Threatened Swamp Pulls Out All Stops Against The Donald

Threatened Swamp Pulls Out All Stops Against The Donald — Way back it was said that the Russians “colluded” with Donald Trump to win the presidency.

Serious stuff. An investigation was needed. So where has it led? To the claim that Trump and his lawyer violated some arcane election law to pay off a couple of women who claimed to have sexual affairs with him a decade-plus ago.

Ahhh Donald, you should have just killed her cat and threatened her kids.

But in this day and age are old liaisons really a scandal? To hear some of these morons, you’d think it was like selling missile secrets to China as Clinton buddy Bernie Schwartz did. The Justice (cough) Department, of course, investigated and exonerated Schwartz. Treason doth never prosper
after all.

Or how about selling defense tech to Iran as did billionaire Clinton-backer Marc Rich? Rich was indicted but escaped earthly justice when Slick pardoned him.

Rich had passed a lot of lucre to the corrupt couple from Arkansas. An investigation was demanded. Who was tasked with running it? Why none other than James Comey.  Good dog that he is, he found nothing and was well rewarded.

And what ever happened to former New Jersey senator and governor Jon Crozine after $1.2 billion disappeared from the the company he ran? He got fined $5 million — no big deal considering his net worth — but no jail time. The connected take care of their own.

And then there is Clinton pal Jeff Epstein, who we have been writing about since 2010.  Epstein got a slap on the wrist for molesting young girls after the feds took over the prosecution from local authorities.

Trump, by the way, banned Epstein from Mar-Al-Lago after receiving complaints about Epstein’s behavior.

The people who have spent the last four decades treating this country as their personal piggy bank while laughing at conservative mores have lined up against Trump. That’s all you need to know regarding why you should keep backing him.

Hey, has anyone seen Chappaquiddick yet?

Threatened Swamp Pulls Out All Stops Against The Donald


Threatened Swamp Pulls Out All Stops Against The Donald


Same Phrases Show News Coverage Not News

Same Phrases Show News Coverage Not News — This has popped up in the threads of some of those we follow on Facebook and should be given wider play.

Watch it, weep,  turn off the old news outlets then share. When they use the same, rather unimportant-unless-you-have-a-specific-agenda stories with the same phrases all over the country be sure the effort is organized.

We especially like “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy”.

It’s the irony.

If news coverage is organized it’s not about covering news.

Same Phrases Show News Coverage Not News

Same Phrases Show News Coverage Not News


Biden Kerry Chicom News Judgement

Biden Kerry Chicom News Judgement  — The media is making a YUGE story about a sex worker saying she shagged then businessman Donald Trump 12 years ago.

Interesting we guess. Two decades ago we’d have been real upset. Totally outraged. Callouses grow though.

Two decades ago the media would have killed the story, of course, just as they are killing another far, far, far more significant one.

Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, are in business together. Their company is called Rosemont Capital. Subsidiaries include Rosemont Seneca Partners, LLC, Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, and Rosemont Realty.

Rosemont is the name of the Heinz family estate outside of Pittsburgh.

Anyway, Rosemont has made a series of great business deals with the Chinese. These deals came on the heels of diplomatic missions directed by the principles’ parents that were puzzlingly beneficial to Beijing.

Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.

Anyway, Mr. President, God bless you. We don’t care how many porn queens you shagged. You love this country and you are looking out for us, unlike the hypocrites and, yes, traitors who populate our Capital.

The Biden-Kerry corruption is described in Peter Schweizer’s new book: Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.

Turn off CBS and the other propaganda outlets and check it.

Biden Kerry Chicom News Judgement

Biden Kerry Chicom News Judgement






Swamp Dweller Brennan Howls

Swamp Dweller Brennan Howls — Sometimes it sneaks up as to how bad it is, and maybe, how good it is going to get. We live and breath with an assumption that our establishment class has double standards when it comes to law and morality and just shrug our shoulders in acceptance.

Then something happens that at first seems just run-of-the-mill background noise when it slowly dawns that things are changing.

On Saturday, former CIA Director John Brennan tweeted to the President of the United States:

When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America…America will triumph over you.

President Trump had just fired Brennan’s fellow swamp dweller McCabe hours before he became eligible or his sweet federal pension. McCabe had been deputy director of the FBI.

The firing was upon the recommendation of the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, who has held the post since April 2012 after being appointed by President Obama.  McCabe had leaked to the news media in serious violation of FBI standards.

After the firing, McCabe released a statement saying: It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter. . .

The Director, James Comey, had testified to Congress that he had never been involved or aware of such action. Lying to Congress is every bit as serious as Martha Stewart lying to the FBI and someone is obviously lying.

This gets us back to Brennan who is a rat. Noted truth-teller Seymour Hersh has flat out said that the wild tale about President Trump colluding with the Russians to get elected was a Brennan operation. It  was American disinformation.

Note that Brennan was instantly supported after his seditious words by fellow rat Samantha Power  who tweeted Not a good idea to piss off John Brennan.

Classy luv. If you really wanted to make your point though you could have just tweeted Dallas ’63.

Remember, that none of these people were a bit perturbed when a certain cabinet secretary had a private email server easily accessed by our adversaries and in violation of all law and protocol.

President Trump is draining the Swamp but the Swamp is fighting back. Hactivist Kim Dotcom is claiming that 25 percent of the Democratic candidates in the 2018 election are intelligence community members.

May God look after America and President Trump.

Swamp Dweller Brennan Howls

Swamp Dweller Brennan Howls



Bullies Shut Bloomsburg Bridal Boutique

Bullies Shut Bloomsburg Bridal Boutique — H8ers gonna H8. Carla Daddesi has told us that W. W. Bridal Boutique of Bloomsburg, Pa is closing March 30.

The family business was run by a Christian couple who gently declined to sell a lesbian couple two white bridal dresses in 2014. Well, you know the H8 started. The well-respected business was subject to vicious attacks on social media  and an organized boycott.

It was too much and now they’re shutting down after 22 years, putting seven people out of work. You think that’s justice? Some do but nobody decent.

Hey Scott Wagner, if you get elected governor will you defend small businesses like this? LOL.

Here is Carla’s YouTube video. Watch it quick. You never know when the H8ers are going to get it taken down.

If you are a decent person it will make your blood boil about what happened to W.W. Bridal.


Bullies Shut Bloomsburg Bridal Boutique

Bullies Shut Bloomsburg Bridal Boutique



Can’t Just Come To Canada

Can’t Just Come To Canada –– Hey Erick Lexi, we have a song subject for you.

Lexi is the Cuban singer who was deported from Columbia to Ecuador after he entered that nation no tener documentos.

Why Ecuador? Guess he didn’t want to go back to Cuba for some strange reason. It certainly must be a strange reason as all the smart norteamericano progressive types think Cuba is some kind of paradise.

But leave that aside. Here is our song idea. It’s called “Can’t just come to Canada”.

You see with the Trump Administration in power, Canada is sending emissaries to the American illegals telling them no vayas al norte.

“You can’t just come to Canada and cross the border and stay there the rest of your life,” Pablo Rodriguez, a member of parliament and a strong ally of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, said only last month. 

So Erick maybe you can take our idea and make a social justice rap with it or something. You don’t even have to give us credit.

Truthfully, Erick we don’t think you’d want to go to Canada. Did you ever notice the resemblance between Trudeau and Fidel? Just sayin’.

Stay in Miami. You are employed and  here legally, right?

Can’t Just Come To Canada


Can't Just Come To Canada
Won’t see this in the Great White North.

Women Marching Tools Bow To Islam

Women Marching Tools Bow To Islam — Dom Giordano, today, brought up the mind-blowing hypocrisy of feminists and liberal politicians regarding issues of Islam.

He noted that thousands of women in the country suffer the perverse cruelty of female genital mutilation yet attempts to outlaw it go nowhere.

He noted though that a pending bill introduced by State Rep. Thomas Murt (R-152)   to protect at least 6,000 at-risk Pennsylvania girl remains alive.

The weak-minded, stupid people who ostentatiously marched Saturday in alleged defense of the female sex avoid the real issues as if the issues were clones of Louis C.K. and Harvey Weinstein.

Culture matters. Islam is a bad culture. We better be willing to stand up to it.

Especially you pink-hat wearing ladies.

Check out the Dom Giordano Show on WPHT 1210 AM

Women Marching Tools Bow To Islam

Women Marching Tools Bow To Islam

Morning Joe Feminist Anthem

Morning Joe Feminist Anthem
Male feminist Joe Scarborough with his latest gal, Mika.

Morning Joe Feminist Anthem — In what may be the most nauseating occurrence of the new year, MSNBC host and Elvis (Costello) wannabe Morning Joe Scarborough has released an anthem for today’s anti-Republican “Women’s” March.

Wonder what wives 1 and 2, think about the hipster’s new-found feminism.

Morning Joe Feminist Anthem



Scottevest Mocks Customers Or Idiocracy In Action

Scottevest Mocks Customers Or Idiocracy In Action — ScotteVest advertises heavily on Fox News and seems like a good idea. It’s a lot more practical, after all, to carry a smart phone in a vest pocket than one’s pants or purse, and this is equally true of things like wallets and keys.

So it was getting a lot of sales. It was by his own admission making founder and CEO Scott Jordan rich.

Then on Sunday (Jan. 14) he put this on Facebook:

“I love meeting new people that recognize me and my company from all of our television commercials. I am on the ski lift and the following exchange just happened and happens often. I ask “what network they saw me?” Invariable people say FOXNews. I laugh to myself, and tell that that we primarily advertise on Fox because we find their viewership to be extremely gullible and much easier to sell than other networks. The look on their face at that time is priceless. I am not kidding you. I get to tell them they are f*cking idiots while getting rich off them.” 


Beam me up Scotte. Real slick move there.

The rest of the corporation quickly went into damage control mode saying “In 2017, Mr. Jordan stepped down from the management of SCOTTeVEST and he is not involved in our daily operations. We are extremely sorry for his unacceptable comments. Mr. Jordan’s post was impulsive and inappropriate for too many reasons to list, and rightfully offended so many people.”

Just the same when the founder thinks only idiots would buy his product it does make one go hmmm.

Conservatives are far more likely to choose substance over style and, as noted, pocketed vests are practical so it makes sense for a vest maker to target conservatives. On the other hand it is equally true that ScotteVests are ugly as all. There is no reason one can’t have looks and practicality. Pick up a old suit vest at a thrift store. Make your own fashion statement. Go for the Mississippi gambler look. Yancy Derringer had taste. Eventually, someone in the clothing industry will get it right.

ScotteVest doesn’t deserve your business and Scott Jordan doesn’t deserve to be rich.

Scottevest Mocks Customers Or Idiocracy In Action

Scottevest Mocks Customers Or Idiocracy In Action



Silicon Valley Hypocrisy Revealed By Gab, Project Veritas

This came via email from Gab and reveals Silicon Valley hypocrisy and Twitter untrustworthyness . Gab, is a social media site dedicated to free speech and is far superior to Twitter.  

Since August 2016 Gab has been leading the way with exposing the double standards, hypocrisy, and mass censorship of Big Social Media companies in Silicon Valley. We’ve told you about shadow-banning, hypocritical one-sided rule enforcement, unfair treatment of conservatives and Trump supporters, and one-sided political agendas being pushed by these multi-billion dollar communication platforms that are used by hundreds of millions of people.

Over the last several months we’ve been working closely with Project Veritas to help them infiltrate these big technology companies and expose the mass censorship and corruption happening each and everyday. Thanks to James O’Keefe and his team there is now undeniable proof of Twitter employees admitting that censorship, double standards, and hypocrisy are indeed happening on these platforms.

Olinda Hassan is a Policy Manager for Twitter’s Trust and Safety Team. Her team is responsible for the enforcement of Twitter’s rules and regulation, deciding who and what is allowed to be on the platform. Project Veritas caught her on camera saying this:

PV Journalist: “But how do you keep, like, my timeline… how do you keep certain things off my timeline? People will like retweet people.

Olinda: “We’re trying to down rank it, but you also need to have control of your timeline.”

PV Journalist: I’ve tried to, like block people like Cernovich and stuff like that and mute and stuff like that, but they still show up, like all the time.

Olinda: Yeah. That’s something we’re working on. It’s something we’re working on. We’re trying to get the shitty people to not show up. It’s a product thing we’re working on.”

Some of the other admissions captured by Project Veritas are staggering, and confirm everything that Gab has been saying since August 2016: Silicon Valley is censoring Trump supporters, conservatives, and anyone else they disagree with politically. Here’s a quote from a former member of Twitter’s Content Review Team:

PV Journalist: …a user end services person would deem it: “Pro-Trump,” and take it down?

Mo Norai: Yeah, if they said this is: “Pro-Trump” I don’t want it because it offends me, this, that. And I say I banned this whole thing, and it goes over here and they are like, Oh you know what? I don’t like it too. You know what? Mo’s right, let’s go, let’s carry on, what’s next?

PV Journalist: So, I flag something it’s going to go by you….

Mo Norai: Correct, and they you know you’re looking at it and you’re like: “Oh hey, this is Pro-Trump ….I don’t like it.

The full video is a must watch and you can check it out on Project Vertias’ website here.

The good news is that we are fighting back. We are building an alternative platform for The People, funded by The People. In just a few weeks we’ve reserved over $1.4 million dollars for Gab’s next funding round. Not from Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists or special interests, but directly from our users.

You can join us on our journey to build an alternative platform that supports individual liberty, freedom of speech, and the free flow of information on the internet. Click here to reserve your investment in Gab and help us take on the hypocritical tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley.

Thanks and remember to speak freely!

Silicon Valley Hypocrisy Revealed By Gab, Project Veritas


Silicon Valley Hypocrisy Revealed By Gab, Project Veritas