Trump Aston Visit Sept. 13

Trump Aston Visit Sept. 13Trump Aston Visit Sept. 13 — Donald J. Trump will be holding an event at the Aston Community Center in Aston, Pa. 7:30 p.m., Sept. 13.

We are told that only the media and select invitees will be present at the rather small venue.

It can be watched via live stream here, however.

Trump Aston Visit Sept. 13

H8er Hillary Spreads Division

H8er Hillary Spreads Division — Hillary Clinton, yesterday, Sept. 9, told a crowd of rich crony capitalists and assorted other 1-percenters that half of Donald Trump’s supporters were “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic.”

H8er Hillary Spreads Division
H8er Hillary Spreads Division

She called them a “basket of deplorables”.

The fundraiser was held at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. Tickets ranged from $1,000 to $250,000.

Trump’s supporters are those who have been long out of work. They are those who have seen their incomes dropĀ  and health cost rise.

They are those who have lost their doctor despite being promised otherwise.

Trump’s supporters are those who fear we are slouching towards Venezuela.

Trump’s supporters are those who have seen the world become a much more dangerous place due to, at best, an incompetent foreign policy which can be laid at Mrs. Clinton’s feet.

They are not racists, sexists and homophobes.

The racist, sexist, homophobes are backing Mrs. Clinton.

H8er Hillary Spreads Division

Joe Biden Still Lurks

Joe Biden Still Lurks
Can he still be the D nominee?

Joe Biden Still Lurks — We broached in May the possibility of Joe Biden being drafted to replace Hillary Clinton as the D candidate for president, but figured the matter became moot after the DNC.

With last night’s (Sept. 7) forum with Matt Lauer we are now not so sure. This question by a Navy aviator should sink any consideration of her by every thinking person who is not part of the government thievery class.

Remember, if Mrs. Clinton has to step down “for health reasons” the entire corrupt Democrat Party has to be held accountable for putting her up in the first place. Joe Biden, Tim Kaine and every other prominent D backed her when it looked like she was the winning horse, and they knew full well how dirty she was and what she had been doing.

Be an American not a partisan. Kill the Democrat Party this Nov. 8 by hitting the R button.

Then start plotting the demise of the Rs on Nov. 9.

Joe Biden Still Lurks

Hillary Birthed Birther Movement

Hillary Birthed Birther MovementHillary Clinton gave an unpresidential rant in Reno, yesterday, Aug. 25, in which she accused her adversaries of being Ku Klux Klan members and subscribers to conspiracy theories.

We’d like to point out that Robert Bryd, whomĀ  she praised as a her friend and mentor,Ā  was a Ku Klux Klan recruiter and is the only U.S. senator to have voted against the nominations of both Black Suprme Court justices.

We’d further like to note that Mrs. Clinton has the endorsement of at least one Klan leader who says he has sent her $20,000. This is believable considering Mrs. Clinton’s abortion position, which strongly promotes abortion for America’sĀ  minority population.

With regard to conspiracy theories, we’d just like to point out the Hillary birthed the birther movement and republish this article from 2009.

Hillary Birthed Birther Movement
She and her minions birthed the birther movement. Really.

A movement claiming Barack Obama is ineligible to be president on the basis that he was not born in the United States is starting to percolate into the old media and its roots can be traced to a prominent suburban Philadelphia Democrat.

Birthers ā€” a dismissive allusion toĀ  ā€˜truthersā€™ who are those who believe that the Bush administration was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks ā€” cite the unwillingness of President Obama to release the ā€œvaultā€ birth certificate held in Hawaii that would indicate whether his claim as a natural-born citizen was attested to by medical personnel. They also allege that the President is unwilling to release records showing that he applied to Occidental College as a foreign student. They also cite claims by Obamaā€™s Kenyan relatives that he was born in Kenya.

Birthers claim that the President has spent $1 million fighting the release of records that would clear all such questions.

The prime birther was Philip J. Berg of Montgomery County who filed suit in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 2008 claiming that Obama was ineligible to be president. Berg is a Democrat who once chaired the Montgomery County Democratic Party and served as a state Deputy Attorney General for eight years.

The lawsuit was dismissed in October by U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick ā€”Ā  a former Delaware County Common Pleas Court judge and the estranged brother of judicial reformer Bob Surrick.

Berg took the appeal straight to the Supreme Court which rejected it in December.

Berg has his own blog

It should be noted that Berg is an outspoken ā€œtrutherā€ and was a Hillary Clinton supporter.

Hillary Birthed Birther Movement

Elaine Schaefer Broken Window Politics.

Elaine Schaefer Broken Window Politics. — Radnor Commissioner Elaine Schaefer is the Democrat seeking to fill the 165th Pennsylvania House seat being vacated by Bill Adolph who has held it since 1988.

Elaine Schaefer Broken Window Politics.
Commissioner Elaine Schaefer with Superintendent William Colarulo and her campaign manager, Devin Gosnell, at the Springfield National Night Out event on Aug. 2.

Trying to keep it in Republican hands is Alex Charlton.

Ms. Schaefer attended National Night Out festivities in Springfield, which makes up a large part of the 165th District. The event is the first Tuesday in August and is designed to raise community-police awareness. It is a tradition in Springfield.

So Ms. Schaefer attended, which is fine, and she brought her campaign manager Devin Gosnell, which is fine, and she met Radnor Police Superintendent William Colarulo, which is also fine.

But then someone took a photo of the three of them together that Ms. Schaefer is using for her campaign.

That is a no no. Radnor prohibits township employees from being used in political campaigns. This is obviously something Ms. Schaefer did.

As political sins go, it is aĀ  minor one. It’s not as though she sold our uranium to the Russians for personal enrichment, for instance. But the broken window theory applies to politics too. When small crimes are ignored big ones follow.

If Ms. Schaefer had a photograph taken of herself with a police officer from another township, there wouldĀ  be no controversy. That she chose an official answerable to herself shows indifference to the law or, at best, blind stupidity.

Elaine Schaefer Broken Window Politics.

Democrat Corruption Pandering Finally Called Out

Democrat Corruption Pandering Finally Called Out — Donald Trump spoke last night, Aug. 16, in West Bend, Wis., just outside riot-torn Milwaukee.

Democrat Corruption Pandering Finally Called OutWhat he said is worth reading again. It’s worth reading a thousand times, in fact, and making every decent Democrat you know read it:

The other party ā€“ the Democratic Party ā€“ nominated the personification of special interest corruption. The Democratic Party rigged the nomination to give it to Hillary Clinton, thus giving the soul of their party this year to the special interests.

I am running to listen to your voice, to hear your cries for help. The quiet voices in our society, not the loudest demonstrators, need to have their demands heard.

Jobs. Safety. Opportunity. Fair and equal representation.

We reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton which panders to and talks down to communities of color and sees them only as votes, not as individual human beings worthy of a better future. She doesnā€™t care at all about the hurting people of this country, or the suffering she has caused them.

The African-American community has been taken for granted for decades by the Democratic Party. Itā€™s time to break with the failures of the past ā€“ I want to offer Americans a new future.

It is time for rule by the people, not rule by special interests.

Every insider, getting rich off of our broken system, is throwing money at Hillary Clinton.

The hedge fund managers, the Wall Street investors, the professional political class.

Itā€™s the powerful protecting the powerful.

Insiders fighting for insiders.

I am fighting for you.

Democrat Corruption Pandering Finally Called Out

Republicans Must Back Trump

Republicans Must Back Trump

By Sen. Scott Wagner

Republicans Must Back Trump
Scott Wagner represents the 28th District in the Pennsylvania Senate.

This column is regarding the ever frustrating presidential campaign.

Shown below in this email is a letter to the editor by Charlie Sexton from Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

Charlie Sexton has been involved in politics for over 60 years and is a well-known advocate for Republican candidates and causes in the Philadelphia region and across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Charlieā€™s letter to the editor makes great points about the upcoming General Election and who we elect as our next President.

I have heard many Republicans over the last several weeks say they will never support Donald Trump.

Theyā€™re embarrassed to be associated with him and theyā€™re afraid how theyā€™ll be perceived if they publicly support him.

I can understand to some extent why people are hesitant to put their name behind someone who seems to be constantly putting his foot in his own mouth.

Donald Trump is not polished; he says what heā€™s thinking and many times he goes off the reservation.

I certainly do not agree with everything he says and does but that does not change the fact that he is our Republican nominee.

Donald Trump was not appointed – Donald Trump was not handpicked ā€“ he was elected by individuals across the United States to be the Republican candidate in the upcoming November General Election.

Donald Trump represents a movement by the voters and taxpayers who are sick of the same old waste, fraud, and abuse that has become synonymous with both Washington and Harrisburg.

Donald Trump was elected by individuals who are sick of the status quo and want to see changes.

I have attended many events all around Pennsylvania over the last month – I have heard repeatedly from individuals and elected officials that say, ā€œwe need to beat Hillary Clinton.ā€

Do people understand the path to beating Hillary Clinton in November is by electing Donald Trump? At this point, there is no other way that is going to happen.

A congressman made the following comment to me several weeks ago and I wholeheartedly agree ā€“ If Hillary Clinton wins in November every Republican elected official should be concerned.

People need to understand how critical this election is – If Hillary Clinton wins, there’s a good chance Republicans will lose the US House and Senate.

In addition, the single largest factor people need to understand is that if Hillary Clinton is elected she will appoint Supreme Court Justices who will impact our country over the next 40 years.

We cannot afford to have Hillary and Bill Clinton back in the White House.

It is critical that people who want change in America vote for Donald Trump on Nov. 8.

Letter to the Editor: Forgive Trumpā€™s big mouth and let him lead the world
POSTED: 08/08/16, 7:56 PM EDT | UPDATED: 1 DAY AGO

Original Source:

To the Times:

I have been involved in American politics for 60 years, starting as a block worker, junior committeeman, committeeman, and township chairman of the most successful Republican committee in Delaware County. I was chairman of the Springfield Township Republican Committee from 1976 to 2007. I was elected by the voters seven times as a delegate to the national convention. I was three times the vice chairman of the credentials committee.

During this 31-year period, as chairman, I said and did some things that were plain dumb and sometimes stupid. Being Irish and not willing to take a punch in the nose was part of my problem; the other part was lack of discipline. The discipline part is something I couldnā€™t understand, I was a product of Catholic schools and taught by St. Joseph nuns. After my education I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, I only shot my big mouth off once ā€” they shut it and I found out what discipline was all about.

I was not a supporter of Donald Trump, I like Gov. John Kasich of Ohio. I went out to the convention as an observer, I was not happy when Mr. Trump was nominated. The people who nominated him were representatives who the voters, Republican voters picked, they were from all over the country. A decision was made, an honest and fair decision, by the Republican electorate. Once they made that decision it was and still is my duty as a Republican to support our partyā€™s nominee.

Mr. Trump has made some very bad mistakes with his undisciplined big mouth; probably the biggest mistake was his comments about the Gold Star motherā€™s silence. I can understand where he is coming from when being attacked verbally by opponents. He must have some Irish in his background because he also will not take a punch in the nose from anyone. If I said to you he must learn discipline, it would be an understatement.

Do I think he will discipline himself in the future? Yes I do. I think he is a smart guy. He has to know that he is destroying his chances to lead this nation into a national recovery, and be the leader of the free world.

I will now tell you my reasons other than he is my partyā€™s choice, for supporting Donald Trump for president.

For the last eight years I have lived through changes in this country that have turned it from a nation that was founded and raised by a capitalistic principles, with a work ethic second to none to become a politically correct welfare state and a divided nation.

President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both have blood on their hands from the deaths of our ambassador to Libya. That three oā€™clock phone call came in and Secretary Clinton did nothing to help protect those brave Americans that made the ultra-sacrifice for our nation. Benghazi is something I think the American people cannot and will not forget. There is also the matter of the missing emails, I heard what the FBI director stated. I heard what she said. Again she lied to the American people. Mrs. Clinton cannot tell the truth when the truth would do.

She was a part of an administration that has been anything but transparent. Now the latest scandal is the money laundering, $400 million in Swiss francs and euros sent to Iran for the release of prisoners held there. She supports this deal that was made with Iran and it is unpopular in this nation. I believe a lot of these funds will find their way to terrorist organizations.

Most importantly is the terrorist organization known as ISIS. This group gained their power and made their so-called bones under Mr. Obamaā€™s and Mrs. Clintonā€™s watch. How could anyone ever elect her president with the dismal record she has posted as Secretary of State?

As a 27-year-old attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate Investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary was fired Zeifman said in an interview, ā€œBecause she was a liar. She was unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee, and the rules of confidentiality.ā€

I submit to you, leopards donā€™t change their spots.

This election is so important to the future of our children and grandchildren, their safety, the protection of the Constitution with regard to the appointment of Supreme Court justices! Forgive Trumpā€™s dumb, stupid shooting off of the mouth. I do believe he has what is needed to lead the country in a different direction. In all good conscience how could you ever support Secretary Clinton, who canā€™t tell the truth and had proven by her reckless behavior, at Benghazi, emails, and other misgivings, she is not fit to lead.

Charles P. Sexton Jr., Springfield

Republicans Must Back Trump

IBEW Local 98 Backs Hillary

IBEW Local 98 Backs Hillary

By Leo Knepper

IBEW Local 98 Backs Hillary
The IBEW Local 98 choice.

You are probably not alone if you’ve never heard of IBEW Local 98, or John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty, Jr. However, they are names that are familiar to people who follow state politics closely, or the politics of Philadelphia. As the Philadelphia Inquirer reported in 2014, IBEW Local 98 is Pennsylvania’s largest independent source of campaign cash.

According to the 2014 article, the Local 98 spent over $25 million on political races from 2000 through May, 2014. Since then, they have spent at least another $2 million. Recipients of Johnny Doc’s largess include Supreme Court Justice Kevin Dougherty, John’s brother. The IBEW’s contributions to Justice Dougherty were over $1.5 million. Attorney General Kathleen Kane, Gov. Tom Wolf, Gov. Tom Corbett, Republican Attorney General Candidate John Rafferty, and a host of other candidates have also received contributions from the union.

According to the Inquirer:

“Federal authorities executed search warrants at more than half a dozen locations, including Dougherty’s house in South Philadelphia, his sister’s home next door, the Local 98 hall at 17th and Spring Garden Streets, and the Mount Laurel home of union president Brian Burrows.

“At midday at union headquarters, agents removed at least a hundred boxes of paperwork, along with several computer hard drives, loading them into a yellow Penske truck. The scene was repeated shortly after 3 p.m., as boxes, computer hard drives, and a laptop were carried from the union business office nearby.

“Seized were bank records, invoices, credit card records, and tax forms, a person familiar with the investigation said… a person familiar with the investigation said it focused on the union’s finances and its involvement in the political campaigns of Mayor Kenney and state Supreme Court Justice Kevin Dougherty, who is Dougherty’s brother. Federal authorities are also scrutinizing Dougherty’s finances and taxes, the source said.”

A citizen reporter was quick enough to capture one of the raids on video.

It isn’t without irony that the IBEW office is emblazoned with banners extolling Hillary Clinton for President. In April, Hillary Clinton had a sit-down meeting with John Dougherty.

This investigation could have far-reaching implications for federal, state and local politics. We will keep you posted about further developments as they occur.
Mr. Knepper is executive director of Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania.

IBEW Local 98 Backs Hillary

Ignore Lying Media Trump Only Choice Now

Ignore Lying Media Trump Only Choice NowThis was found on Facebook attributed to George E. Anderson and sums up our feelings pretty well.

Ā Donald wasn’t my 1-16th choice but …..

Donald Trump did not steal your money.
Donald Trump did not raise your taxes.
Donald Trump is not starting a race war.
Donald Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims.
Donald Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.
Donald Trump did not betray Israel.
Donald Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
Donald Trump did not give our military secrets to China.
Ignore Lying Media Trump Only Choice NowDonald Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia.
Donald Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans.
Donald Trump did not cripple our economy.
Donald Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars.
Donald Trump did not ruin our credit, twice.
Donald Trump did not double African American unemployment.
Donald Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years.
Donald Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay.
Donald Trump did not steal your rights, or violate US Constitutional law, hundreds of times.

Yet Trump is being ripped apart in the news, non stop. Barrack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton and the criminals occupying our government, are not. The media is the Democratic Party. Stop listening to them..!!

Ignore Lying Media Trump Only Choice Now

Mateen Hearts Hillary

Mateen Hearts Hillary
Seddique Mateen in a seat of honor at a Clinton rally.

Mateen Hearts Hillary — Seddique Mateen, who instilled the love for the Taliban and the hatred of gays that inspired his son Omar to murder 49 people in an Orlando nightclub on June 12, attended Hillary Clinton’s Aug. 8 rally in Kissimmee, 20 miles from the scene of the slaughter.

He was seated prominently behind Milady Clinton. He was interviewed afterwards and expressed strong support for her especially defending her on Benghazi, national security and gun control.

After a day of ducking questions about it, Lady MacBeth did eventually disavow it.

She, however, has yet to repudiate him. The difference is a apparently a big deal to the pundit class.

Only a fool would listen to them, though, or vote for Clinton.

Update: It appears he was actually invited onto the stage. These people are vile.

Mateen Hearts Hillary