William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-15-17

Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother moved to New Jersey after he quit being the King of Spain.

The Garden State had a more sensible tax code back then.

And did you know that Napoleon’s grand nephew was killed by Zulus?

William Lawrence Sr Omnibit 8-15-17

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 8-10-17

Q — What is the purpose of those silk sashes worn by West Point cadet officers?
A– Except for looks, none, anymore. When first issued they served as an emergency stretcher for carrying the wounded.

— William W. Lawrence Sr.

William Lawrence Sr. Omnibit 8-8-17

It is hard to believe that Emily Dickinson had just seven poems published during her lifetime. Most of the 1,700 poems found in the attic of her Amherst, Mass., home were published after she died.

— William W. Lawrence Sr.