Gwendolyn Beck Link Between Bob Menendez, Jeff Epstein

Gwendolyn Beck Link Between Bob Menendez, Jeff EpsteinIn April 2014, famed billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein donated $2,600 to the campaign of Gwendolyn Beck, an independent candidate in Virginia’s 8th congressional district. He also gave $5,000 to a political action committee controlled by Ms. Beck, who finished a distant third in November’s general election.

Ms. Beck was not a novice to politics, of course. In 2010, she was date of Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) to a dinner at the Obama White House.

She certainly moves in interesting circles. Menendez has had to deal with his own allegations concerning underage girls and the Caribbean.

While Menendez never faced charges concerning this claim, he was charged with bribery and related crimes after accepting gifts — including a stay at an exclusive Dominican Republic resort — from Florida businessman Salomon Melgen and allegedly pressuring that nation into giving Melgen’s company a port security contract. He also allegedly got visas for several of Melgen’s girlfriends.

His trial ended with a hung jury and prosecutors declined to try again after the Supreme Court struck down Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell’s bribery conviction concerning unclarity as to what was an official act.

Still, Menendez was “severely admonished” by the United States Senate Select Committee on Ethics in a letter.

Menendez — who replaced close ally and corrupt Wall Streeter Jon Corzine in 2006 — is up for re-election, Nov. 6. He is facing former Marine and businessman Bob Hugin. Polls are surprisingly close.

Gwendolyn Beck Linke Between Bob Menendez, Jeff Epstein

Suburbanites Blind To Cause Of Discord

Suburbanites Blind To Cause Of Discord — There is a certain segment of our society that bemoans what our political discourse has become and blames Donald Trump. Call this segment suburban soccer moms. They are nice people. They don’t like rudeness or crudeness or violence.

The problem is  their sources of information are traditional, establishment ones that they feel safe with. These sources knowingly whispers comforting platitudes telling them if they say certain things, follow certain people, promote certain causes and vote certain ways all will be right.

It’s manipulation and it’s effective.

How many think Trump was buds with billionaire (and friend of the Clintons) child molester Jeffrey Epstein, who we have been writing about since 2010? Nope. The Donald barred Epstein from Mar-a-Largo in 1999 when he learned the perv was chasing underage girls. Something most have never heard. Trump also volunteered testimony against Epstein in Virginia Roberts’ lawsuit against him.

The swamping of our culture started with Hugh Hefner — who was defended by the hipster class until his death last year as described poignantly in this piece by Susan Brownmiller — and went into high gear with Hollyw00dy-lauded,  child-molester promoting, Trump-hater Larry Flynt.

But that’s not the narrative, is it? Before Nov. 8, 2016 all was bunny rabbits and unicorns, right?

OK, maybe the bunny rabbits.

The most glaring example of puppetry is the strange but strongly held belief that it is Republicans who promote the violence.

The June 17, 2017  assassination attempt of congressional Republicans by which came very close to taking the life of Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA1) was done by a Trump hater as was the fatal shooting of Chester County Republican activist G. Brooks Jennings on Aug. 8, 2017. The shooting of Scalise is long forgotten and the killing of Jennings was never well known.

In July, an anti-Trumper was arrested for the threatening to kill Congresswoman Diane Black who is running for governor. You heard about that, right?

And you heard that on Sunday (Sept. 9), 35-year-old Farzad Fazeli tried to stab Republican congressional candidate Rudy Peters while spewing anti-Trump garbage, right? Peters is seeking to represent California’s 5th District.

It’s not the Republicans who are violent. It’s not the Republicans who hate women. It’s not the Republicans who lie about the other side.

Suburbanites Blind To Cause Of Discord

Suburbanites Blind To Cause Of Discord








Trump Coup Attempt Must Be Stopped

Trump Coup Attempt Must Be Stopped — The powerful establishment propagandists are in a joyous tizzy after yesterday’s (Aug. 22) news that a former Trump attorney confessed to “crimes” including a payoff to a pair of former temporary liaisons,  and that his ex-temporary campaign manager was found guilty of cheating on his taxes, filing false banking statements and hiding a foreign bank account.

Regarding ex-campaign manager Paul Manfort’s crimes, all  occurred before he worked for Trump. Most suspect that what he did was SOP among Washington swampers and that Manfort was pursued only because of his transitory connection to The Donald.

Regarding ex-lawyer Michael Cohen, he pleaded to five counts of tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a financial institution; one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporation contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate.

The latter two involve Trump and are related to $130,000 and $150,000 obtained respectively by adult film star Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal to keep quiet about the one or few night stands the floozies had with the billionaire playboy a decade-plus ago.

Trump probably did not the break the law but if he did it was merely a technicality that in the past was handled with fines.

In the early 1990s, I remember seeing a tabloid cover in a supermarket featuring Marla Maples and “Trump” in big letters in a headline of a story concerning  the breakup of his first marriage.

I remember thinking what an ass.

In the spring  0f 2015, I head that he was running for president and I laughed.

That summer I was talking to some working class folk and they brought up his candidacy without prompt. They were enthusiastic. I suspected that for the first time in their lives a politician got them excited. I started listening to Trump. He was saying things nobody else was especially regarding immigration and trade. He didn’t waver despite mocking by our self-proclaimed betters. He didn’t waver on other matters that I had long cared about. I got on the train and I’m not getting off.

This investigation is nothing more than a coup attempt. It is not about the rule of law. Where was the anger by the voices of the establishment when a secretary of state set up a private email server in violation of the law? Endangering national security is a whole lot  bigger deal than paying off a floozy. Where was the outraged reporting on former Secretary of State John Kerry’s meeting with Iranians   back in May? Where was the headlines on Iran’s threat a few weeks later to release the names of Western politicians who took bribes from them?

President Trump has revealed that sick and evil people wield great power in our government and media. These aren’t people with just different ideas about obtaining the same end. These are people who are evil as in greedy, cruel and indifferent to suffering. These are calloused liars who see others as mere objects.

Trump and his team are the bulwark against them.

I am not going to allow those who practice the tactics of Saul Alinsky to use my values against me.

God bless President Trump.

Trump Coup Attempt Must Be Stopped

Trump Coup Attempt Must Be Stopped




Human Trafficking Big Business

Human Trafficking Big Business — Human trafficking is a $32 billion business according to FranceInfo via Breitbart.

About 84 percent of those being trafficked are female. Those who can’t pay the fee to get smuggled across the border are forced into prostitution.

The men who can’t pay? One report claims they are killed and their organs harvested for sale.

We believe it. There are truly evil people in this world.

Donald Trump has taken on this crowd with both fists and both feet. He may be the only one with power doing so. One judge accused the former administration of being accomplices to the traffickers.

We fear that there are truly evil people in our establishment.

By the way, Breitbart has an interesting story on illegal aliens and vote fraud that is worth reading.

Human Trafficking Big Business

Human Trafficking Big Business


Alt Right Psy-op Has Hard Left Leaders

Alt Right Psy-op Has Hard Left Leaders — The brilliant Dinesh D’Souza — he is a “person of color” if you have never seen him — reveals  conclusively in an interview concerning his new movie (and book) Death of a Nation, Plantation Politics and the Making  of the Democrat Party that the leaders of the so-called “alt-right” movement were really progressives.

He notes that Jason Kessler, who organized the deadly Charlottesville rally, is an Obama supporter and was part of Occupy Wall Street.

He points out that Richard Spencer, the other face of the racist hate, “does not believe that rights belong to individuals. He doesn’t believe that rights come from God. He believes that rights come from the state.”

It’s what we said a year ago.

Alt Right Psy-op Has Hard Left Leaders

Alt Right Psy-op Has Hard Left Leaders


Lou Barletta Triggers Kochs, Globalists Want Casey

Lou Barletta Triggers Kochs, Globalists Want Casey — The globalist Koch Brothers — Charles  and David  — have shown their true colors and are working to save a Pennsylvania senate seat for fellow globalist Bobby Casey, a Democrat, and to keep it from falling into the hands of pro-citizen Lou Barletta.

The Kochs say it is because Lou voted for the budget in March which called for increased spending.

Sure it is (wink). The real reason is because Lou is an opponent of open borders and allowing MS-13 and other gang-bangers to traffic cheap labor for industrialists and other neo-feudalists.

See where Bernie Sanders just praised the Kochs? He doesn’t like Trump’s Americans first policy either.

Election day is Nov. 6.

Lou Barletta Triggers Kochs, Globalists Want Casey

Lou Barletta Triggers Kochs, Globalists Want Casey




Peter Strzok Dad Saw Iranian Revolution

Peter Strzok Dad Saw Iranian RevolutionPeter Strzok Dad Saw Iranian Revolution –Peter P. Strzok, the  father of disgraced FBI agent Peter Paul Strzok II, was interviewed in 1979 by the Leader-Telegram of Eau Claire, Wis. concerning what he saw in Iran as an employee of Bell Helicopter. About 45,000 Americans were working in the country when the revolution occurred.

Strzok expressed hope that the Ayatollah Khomeini could bring the country together and predicted the U.S. would have a good relationship with the country.

You can read the whole story here.

Peter Strzok Dad Saw Iranian Revolution






Hillary Honduras Coup And Private Email Server

Hillary Honduras Coup And Private Email Server — On June 28, 2009, about 100 soldiers stormed the residence of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya  and put him on a plane to Costa Rica.

Barack Obama, the newly inaugurated U.S. president, condemned the removal of this progressive leftist man of the people.

His Secretary of State? According to claims recorded on the website of the FBI, Hillary Clinton communicated with the American ambassador to that nation using her private email system with full knowledge of the White House and in violation of rules and common sense. What were the instructions?  We don’t know. The server was not a public one.

Here are some screen shots of a letter sent to then FBI Director James Comey on Jan. 10, 2016 from a career employee of the State Department with high ranking clearance expressing concern about the action.

The document can be found on the FBI website starting with page 121.

Hillary Honduras Coup And Private Email Server

Hillary Honduras Coup And Private Email Server




Stop Rape Activist Arrested On Pedo Rap

Stop Rape Activist Arrested On Pedo RapThe Daily Mail is reporting today (June 27) that Joel Davis, 22,  who chairs the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence has been arrested for trying to set up sexual encounters between himself and children as young as two years old, among other things.

Remember what Jesus said about wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The ones who most loudly proclaim their virtue are the least likely to have any.

Here’s a test for those who still read the dying dailies and watch the network news: See how deeply this is covered if at all.

Stop Rape Chairman Arrested On Pedo Rap

Stop Rape Activist Arrested On Pedo Rap

Pain Coming For Democrats?

Pain Coming For Democrats? — Michael Horowitz, the inspector general of the Department of Justice, spent the last two days testifying before Congress about the behavior of FBI officials in their investigations of Hillary Clinton’s, private, poorly secured email server, with FBI director Christopher Wray joining him Monday (June 18).

They strongly hinted the matter is not over. The illustration below — click on it for a better view —  accurately describes Wray’s answers to Sen. Ted Cruz, which can be seen first hand here at about the 3:07 mark.

Pain Coming For Dems?

Pain Coming For Democrats?