liar of flawed character who definitely belongs in jail (not just for the E-mails but particularly for the quid-pro-quo of her foundation), and an arrogant narcissist who plays fast and loose with facts and whose behavior far too often resembles that of a fourth grader.  It’s like being given a choice of being thrown into one of two pits — the first which I KNOW contains poisonous vipers that will kill me immediately, and the second which is an unknown.  Without any qualms, I’m choosing the latter and will definitely vote for Trump, under duress, and with a clothespin on my nose because I have absolutely NO CHOICE.  I KNOW that if Hillary wins, she will continue Obama’s goals to change our country into one which is totally unrecognizable from the wonderful one in which I’ve spent my entire life.  Instead of lifting us up, he’s taken us to the lowest common denominator in the equation since he feels so guilty that our country is richer than most others in the world.  In my opinion, Obama has done damage that is almost beyond repair and Hillary’s election will put the final nail in the coffin.  I know you don’t agree but that’s the way I feel.  I really believe that until Obama was elected, we were headed on the right path racially, but unfortunately, under his presidency, racial relations have deteriorated considerably.  The Left would say that it is because of some people not wanting a black president and working against him, but again, I think this is nonsense.  In working against his POLICIES, Congress has been accused of this, but again, it’s his far-Left progressive policies that the majority of people in our country disagree with which is why we worked so hard to elect more conservatives in 2010 (and succeeded).  Unfortunately, the Republicans that we worked so hard to have elected haven’t done enough to stop him.

I believe that it is unquestionably Obama’s disastrous presidency that resulted in Trump’s selection as the Republican candidate. Many people in the U.S. are angry at his tyrannical behaviors and his ruling by fiat in so many ways.  Among other things, we are upset at the lies and incompetencies and failures of Obamacare, the escalating racial turmoil that is overtaking our country while Obama sits by impotently, the emasculation of our police who are necessary to protect us, the opening up of our borders to innumerable refugees who have not, and cannot be properly vetted, and most importantly, the Iran deal which was formulated with lies and will come back to haunt us in future years.  These are only a few of the issues.  I could go into more detail but it would take forever.  I have to say that I am one of the angrier ones.  THAT’S why someone reasonable like Rubio (whom I voted for in the primary) or others –and we DID have quite a choice–was not selected as the Republican candidate.  So, IMO, Obama did a two-fold disservice to our country (but of course a two-fold service to the Dems). Not only will we ultimately suffer from the results of his horrendous presidency, but his disastrous tenure has resulted in such anger on the other side that someone like Trump could carry the Republican banner (which will most likely result in Hillary being elected and Obama’s policies being continued to the detriment of America).

When Obama was elected in 2008, I didn’t like it, but I watched the thrilled faces of black people and was truly touched.  That night I thought it might work out.  But it has NOT and Hillary will only carry on where he takes off.

I will say one more thing — anyone thinking that Hillary is a champion of women is wrong.  We all know what a scum her husband is, and she certainly can’t be blamed for HIS behavior.  However, the manner in which she treated and tried to marginalize those whom he violated, from sexual harassment to rape (and there’s NO QUESTION OF THIS), is totally HER responsibility.  It is SHE who should be held accountable for HER treatment of these women.  If you research what she did and how she approached and demeaned many of the women whom he mistreated in one way or the other, you’d know what I mean.  I was disgusted at the fact that NOW didn’t defend Paula Jones against his sexual harassment of her, undoubtedly because they considered her “trailer trash” and unworthy of their support.  This is hypocrisy to the extreme.  And we have to remember that Jones’ charge unquestionably was credible since Mr. Clinton paid Jones $800K to settle.

It is truly a shame that we have such a horrendous choice and I am more upset than one could imagine.  Unless something unforeseen happens, I am virtually positive that Hillary will win (partly because she has a poor opponent and partly because I DO think there is a great deal of election fraud which will clinch the deal), and then I’ll probably go into seclusion and drown my sorrows for our country in bridge.  Oh well.

Don’t take this personally as you’re entitled to your opinion.  I really try hard NOT to discuss politics with those whose views differ so strongly from mine, but since you began the discussion by sending out the Hillary article in the Atlantic, I felt compelled to share my thoughts.


Trump Vote Explained

Toomey Deserves Re-election

Toomey Deserves Re-election
Pat Toomey deserves your support.

Toomey Deserves Re-election — Some are wondering why Sen. Pat Toomey deserves their votes this Nov. 8 in his re-election bid. This article from May 31, 2013 should be all the reason one needs.

By the way, he basically saved Sarah Murnaghan’s life along with the lives of other children subject to the whims of unfeeling bureaucrats of the type with which his opponent associates.

Here is the 2013 article republished.

Sen. Pat Toomey has taken on the uncaring federal health care establishment in an attempt to  to save the life of a 10-year-old Newtown Square girl.

He notes that Sarah Murnaghan may have just weeks to live. Sarah has cystic fibrosis and needs a lung transplant. She is fighting for her life at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

“Pediatric organ donors are in short supply and the likelihood of Sarah receiving a pediatric lung in time is virtually non-existent,” Toomey said.

This is due, in part, because the decision is being made based on a waiting list rather than medical necessity.

Toomey notes that a federal mandate that allocation policies be based on medical necessity only applies to patients over the age of 12.

Sen. Toomey is asking the Department of Health Human Services for intervention.

“I have asked Secretary Sebelius to do everything she can to assist Sarah and I hope and pray that red tape doesn’t get in the way of helping her. I understand we need rules to prioritize organ transplants, but the fact that Sarah is 10 and not 12 shouldn’t be a reason to deny her a chance at life,” he said.

Toomey is also promoting this petition to save Sarah created by her family.

Toomey Deserves Re-election

Joe Peters Backs Shapiro

Joe Peters Backs Shapiro
Josh Shapiro, puppet master of hacks.

Joe Peters Backs Shapiro — Joe Peters, who we like and backed as attorney general candidate back in April, has said he will vote for Democrat Josh Shapiro on Nov. 8 rather than State Sen. John Rafferty (R-44) who beat him for the Republican nomination.

We see his point but vehemently disagree. In a race between a hack and his puppet master, the hack will always do less damage in office.

Rafferty is a hack.  Shapiro is the guy who pulls the strings.

Make it easy this year. Just hit the R button.

Joe Peters Backs Shapiro


Police Pick Patti Rodgers Morrisette

Police Pick Patti Rodgers Morrisette
Patti Rodgers Morrisette is the police pick.

Police Pick Patti Rodgers Morrisette — Patti Rodgers Morrisette has earned the support of District Attorney Jack Whelan and the Delaware County Fraternal Order of Police in her campaign for State Representative in Pennsylvania’s 161st Legislative District.

“I have known Patti for many years and know how active she is in our local community,” said Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan. “I know she will stand up for local residents on public safety issues and will be a strong ally in the battle against the heroin and opioid epidemic that is plaguing local communities. Patti will champion issues important to Delaware County law enforcement in Harrisburg.”

Rodgers Morrisette’s opponent, Democrat incumbent Rep. Leanne Krueger-Braneky, was the only member of the Delaware County delegation – and one of just 20 members in the legislature – to oppose HB 222, legislation that would block individuals with drug felony distribution convictions from receiving public assistance. During the budget impasse last year, she also voted against legislation that sought to restore funding for vital human services and rape victims that were line-item vetoed by the Governor.

Whelan noted that these and other votes by Rep. Krueger-Braneky, who won by a narrow 500 vote margin with two Republican candidates on the ballot in last year’s special election, show that she is out of touch with the residents of the district. “Patti will put public safety ahead of partisan politics and provide real leadership in the legislature,” said Whelan.

“Patti Rodgers Morrisette has demonstrated a strong allegiance to, and support for, the law enforcement community, police officers and their families in both her personal life and career,” said Joe Fitzgerald, President of the Delaware County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 27.

“I have the utmost respect for our law enforcement officers and the work they do every day to keep our families and community safe,” said Mrs. Rodgers Morrisette. “Their jobs have become even more difficult with the targeted attacks on police officers this year in Dallas, Baton Rouge, and even in Philadelphia earlier this month. I stand with our men and women in blue and am proud to have their support.”

Mrs. Rodgers Morrisette noted she has a good relationship with District Attorney Jack Whelan and will work closely with him on legislative issues in Harrisburg. “I look forward to working with District Attorney Whelan to enact laws that will enhance public safety, improve efforts to get criminals off the streets, and help address the opioid epidemic,” said Mrs. Rodgers Morrisette.

Mrs. Rodgers Morrisette is a business professional and lifelong resident of Delaware County. Her professional experience includes working as a top producing Realtor for the past 14 years, as an executive assistant at Raytheon, and work in the investment field for Delaware Management and Lincoln Investment Planning. She has a long record of involvement in her local community as a Eucharistic Minister at St. John Chrysostom Church, a youth softball coach, and helping raise funds for her local school, as well as for children who are chronically or terminally ill. She  serves as member of both the Delaware County Women’s Commission and the advisory board for the County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA).

She grew up in Ridley and attended Ridley High School. She and her husband Butch, an information technology manager, have lived in the Swarthmorewood section of Ridley Township for the past 20 years and have two children, Jacqueline and Peter.

Police Pick Patti Rodgers Morrisette

Trump Vs Lester Holt

Trump Vs Lester Holt
We’ll call him the winner.

Trump Vs Lester Holt — Donald Trump did not look like an obnoxious bomb thrower, tonight, Sept. 26, and Hillary Clinton did not collapse due to old age and disease.

So a win-win for both of them on those counts.

The Donald had to deal with Lester Holt who asked him about his income tax returns yet failed to ask Hillary about her various scandals — it was Trump who had to bring up the emails. And it was Holt who pushed Trump on Obama’s birth certificate despite the natural born citizen thing being instigated by Hillary supporters and trolled by Barry himself.

And Holt tried to tie sexism around Trump’s neck by asking him about a comment he made about how Hillary looked and not accepting Trump’s explanation that he was referring to her lack of stamina to be president.

As this is typed, the Washington types are trying to spin it as a win for Hillary.

We are not so sure. We think the average working Joe and Jane are going to take from the debate Trump’s comments about our $20 trillion debt, the awful trade deals that we have signed, and his opposition to entering into unwise foreign entanglements.

Yes, and support for law and order.

Trump Vs Lester Holt


Carly Fiorina Endorses Trump

Carly Fiorina Endorses Trump
Look at that face. It’s the face of someone who loves her country and can set aside petty differences for the sake of it.

Carly Fiorina Endorses Trump — Carly Fiorina, a presumed “never Trumper” has endorsed The Donald.

Independent Journal Review reports that Mrs. Fiorina declared at the fall dinner of the Washington State Republican Party that “We must have President Trump — we can’t have President Clinton.”

That message was then tweeted by the party.

Mrs. Fiorina had sought the nomination herself and was consistent in her attacks on Trump.

Welcome to the Trump Train, Mrs. Fiorina.

Carly Fiorina Endorses Trump

Trump Mocked Disabled? Nope

Trump Mocked Disabled? Nope — One of the more destructive tropes being pushed by the neo-feudalistic globalists desperately clinging to power is that Donald Trump is mean and mocks disabilities.

Trump Mocked Disabled? Nope
He did not mock somebody’s disability.

The basis is a speech he gave in South Carolina in November in which he defended a claim he made that many Muslims in America celebrated the 9/11 attacks and blasted New York Times reporter Serge F. Kovaleski for walking back a story that Kovaleski had written about it in 2001.

During his criticism of Kovaleski, Trump gestured in a mocking fashion. Kovaleski has a disability. The establishment began spreading the story that Trump was mocking it, which would have been a rather cruel if true.

Well, it turns out that Trump has made those exact same movements in mocking other opponents who don’t have disabilities including Ted Cruz.

Obviously, The Donald was not making fun of Kovaleski’s disability, but what’s a little false witness when one’s path to the public trough is in danger?

Now if you want to see cruelty, insensitivity and heartlessness in action, well, here:

And in other election news Carly Fiornia has endorsed Trump.

Trump Mocked Disabled? Nope


Trump Unveils Child Care Program In Aston

Trump Unveils Child Care Program — It takes a village to win an election we suppose.

Ivanka Trump made the introduction to her father’s speech, tonight, Sept. 13, at the Aston Community Center in which he pitched radical new changes to the tax code to provide for care of children and dependent elderly.

The Donald had with him several congresswoman to emphasize the point, and gave credit to his daughter for plan.

Trump Unveils Child Care Program In AstonAnd the plan will allow parents — including stay-at-home moms — to deduct from their income taxes child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents. It would also  create new Dependent Care Savings Accounts (DCSAs) so that families can set aside extra money to foster their children’s development and offset elder care for their parents or adult dependents. It would also include regulatory reform to promote new family based and community based solutions, and also add incentives for employers to provide child care at the workplace. The money in these accounts could be used to pay for school choice and college education.

The plan would also guarantee six weeks of paid maternity leave  by amending the existing unemployment insurance (UI) that companies are required to carry. The benefit would apply only when employers don’t offer paid maternity leave, and would be paid for by offsetting reductions in the program so that taxes are not raised.

Two thirds of the cost of this plan will offset by “the increases in economic activity that accompany pro-growth tax reform, better trade deals, regulatory and immigration reform, and unleashing American energy,” according to the campaign. The remaining one third will be offset by minor changes in the current trajectory of spending for federal agency operations, excluding Defense, Veterans, Social Security and Medicare.


It’s still more realistic than anything the Democrats are offering. There is no way we are not voting for him so we grinning and bearing.

And maybe it will work.

More details of the plan can be found here.


Trump Unveils Child Care Program

Aston Awaits Trump

Aston Awaits Trump
Photo by Joseph B. Dychala

Aston Awaits Trump — These were spotted in the 100 block of Donnelly Avenue, down the street from Aston Community Center where Donald Trump will be holding an invitation-only event tonight Sept. 13  that will be live-streamed at 7:30

Aston Awaits Trump
Photo by Joseph B. Dychala

The home owner stated he is a “yuge” Trump supporter but feels it is prudent to disagree with him on his latest proposal for tax payer funded, unemployment style insurance subsidies for maternity leave.

Aston Awaits Trump
Photo by Joseph B. Dychala

“Donald you can’t have it both ways,” the homeowner said. “You are either going to reduce the size of the IRS or you are going to expand it. Respectfully I strongly disagree with your tax proposal.”


Aston Awaits Trump


Trump Picked Aston Himself Says Higgins

Trump Picked Aston Himself Says Higgins

By Joseph B. Dychala

Trump Picked Aston Himself Says Higgins
Ladder arch in Aston pays tribute to the victims of 9/11. –Photo by Joseph B. Dychala

Donald Trump himself picked Aston as the venue for tomorrow’s (Sept. 13) speech at the Aston Community Center, 7th Ward Commissioner Mike Higgins told us at yesterday’s 9/11 tribute at Veteran’s Memorial Garden at The Five Points.

Trump’s invitation-only speech will be streamed live 7:30 p.m., at this link.

Yesterday’s ceremony was held at 3 p.m. and commemorated the 15th Anniversary of the Radical Islamic Terrorist Attack. It was sponsored by local Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts as well as American Legion Post 926.

Higgins was among the speakers as were State Senator Tom Killion, State Rep. Leanne Kruger-Braneky and a person from Congressman Patrick Meehan’s office.

All gave brief yet very meaningful speeches to an attentive audience.

Higgins said that it was his strong and sincere desire that our federal leaders call terrorism exactly what it is. Much applause followed.

Senior Pastor Rev. Thomas Haugh from Mount Hope Methodist Church gave the opening and closing prayers. The Sun Valley Choir sang our National Anthem as a very respectful crowd stood at attention and a local singer led the crowd in a rousing rendition of God Bless America.

Concerning Trump’s speech tomorrow, the commissioners we talked to said they expect the emphasis to be on family values. Seems very fitting as Aston is one of the oldest communities in the Commonwealth incorporating in 1688 and home to many families and small businesses.

Trump Picked Aston Himself Says Higgins